新发传染病电子杂志 2020年5月第 5 卷第 2 期 Electronic Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases,May 2020,Vol.5,No.2
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通信作者:吴诗品,Email:**************    引用格式:李松涛,葛岚岚,肖凌云.金银花化学成份的抗病毒作用研究进展[J].新发传染病电子杂志,2020,5(2):136-139. Li Songtao, Ge Lanlan, Xiao Lingyun,et al. Research progress on antiviral effects of chemical constituents of Lonicera japonica  flos[J].Electronic Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases,2020,5(2):136-139.
李松涛1,2,葛岚岚1,2,肖凌云1,2,吴诗品1(1.暨南大学第二临床学院,深圳市人民医院感染病科,广东 深圳 518120;2.暨南大学第二临床学院,深圳市人民医院龙华分院中心实验室,广东深圳 518120)
  【关键词】 金银花;化学成分;抗病毒作用;研究进展
Resear ch pr ogr ess on ant i v i r a l effects of chem i ca l const i tuents of Lon i c er a ja p on i ca  f l os
Li Songtao 1,2, Ge Lanlan 1,2, Xiao Lingyun 1,2, Wu Shipin 1(1. Department of Infectious Diseases,the
Second Clinical Medical College of Jinan University,Shenzhen People's Hospital,Guangdong Shenzhen 518120,China;2. Center Laboratory of Longhua Branch,the Second Clinical Medical College of Jinan University,Shenzhen People's Hospital,Guangdong Shenzhen 518120,China)
  【Abstract】  Lonicera japonica flos has a wide range of medicinal value as traditional Chinese medicine, which has also aroused the research interest of scholars. In recent years, Lonicera japonica
has been found to have a variety of antiviral activities, however, the chemical constituents of its antiviral effect have not been summarized in detail. In order to fully understand the material basis for Lonicera japonica  flos, and to provide a research basis for the antiviral effect of later scholars, this review summarizes the antiviral effect of the chemical constituents of Lonicera japonica  flos through the investigation of literature in the past 20 years.
  【Key words】 Lohixera japonica flos ; Chemical constituents; Antiviral effects; Research progress   金银花(Lonicera japonica flos)为忍冬(L.
japonica )的花蕾,民间常用于泡水喝,在我国具有
悠久的药用史,其性甘寒,归肺、心、胃经,具有清热解毒、消炎退肿等功效[1]。临床上以金银花为主要成分的银翘解毒片、银黄片、银黄注射液等中药复方剂均用于流感病毒引起的感冒。根据文献调研,除具有抗流感病毒作用外,金银花提取物还能对抗乙肝病毒、疱疹病毒和腺病毒等感染[2-4]。为进一步探讨金银花抗病毒活性的物质基础,对从金银花功效化合物进行抗病毒作用总结,为之后的开发应用以及临床用药提供参考依据。1 抗流感病毒作用
1.1 粗提物  在金银花的粗提取物研究上,石俊英 等[5]使用石油醚、氯仿、乙酸乙酯、丙酮、乙醇、水等溶剂对金银花药材粗粉依次提取,并以狗肾细胞系(Medin-Darby canine kidney,MDCK)为流感病毒宿主细胞株,MDCK细胞病变(cytopathic effect, CPE)百分率为指标,使用Reed-Muench方法筛选不同极性部位的抗流感病毒活性,发现除氯仿和乙酸乙酯提取部位外均具有抗流感病毒的作用,其中石油醚和
