Lesson 99    Asking For Directions
Ask for 要求获得…              Can I ask him for a help?
“Being in an unfamiliar city can be frightening. And finding an address can be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Don`t get angry. Just ask someone for directions. However, city people usually give directions very quickly. You may find it difficult to follow what they`re saying. Therefore, you`d better draw the route on a map as you`re listening to the directions.”    2:18
Being in an unfamiliar city can be frightening. 动名词短语作主语
Collecting stamps is my hobby.  One stamp  two stamps 
用动名词做主语表示已知的经验。  不定式做主语表示目的,尚未做的事情。5:13
To learn English is my purpose.  To master English is my purpose.
Can 代表能力 He can do it.    He can sing.  也表示可能性 It can rain this afternoon.  =may
尤其在问句中用can取代may 更常用  Can he come this afternoon?    8:36
现在分词  令人…    过去分词  感到…    I felt confused.
He asked me a confusing question.    I was frightened when I saw my father.
He is like my brother.  I like him.    He is like me.  11:46
Be+like  像…一样  like介词 unfamiliar后面接名词、代词、动名词。Look for 
Hay 干草 
Get=become=be  Don`t become angry=Don`t be angry
Peter is getting angry with Mary.  对人用with  13:45
I was angry at the report.  对事用at
You don`t have to get angry.  All you should do is ask (someone) for directions.  可省略
I`m lost. I don`t know where the station is. Don`t worry. Just ask someone for directions. 15:53
Usually  I usually get up at 7 in the morming.  Usually I get up at 7 in the morming.
When do you usually get up?  When do you usually go to bed? 
Follow me 跟随    这里follow=understand  I`m sorry,but I can`t follow you.
Do you follow me? 你听懂我说的话了吗?  Do you stand me?  19:00
Find 此处是不完全及物动词。用法同Think 
Find  It 代词做宾语(代替后面的不定式短语)后面用名词或形容词作补足语
I find him niceI find him interesting    22:00
I think him interesting.  I find him a nice man.
I find it interesting to learn English.
You`d better=you had better+ 动词原形
