必修第一册 Welcome Unit
It was late,about 10:15 p. Esposito got off the train at Bellport,New York,went to her car and started driving  was so familiar with the route that she almost drove automatically:turned left to the Station Road,then another left onto Montauk Highway,and then—bam! When Espositos car had just crossed the railroad tracks,it bumped into another vehicle and was pushed back onto the  but mostly shocked by the crash and by the airbags that popped up,she was stuck in the vehicle.
As it happened,Pete DiPinto was just about to go to sleep when he heard a sharp noise a
nd saw the accident not far outside his bedroom  a volunteer firefighter and retired teacher,DiPinto,who was 65,fetched a flashlight and rushed out without hesitation.Any firefighter would have done what I did,he said.Were always on duty.
At first,he spotted the other car in the  making sure that the driver was all right,DiPinto looked around and discovered Espositos car straddling(横跨) the railway  then he heard the bell ring,which signaled a trains arrival.
DiPinto rushed to Espositos car and broke the window on the drivers  looked up at him,with her eyes glazing over.I dont know where I am,she said.
Youre on the railroad tracks,DiPinto yelled.I have to get you off right now!The train was running toward them at a speed of some 105 kilometers per  drivers door failed to be opened due to the collision(碰撞),so DiPinto quickly ran to the other side and was able to open the  put the airbags aside,seized her arms,pulled her toward him across the passenger seat until finally got her out and walked her to safety as swiftly as  seconds later,the train crashed into the vehicle.It was like a Hollywood movie,DiPinto told rep
orters the next day.
Last night,said Gregory Miglino Jr.,Chief of the Department in South Country Ambulance,the hero arrived in pajamas(睡衣裤),not in a fire truck.
语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了65岁的志愿消防员Dipinto不顾自己安危把由于车祸被困在车里的Janice Esposito从铁轨上救出来的故事
1.What can we know about the accident from paragraph 1?
A.Espositos car hit another vehicle.
B.Esposito drove too fast.
C.Esposito didnt know the route well.
D.A running train crashed into Espositos car.
答案 A
解析 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的When Espositos car had just crossed the railroad tracks,it bumped into another vehicle and was pushed back onto the tracks.可知,Esposito的车撞上了另一辆车。故选A。
2.How was Janice Esposito right after the accident?
A.She felt all right.
B.She was badly hurt.
C.She got trapped in the car.
D.She completely lost her consciousness.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。根据文章第一段末句中的she was stuck in the vehicle可知,Esposito在事故后被困在了车里。故选C。
3.How was Janice Esposito rescued from her car?
A.Through the window on the drivers side.
B.Through the door on the drivers side.
C.Through the window on the passengers side.
D.Through the door on the passengers side.
答案 D
degrade解析 细节理解题。根据文章第五段中的The drivers door failed to be opened due to the collision(碰撞),so DiPinto quickly ran to the other side and was able to open the door.He...pulled her toward him across the passenger seat until finally got 可知,Esposito被从乘客座位那边的门救了出来。故选D。
4.What did Gregory Miglino  by saying the hero arrived in pajamas(睡衣裤),not in a fire truck
A.DiPinto was not a professional firefighter.
B.DiPinto rushed to save life without thinking about himself.
C.DiPinto was a special firefighter who preferred wearing pajamas.
D.DiPinto was unable to find a fire truck when the accident happened.
答案 B
解析 推理判断题。根据文章第二段中的rushed out without hesitation可知,DiPinto在得知事故后,毫不犹豫地冲出去救人。再根据最后一段中这位英雄是穿着睡衣来的,而不是坐着消防车可知,此处意在说明DiPinto舍身救人的精神。故选B。
For more than a decade,a team of researchers have studied the dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet as it responds to a warming  while much of their focus has been on waters impacts on ice sheet change,their most recent research findings have overturne
d the order of their ,Harper and their team discovered that changes in the ice sheet have a real impact on the massive groundwater system underlying Greenland.
This latest discovery occurred thanks to a marriage of drilling  cooperators made an angled hole 650 meters through bedrock underneath a Greenland glacier(冰川) to measure groundwater conditions under the ,researchers drilled 32 holes from atop the glacier,through nearly a kilometer of ice,to measure water conditions at the area between ice and bedrock,which forms an important boundary controlling groundwater flow  drilling,the team fixed sensors in the ice column and at the ice sheet bed to measure ice dynamics and water conditions as water flows under the ice.
