I. Vocabulary and Structure
1. I glanced _____ my watch and was surprised to see that it was nearly midnight.
A. in            B. into            C. at                    D. to
2. They lit a fire to keep wild animals _____ the grounds.
A. out            degradeB. away            C. up                D. off
3. Hell get ______ if you keep bugging him.
    A. annoyed        B. pleasant        C. powerful            D. benefit
4. When I used the word, I never meant to be _____.
A. offensive        B. worried        C. frightened            D. threatened
5. Please turn all the lights ______ as you leave the classroom; we cant afford to waste power.
    A. down            B. at                C. off                D. on
6. I have no ______ with people who are always talking about of their troubles.
    A. patient            B. patience        C. chance                D. energy
7. Now the ______ between the rich and the poor countries has become even wider.
    A. bridge            B. gap            C. difference            D. comparison
8. The teacher had uncommon insight _____ childrens feelings.
A. in            B. to                C. for                D. into
9. Following the national news we have the ____ news and weather.
A. literal            B. legal            C. logical                D. local
10. Jane has been under a lot of _____ since her mothers illness.
A. press            B. strength        C. force                D. pressure
11. The little chair ______ when my uncle sat down on it.
    A. ruined            B. squeezed        C. extended            D. collapsed
12. He finds it hard to _____ his thoughts on one thing for longer than five minutes.
A. drive            B. see            C. focus                D. attend
13. When I punished his behavior, he _____ by bursting into tears.
A. reacted        B. acted            C. reaction            D. action
14. Look ______! Theres a car coming.
    A. away            B. out            C. into                D. at
15. The country is covered with a _____ of roads.
A. group            B. crowd            C. team                D. network
16. She left ______ great haste in order to catch the train.
    A. to            B. on            C. in                D. for
17. European dress has been _____ by people in many parts of the world.
A. adapted        B. adopted        C. adjusted            D. accounted
18. The disease is spreading, and all the children under five are ______ risk.
    A. in            B. at                C. to                D. on
19. Rom admits that watching TV sometimes distracts him ______ his homework.
    A. out            B. off            C. from                D. in
20. This picture will _____ to you some idea of the beauty of the country.
A. convey        B. spread            C. express            D. survey
21. The climbers tried to find a new ______ to the top of the mountain.
    A. round            B. rage            C. clue                D. route
22. He is the best basketball player in the school, but no one has ever heard him _____ about it.
A. coast            B. roast            C. ghost                D. boast
23. The boy had strong _____ to know what was in the letter sent to his father.
    A. envy            B. curiosity        C. tear                D. greed
24. Its painful to mistake kindness ______ love.
    A. for            B. with            C. from                D. to
25. Some people say that the detailed organizational life of ants should be attributed to their_____.
A. distinct        B. subject            C. instinct            D. feature
26. The work needs some _____ help; we cannot finish the task alone in such a short period of time.
A. addicted        B. add            C. additional            D. addition
27. Why didnt you ask for help, ______ trying to do it on your own?
    A. other than        B. rather than    C. more than            D. less than
28. The film Titanic created great _____ among the audience. This love story moved many people into tears.
A. enthusiasm        B. humor        C. movement            D. expression
29. The company has _____ in most European capitals.
A. represent        B. present        C. representatives        D. absent
30. Have you any _____ plans about how to deal with these difficulties?
A. concrete        B. abstract        C. context            D. complex
31. A ______ studies the mind and feelings and their relation to behavior.
    A. physist        B. musician        C. athlete                D. psychologist
32. The freezing weather is responsible ______ the breaks in the concrete.
    A. for            B. to                C. at                    D. in
33. When a country _____ a tariff, foreign exporters have greater difficulty in selling their products.
A. purpose        B. proposes        C. dispose            D. imposes
34. The value of the work function for a particular material is different depending upon the process of ______.
    A. mission        B. emission        C. commission        D. omission
35. After World War there was a rapid _____ in death rate in much of the developing world.
A. refuse            B. confine        C. decline            D. degrade
36. Each bit of information in scientific research can be thought of as the answer ______ a yes/no question.
    A. as            B. in                C. to                    D. from
37. The animals that are most suited to the environment will be those that will ______.
    A. survive        B. save            C. die                D. derive
38. Railroad tunnels, however, _____ the construction engineer with some unique problems.
A. comfort        B. meet            C. confront            D. have
