Models in C++
One of the most common ways to integrate C++ and QML is through models. A model provides data to a view such
as ListViews, GridView, PathViews, and other views which take a model and create an instance of a delegate for each entry in the model. The view is smart enough to only create these instances which are visible or in the cache range. This makes it possible to have large models with tens of thousands of entries but still have a very slick user interface. The delegate acts like a template to be rendered with the model entries data. So in summary: a view renders entries from the model using a delegate as a template. The model is a data provider for views.
When you do not want to use C++ you can also define models in pure QML. You have several ways to provide a model for the view. For handling of data coming from C++ or a large amount of data, the C++ model is more suitable than this pure QML approach. But often you only need a few entries then these QML models are well suited.
ListView {
// using a integer as model
model: 5
delegate: Text { text: 'index: ' + index }
ListView {
// using a JS array as model
model: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
delegate: Text { 'Char['+ index +']: ' + modelData }
ListView {
// using a dynamic QML ListModel as model
model: ListModel {
ListElement { char: 'A' }
ListElement { char: 'B' }
ListElement { char: 'C' }
ListElement { char: 'D' }
ListElement { char: 'E' }
delegate: Text { 'Char['+ index +']: ' + model.char }
The QML views know how to handle these different types of models. For models coming from the C++ world, the view expects a specific protocol to be followed. This protocol is defined in the API defined in QAbstractItemModel, together with documentation describing the dynamic behavior. The API was developed for driving views in the desktop widget world and is flexible enough to act as a base for trees, or multi-column tables as well as lists. In QML, we usually use either the list variant of the API, QAbstractListModel or, for the TableView element, the table variant of the API, QAbstractTableModel. The API contains some functions that have to be implemented and some optional ones that extend the capabilities of the model. The optional parts mostly handle the dynamic use cases for changing, adding or deleting data.
A simple model
A typical QML C++ model derives from QAbstractListModel and implements at least the data and rowCount function. In the example below, we will use a series of SVG color names provided by the QColor class and display them using our model. The data is stored into a QList<QString> data container.
⼀个典型的QML C++模型是从QAbstractListModel中派⽣出来的,并且⾄少实现了data和rowCount函数。在下⾯的⽰例中,我们将使⽤QColor类提供的⼀系列SVG颜⾊名称,并使⽤我们的模型显⽰它们。数据存储在QList<QString>数据容器中。
Our DataEntryModel is derived form QAbstractListModel and implements the mandatory functions. We can ignore the parent
in rowCount as this is only used in a tree model. The QModelIndex class provides the row and column information for the cell, for which the view wants to retrieve data. The view is pulling information from the model on a row/column and role-based. The QAbstractListModel is defined in QtCore but QColor in QtGui. That is why we have the additional QtGui dependency. For QML applications it is okay to depend on QtGui but it should normally not depend on QtWidgets.
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtGui>
class DataEntryModel : public QAbstractListModel
explicit DataEntryModel(QObject *parent = 0);
public: // QAbstractItemModel interface
virtual int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const;
virtual QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const;
QList<QString> m_data;
On the implementation side, the most complex part is the data function. We first need to make a range check to ensure that we've been provided a valid index. Then we check that the display role is supported. Each item in a model can have multiple display roles defining various aspects of the data contained. The Qt::DisplayRole is the default text role a view will ask for. There is a small set of default roles defined in Qt which can be used, but normally a model will define its own roles for clarity. In the example, all calls which do not contain the display role are ignored at the moment and the default
value QVariant() is returned.
#include "dataentrymodel.h"
DataEntryModel::DataEntryModel(QObject *parent)
: QAbstractListModel(parent)
// initialize our data (QList<QString>) with a list of color names
m_data = QColor::colorNames();
int DataEntryModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
// return our data count
return unt();
QVariant DataEntryModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
// the index returns the requested row and column information.
// we ignore the column and only use the row information
int row = w();
// boundary check for the row
if(row < 0 || row >= unt()) {
return QVariant();
// A model can return data for different roles.
// The default role is the display role.
// it can be accesses in QML with "model.display"
switch(role) {
case Qt::DisplayRole:
// Return the color name for the particular row
/ Qt automatically converts it to the QVariant type
return m_data.value(row);
// The view asked for other data, just return an empty QVariant
return QVariant();
The next step would be to register the model with QML using the qmlRegisterType call. This is done inside the main.cpp before the QML file was loaded.
#include <QtGui>
#include <QtQml>
#include "dataentrymodel.h"
qt listviewint main(int argc, char *argv[])
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
// register the type DataEntryModel
// under the url "ample" in version 1.0
// under the name "DataEntryModel"
qmlRegisterType<DataEntryModel>("ample", 1, 0, "DataEntryModel");
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
Now you can access the DataEntryModel using the QML import statement ample 1.0 and use it just like other QML item DataEntryModel {}.
现在,您可以使⽤QML import语句ample 1.0载⼊DataEntryModel,并像其他QML项⼀样使⽤它,DataEntryModel{}。
We use this in this example to display a simple list of color entries.
ample 1.0
ListView {
id: view
anchors.fill: parent
model: DataEntryModel {}
delegate: ListDelegate {
// use the defined model role "display"
text: model.display
highlight: ListHighlight { }
The ListDelegate is a custom type to display some text. The ListHighlight is just a rectangle. The code was extracted to keep the example compact.
The view can now display a list of strings using the C++ model and the display property of the model. It is still very simple, but already usable in QML. Normally the data is provided from outside the model and the model would act as an interface to the view.
To expose a table of data instead of a list, the QAbstractTableModel is used. The only difference compared to
implementing a QAbstractListModel is that you must also provide the columnCount method.
More Complex Data
In reality, the model data is often much more complex. So there is a need to define custom roles so t
hat the view can query other data via properties. For example, the model could provide not only the color as a hex string but maybe also the hue, saturation, and brightness from the HSV color model as “model.hue”, “model.saturation” and “model.brightness” in QML.
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtGui>
class RoleEntryModel : public QAbstractListModel
// Define the role names to be used
enum RoleNames {
NameRole = Qt::UserRole,
HueRole = Qt::UserRole+2,
SaturationRole = Qt::UserRole+3,
BrightnessRole = Qt::UserRole+4
explicit RoleEntryModel(QObject *parent = 0);
/ QAbstractItemModel interface
virtual int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override;
virtual QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override;
// return the roles mapping to be used by QML
virtual QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const override;
QList<QColor> m_data;
QHash<int, QByteArray> m_roleNames;