As a little girl when I heard my sister talk about her life-changing term abroad in Paris,it became my goal to visit it one day.When my daily life in New Jersey seemed boring,I often(1)______about walking around the streets of Paris.With our financial(财务的)situation(2)______,European travel became a reality.
Travelling to a European country with my(3)______was exciting,but it would not be complete without facing problems and figuring them out.
We had just started to get familiar(熟悉的)(4)______with the Paris subway system.Since using it was very difficult,we were walking slowly until we(5)______the subway was about to leave.As soon as I(6)______,the doors shut with my mom on the other side.I did not have my cell phone,neither of us could speak a word of(7)______,and we had no idea how to(8)______each other.My mom and I,who were both(9)______,began to knock heavily on the doors.Suddenly,a man with a very puzzled look on his face walked over to the doors and simply(10)______them.My mom stepped on and we hugged(11)______we just met each other for the first time in years.A huge
sense of(12)______washed over us,followed by embarrassment(尴尬).
(13)______,my mom and I were able to find all those tourist places we wanted to go.We began to explore the neighborhood we were staying in,such as finding our favorite breakfast café,and walking to museums and back.The trip to Paris was not just(14)______because of the beautiful clothes or the sidewalk cafés,but it also taught me it is okay to run into(15)______when trying to explore an unfamiliar area,and if you keep working,you will improve.
1.  A.talked    B.worried    C.heard    D.dreamed
2.  A.improving    B.changing    C.happening    D.appearing
3.  A.sister    B.father    C.mother    D.brother
4.  A.itself    B.ourselves    C.yourselves    D.themselves
5.  A.guessed    B.realized    C.remembered    D.felt
6.  A.got on    B.rushed out    C.started off    D.fell over
7.  A.English    B.German    C.Russian    D.French
8.  A.introduce    B.encourage    C.remind    D.connect
9.  A.touched    B.surprised    C.worried    D.excited
10.  A.opened    B.broke    C.closed    D.repaired
11.  A.ever since    B.as if    C.even though    D.so that
12.  A.pride    B.shame    C.peace    D.happiness
13.  A.Finally    B.Clearly    C.Recently    D.Suddenly
14.  A.important    B.disappointing    C.unforgettable    D.strange
15.  A.risks    B.challenges    C.fights    D.dangers
You probably choose calorie(卡路里)burning with training.You can get great calorie burning effects with the following exercises.
Running is one of the best calorie burners out there.An average person can burn anywhere from500to1,000in one hour of running.Speed and pace are both important for calorie burning.But running uses every muscle group in the body,allowing you to burn more calories.
High Intensity(强度)Interval Training(HIIT)
If you want intensity,HIIT is just for you.This physical exercise means working hard for a curtain period of time and then resting.Because your heart rate will stay at a high level,you'll burn more calories in less time.On average,a person will burn400to600calories in30minutes.
Jumping rope
This childhood activity can actually do wonders for your health.Jumping rope is great for making the lower and upper body stronger while training your balance and coordination,because your mind has to work while you jump.Jumping rope can burn600to1,000calories in an hour.
Swimming is a low-intensity form of exercise that also uses muscle groups of your body.In just30 minutes of swimming,an average person can burn200to300calories.Swimming also helps to shape
your body,control blood pressure,and increase strength—all great reasons for you to jump into the water.
16.Which exercise burns the most calories in an hour?______
C.Jumping rope.
D.High Intensity(强度)Interval Training
17.Who will be interested in jumping rope?______
A.Those who want to train their mind.
B.Those who have to control blood pressure.
C.Those who expect to improve their balance.
D.Those who can only do low-intensity activities.
18.What is the purpose of the text?______
A.To explain a healthy lifestyle.
B.To instruct people how to do exercise.
C.To introduce ways to burn calories.
D.To encourage people to compete in sports.
I often think of the things that I wish I had told my mother.During the last few days of her life,I stayed with her.I wanted to tell her about those things and that I was proud to be her daughter,but I didn't.She was so sick at that time that she couldn't hear me at all.That was too late.
I'd had a lifetime to tell her all those things,so why did I wait?
My dad was a man of few words too,but he meant what he said.He always ended our calls with"Love you,Girl."
Those became the words I would cling to(紧握不放)when I learned he had died.I had all sorts of questions that I never asked him,but I never doubted his love.
Now,I have children and grandchildren of my own.▲They might get sick of it,but we'll never stop. From late December to mid-February,we celebrate11birthdays in our big family.
It gets a little emotional(感人的).Last week,for example,we phoned my youngest son to wish him a
happy birthday.I listened as my husband told our son how proud he was of him.
He ended the call,as always,with"I love you,buddy."
And I yelled,"Me,too!"I hoped he heard me.
When we tell someone what they mean to us,we don't need to be poetic or even smart.We just need to mean it,and to make sure they hear it.And we need to do it now,while we can.The best time to say"I love you"is always right now.
19.How may the writer feel about the unsaid things to her mother?______
20.What do we know about the writer's father?______
A.He was an excellent speaker.
B.He took good care of his family.
C.His death caused many problems.
D.He had his own way to express love.
21.Which of the following sentences can be put in the blank"▲"?______
A.My husband and I are always telling them how much they mean to us.
B.I always say something that I later wish that I could take back.
C.I would never say something like"you mean the world to me"to them
D.They mean everything to us,but I have never told them about it.
22.What's the best title for this passage?______
A.A life regret I have for my mother
B.Never too late to show your love
C.Express your love when possible
D.The secret of keeping a happy family
Do you ever feel like your thoughts are going around in circles?One minute,you're thinking about your homework.The next minute,you're thinking about your plans for the weekend.
Is it possible for us to slow our thoughts down or even stop them completely?It depends on your definition(定义)of"thinking",according to Michael Halassa,a researcher at MIT,US.We basically go through each day in one of two states we either realize that we're thinking or we don't.Our brains
won't stop thinking completely until we die.
"The brain never actually stops'thinking'in a broader sense.Most thoughts are actually in the background without us noticing them and there's not really a way to turn these things off,"Halassa said.Human brains can unconsciously process(处理)about11million pieces of information per second,according to Forbes.
You can compare this to how a computer works.Even when you aren't using your computer while it's turned on,it is still running operations"in the background".Your computer,much like your brain,is constantly"thinking",even if you're not actively using it.
Some researchers have referred to this as"thought-chatter".It describes all kinds of thoughts that appear
in and out of our mind at different times during the day,according to Steve Taylor,a psychology lecturer. Some thought-chatter can be enjoyable,such as daydreaming.Albert Einstein came up with his famous theory of relativity while daydreaming at work."But too much thought-chatter can make us feel too anxious or worried,"Taylor said."Meditation(冥想)can help us clean up some of this
23.The writer introduces the topic to readers by______.
C.introducing some interesting researches
D.giving the answer to a question
24.Michael Halassa thinks______.
A.humans can control their brain completely
B.humans can always realize their brain is working
C.human brains always process information consciouslyunfamiliar
D.humans sometimes don't realize their brain is working
25.In Paragraph4,the writer tries to explain to us that______.
A.human brains are thinking all the time
B.human brains work faster than computers
C.a computer can think like a human brain
D.a computer can deal with plenty of information
26.Which of the following is TRUE about"thought-chatter"?______
