Part1: 服务管理体系要求
asp文件管理系统ISO/IEC 200000-1
Second edition
2011-04-15 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Reference number
ISO/IEC 200000-1:2011(E)
前言Foreword (6)
介绍Introduction (8)
1范围Scope (11)
1.1总则General (11)
1.2应用Application (11)
2引用标准Normative references (13)
3术语和定义Terms and definitions (13)
4服务管理体系总要求Service management system general requirements (18)
4.1管理职责Management responsibility (18)
4.1.1管理承诺Management commitment (18)
4.1.2服务管理政策Service management policy (18)
4.1.3权利、职责和沟通Authority, responsibility and communication (18)
4.1.4管理者代表Management representative (18)
4.2对其他相关方所运营过程的管控Governance of processes operated by other parties (18)
4.3文件管理Documentation management (19)
4.3.1建立和维护文件Establish and maintain documents (19)
4.3.2文件的控制Control of documents (19)
4.3.3记录的控制Control of records (20)
4.4资源管理Resource management (20)
4.4.1资源的提供Provision of resources (20)
4.4.2人力资源Human resources (20)
4.5建立和改进SMS Establish and improve the SMS (20)
4.5.1定义范围Define scope (20)
4.5.2规划SMS Plan the SMS(Plan) (21)
4.5.3实施和执行SMS Implement and operate the SMS(D O) (21)
4.5.4监控和回顾SMS Monitor and review the SMS(Check) (22)总要求General (22)内部审核Internal audit (22)管理评审Management review (22)
4.5.5维护和改进SMS Maintain and improve the SMS(A CT) (23)总要求General (23)管理改进Management of improvements (23)
5设计并转换新的或变更的服务Design and transition of new or changed services (24)
5.1总要求General (24)
5.2规划新的或变更的服务Plan new or changed services (24)
5.3设计和开发新的或变更的服务Design and development of new or changed services (25)
5.4新的或变更的服务的转换Transition of new or changed services (26)
6服务交付过程Service delivery processes (26)
6.1服务级别管理Service level management (26)
6.2服务报告Service reporting (26)
6.3服务连续性和可用性管理Service continuity and availability management (27)
6.3.1服务连续性和可用性需求Service continuity and availability requirements .. 27
6.3.2服务连续性和可用性计划Service continuity and availability plans (27)
6.3.3服务连续性和可用性的监控与测试Service continuity and availability
monitoring and testing (28)
6.4服务的预算与核算Budgeting and accounting for services (28)
6.5容量管理Capacity management (29)
6.6信息安全管理Information security management (29)
6.6.1信息安全方针Information security policy (29)
6.6.2信息安全控制Information security controls (29)
6.6.3信息安全的变更和事件Information security changes and incidents (30)
7关系过程Relationship process (30)
7.1业务关系管理Business relationship management (30)
7.2供应商管理Supplier management (31)
8解决过程Resolution processes (32)
8.1事件和服务请求管理Incident and service request management (32)
8.2问题管理Problem management (33)
9控制过程Control processes (34)
9.1配置管理Configuration management (34)
9.2变更管理Change management (35)
9.3发布与部署管理Release and deployment management (36)
2011-6-16 于北京