1. 作为及物动词
a. send + sb./sth. + to + 地点
send to的对象通常是人或物,表示将某人物送到某地点,例如:
- Julia sent the package to the post office yesterday. 朱莉娅昨天寄出了那个包裹。 - Can you send that report to me via email? 你能通过把那份报告发给我吗?
send for是什么意思b. send + sb./sth. + for +sb.
send for表示“派人去请”,通常指召集或邀请某人参加某个活动,例如:
- The boss sent for the manager to discuss the budget. 老板派人请经理一起商讨预算。 - I will send for you when the party starts. 派对开始时我会叫你来的。
c. send + sb./sth. + on/away
send on或send away可以表示送别或派遣,例如:
- I am sending my son away to boarding school next week. 下周我会把儿子送到寄宿学校。 - The company sends its employees on business trips abroad every year. 公司每年都会派员工出国出差。
d. send + sb./sth. + off
send off往往用于正式场合,表示派遣或发出信函、文件等,例如:
- The delegation was sent off by the President in a grand ceremony. 总统在盛大的仪式上为代表团送行。 - I will send off the application form tomorrow morning. 我明早会寄出申请
2. 作为不及物动词
- I tried to send an email, but the Internet connection was down. 我试图发送一封,但是网路连接出了问题。 - The radio station sends its signal throughout the region. 这个广播电台的信号覆盖整个区域。
1. send for help/guard
send for help表示呼叫援助,send for guard则表示请求重兵护卫,例如:
- We need to send for help as soon as possible. 我们需要尽快呼叫援助。 - The king decided to send for guards to protect the palace. 国王决定派兵把守皇宫。
2. send somebody/something flying
send somebody/something flying意为“使某人/某物飞出去”,强调猛烈的力量或动作,例如:
- The car hit the curb and sent the cyclist flying. 汽车撞上路边,把骑车人撞飞了。 - The explosion sent debris flying into the air. 爆炸把碎片炸得扬起来。
3. send in
send in指的是寄送材料或提交文件、建议等,例如:
- You need to send in the application form by Friday. 你需要在周五前寄出申请表。 - The company is asking for customers to send in their feedback. 公司要求客户提交反馈意见。
4. send off for
send off for表示寄出申请或订单等,官方文件开始生效,例如:
- I need to send off for my passport before I can travel. 我需要寄出护照申请才能出国旅游。 - We have sent off for the new inventory, and it should arrive in a week. 我们已经寄
5. send somebody/something out
send somebody/something out意为“派人/派物出去”,通常指派遣出使、出差等,例如:
- The company sent out a team of engineers to fix the machine. 公司派出一组工程师去维修机器。 - The government sent out a delegation to negotiate with the rebels. 政府派了一个代表团去和叛军谈判。
6. send up
send up有“把某人送到监狱,把某物送上天空”的意思,例如:
- The police sent the criminal up for ten years. 警方将那个罪犯关了十年。 - The rocket was sent up into orbit successfully. 火箭成功进入轨道。
7. send around
send around表示“分发,传递”,传递文件、信息等,例如:
- Could you send these papers around to the rest of the committee members? 你能把这些文件分发给其他委员会成员吗? - I will send around an email to everyone about the meeting. 我会给所有人发一封关于会议的邮件。
