Making board 2D games based on unity2d

This article is introduce unity engine to make games through the background of game development, Also write the reason why want to make a 2D game with unity for graduation design,and introduction the unity engine, and Anima2d.
The main body mainly describes is how to use unity to make the 2D game, and propose the thinking and process when making the game,  various solutions found on the Internet,also will introduce the process of making the character's skeleton animation wit
h anima2d. In the paper, I will puts forward the difficulties encountered when completing the graduation design, and puts forward solutions to this problems.In this way, I will introduce the basic operation of unity and anima2d, also the usage mode of components used and the problems I encountered in this graduation project .
Finally, through the summary of the results of this graduation project and the difficulties encountered, to test my learning results and analyze myunity3d animation shortcomings.
