Section 2 The Reliability of a Survey and Errors
Since every technique of measurement is subject to unavoidable error, surveyors must be aware of all sources and types of error and how they combine. If the accuracy of a measurement is defined as the nearness of that value to its true value (a quantity we can never know) then a surveyor must ensure that the techniques he chooses will produce a result that is sufficiently accurate. He must know, therefore, how accurate he needs to be, how to achieve this accuracy and how to check that the required accuracy has been achieved.
Accuracy required
When surveying to produce a plan, the accuracy required is defined by the scale of the plot, since there should be no plottable error in the survey data. A good draughtsman can plot a length to within 0.25 mm and so, if a plan of an area is required at a scale of 1/1000, i.e., 1 mm on the plan represents 1 m on the ground, the smallest plottable distance is 0.25 m. Thus, for a survey at 1/1000 scale, all the measurements must be taken such that the relative positions of any point with respect to any other must be determined to 0.25 m or better.
The specifications of surveys for other purposes such as engineering works or property b
oundary definition might well be determined by engineering tolerances or legal standards.
Achieving the specification
To ensure that the specification is achieved the equipment and methods must be chosen such that, not only will they collect the right sort of data, i.e., the correct combination of angles and distances, but that the data will be to the required accuracy. There are several types of error that occur and a knowledge of their importance and characteristics is essential in the understanding of the limitations of the techniques of measurement. The salient features will be stated now but further information is given in later chapters.
Mistakes 粗差
Blunders or mistakes are often inaccurately referred to as gross errors. Miscounting the number of tape lengths when measuring a long distance or transposing numbers when booking are two very simple, but all too common, examples of mistakes. These types of mistakes can occur at any stage of a survey, when observing, booking, computing or plotting, and they would obviously have a very damaging effect on the results if left uncorrected. However, by following strictly a well-planned observing procedure it is possible to reduce the number that occur and then independent checks at each stage should show up those that have been made. In practice, none should ever go undetected and uncorrected.
错误经常不准确的理解为粗差 当测量很长一段距离时,读错尺的读数记录两个简单的数时颠倒它们的位置这些都是很常见的错误例子。这些类型的误差可以发生在测量任何阶段,记录,计算绘图,如果不纠正这些错误,他们在结果上显然有一个非常有害的影响。但是,通过严格周详的观过程,可能杜绝这些错误的产生,然后在每个阶段应独立检测可以是这些错误显现出来。在实践中,没有不可发现和不可纠正粗差
Systematic errors系统误差
Systematic errors arise from sources which act in a similar manner on observations. The method of measurement, the instruments used and the physical conditions at the time of measurement must all be considered in this respect. Expansion of steel tapes, frequency changes in electromagnetic distance measuring (EDM) instruments and collimation in a level are just random翻译a few examples of possible sources of systematic errors.
These errors are of vital importance in activities which consist of adding together a succession of individual observations (see sections on leveling and traversing). If all the individual measurements contain the same type of systematic error, which by their nature always act in the same direction, then the total effect is the sum of them all.
It must be ensured that measurements are as accurate as required by removing the effects of all factors that, if neglected, would result in a significant error. The errors caused by some factors can be eliminated with the correct observing procedure and others countered by applying corrections. Systematic errors are not revealed by taking the same measurement again with the same instruments. The only way to check adequately for systematic error is to remeasure the quantity by an entirely different method using different instruments.
Random errors
Random errors are really all those discrepancies remaining once the blunders and systematic errors have been removed. Even if a quantity is measured many times with the same instrument in the same way, and if all sources of systematic error have been removed, it is still highly unlikely that all results will be identical. The differences, caused mainly by limitations of instruments and observers, are random errors.
