水体富营养化:由于某些因素,尤其是人类将富含氮、磷的城市生活污水和工业废水排放入湖泊、河流和海洋,使水体的氮、磷营养过剩,促使水体中藻类过量生长,使淡水水体发生水华,是海洋发生赤潮,造成水体富营养化。 好氧活性污泥:由多种多样的好氧微生物和兼性厌氧微生物(兼有少量的厌氧微生物)与污(废)水中有机和无机固体物质混凝交织在一起,形成的絮状体或称绒粒。
环境微生物学(名词解释)2017-04-09 12:43 | #2楼
1. Microorganism
The word microbe (microorganism) is used to describe an organism that is so small that, normally, it cannot be seen without the use of a microscope. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and some algae are all included in this category.
2. Coliform group
The Coliforms are defined as facultatively anaerobic, gram-negative, nonspore-forming, rod-shaped Bacteria that ferment lactose with gas formation within 24 hours at 37℃. The
Coliform group includes the organism Escherichia coli, Citrobacter, Klebsialla pneumoniae, Enterobacter aerogenes.
3. Activated sludge
Activated sludge: it is consisted of many kinds of aerobic microbe, facultative microbe and other inorganic matter. It is also known as the bacteria rich floc.
4. Biodegradability
Biodegradability refers to the transformation performance from macromolecular organisms to small molecule compounds with the help of microorganisms.
5. Bioremediation
Bioremediation is a treatment process that uses naturally occurring microorganisms to degrade hazardous substances into less toxic or nontoxic substances.
6. Eutrophication
Eutrophication is a process whereby water bodies, such as lakes, estuaries, or slow-moving streams receive excess nutrients that stimulate excessive plant growth (algae, plankton).
7. Spore
Certain species of bacteria produce special structure called endospores(内生孢子). They are very resistant to heat and can not be destroyed easily, even by harsh chemicals. Endospores are also resistant to other harmful agents such as drying, radiation, acids and chemical disinfectants(化学消毒剂).
degrade8. Climax
Succession ends when a relatively stable assemblage of populations, called climax community.
9. Growth curve of bacteria
If the liquid medium supplies all nutrients required for growth and environmental parameters are optimal, the increase in numbers of bacterial mass can be measured as a function of time to obtain a growth curve. Several distinct growth phases can be observed within a growth curve. These include the lag phase, the log phase, the stationary phase and the death phase.
10. Continuous culture
Continuous culture is a system that is designed for long term operation because it is an open system with a continuous feed of influent that contains nutrients solution and substrate, as well as a continuous drain of effluent solution that contain cells, metabolites, waste products and any unused nutrients and substrate.
11. Genetic recombination
Genetic recombination is the process by which genetic elements contained in two separate genomes are brought together in one unit.
This mechanism may enable the organism to carry out some new functions and result in adaptation to changing environments.
Genetic recombination usually involves much larger changes. Entire genes, sets of genes, or even whole chromosomes, are transferred between organisms.
12. Transformation
Transformation is the uptake by a cell of a naked DNA molecule or fragment from the medium and the incorporation of this molecule into the recipient chromosome in a heritable form.
13. Nutrient
Substances used in biosynthesis and energy production and therefore are required for microbial growth.
14. Culture media
Culture media are needed to grow microorganisms in the laboratory and to carry out specialized procedures like microbial identification(微生物鉴定), water and food analysis, and the isolation of particular microorganisms(特定微生物的分离). A wide variety of media is available for these and other purposes.