c语⾔ ++ --运算符
Operators are special type of functions, that takes one or more arguments and produces a new value. For example : addition (+), substraction (-), multiplication (*) etc, are all operators. Operators are used to perform various operations on variables and constants.
运算符是函数的⼀种特殊类型,它接受⼀个或多个参数并产⽣⼀个新值。 例如:加法(+),减法(-),乘法(*)等都是运算符。 运算符⽤于对变量和常量执⾏各种操作。
运营商类型 (Types of operators)
1. Assignment Operator
2. Mathematical Operators
3. Relational Operators
4. Logical Operators
5. Bitwise Operators
6. Shift Operators
7. Unary Operators
8. Ternary Operatorc语言中逗号表达式的用法
9. Comma Operator
赋值运算符( = ) (Assignment Operator (=))
Operates '=' is used for assignment, it takes the right-hand side (called rvalue) and copy it into the left-hand side (called lvalue). Assignment operator is the only operator which can be overloaded but cannot be inherited.
操作符“ =”⽤于赋值,它采⽤右侧(称为rvalue)并将其复制到左侧(称为lvalue)。 赋值运算符是唯⼀可以重载但不能继承的运算符。
数学运算符 (Mathematical Operators)
There are operators used to perform basic mathematical operations. Addition (+) , subtraction (-) , diversion (/) multiplication (*) and modulus (%) are the basic mathematical operators. Modulus operator cannot be used with floating-point numbers.
有⽤于执⾏基本数学运算的运算符。 基本的数学运算符是加法(+),减法(-),转移(/)乘积(*)和模数(%)。 模运算符不能与浮点数⼀起使⽤。
C++ and C also use a shorthand notation to perform an operation and assignment at same type. Example,
C ++和C还使⽤简写形式来执⾏相同类型的操作和赋值。 例⼦
int x=10;
x += 4 // will add 4 to 10, and hence assign 14 to X.
x -= 5 // will subtract 5 from 10 and assign 5 to x.
关系运算符 (Relational Operators)
These operators establish a relationship between operands. The relational operators are : less than () , less than or equal to (<=), greater than equal to (>=), equivalent (==) and not equivalent (!=).
这些运算符在操作数之间建⽴关系。 关系运算符是:⼩于(),⼩于或等于(<=),⼤于等于(> =),等效(==)和不等效(!=)。
You must notice that assignment operator is (=) and there is a relational operator, for equivalent (==). These two are different from each other, the assignment operator assigns the value to any variable, whereas equivalent operator is used to compare values, like in if-else conditions, Example
您必须注意,赋值运算符为(=),并且有⼀个关系运算符,相当于(==)。 这两个彼此不同,赋值运算符将值分配给任何变量,⽽等效运算符⽤于⽐较值,例如在if-else条件下, ⽰例
int x = 10;  //assignment operator
x=5;        // again assignment operator
if(x == 5)  // here we have used equivalent relational operator, for comparison
cout <
逻辑运算符 (Logical Operators)
The logical operators are AND (&&) and OR (||). They are used to combine two different expressions together.
逻辑运算符为AND(&&)和OR(||)。 它们⽤于将两个不同的表达式组合在⼀起。
If two statement are connected using AND operator, the validity of both statements will be considered, but if they are connected using OR operator, then either one of them must be valid. These operators are mostly used in loops (especially while loop) and in Decision making.
如果使⽤AND运算符连接了两个语句,则将考虑两个语句的有效性,但是如果使⽤OR运算符连接两个语句,则其中之⼀必须有效。 这些运算符主要⽤于循环(尤其是while循环)和决策制定中。
按位运算符 (Bitwise Operators)
There are used to change individual bits into a number. They work with only integral data types like char, int and long and not with floating point values.
⽤于将单个位更改为数字。 它们仅适⽤于整型数据类型,例如char , int和long ,⽽不适⽤于浮点值。
Bitwise AND operators &
Bitwise OR operator |
And bitwise XOR operator ^
And, bitwise NOT operator ~
They can be used as shorthand notation too, & = , |= , ^= , ~= etc.
它们也可以⽤作速记符号, & = , |= , ^= , ~=等。
移位运算符 (Shift Operators)
Shift Operators are used to shift Bits of any variable. It is of three types,
移位运算符⽤于移位任何变量的位。 它有三种类型,
1. Left Shift Operator <<
2. Right Shift Operator >>
3. Unsigned Right Shift Operator >>>
⼀元运算符 (Unary Operators)
These are the operators which work on only one operand. There are many unary operators, but increment ++ and decrement -- operators are most used.
这些是仅对⼀个操作数起作⽤的运算符。 ⼀元运算符有很多,但是递增++和减量--运算符最常⽤。
delete, bitwise not ~, logical not !, unary minus - and unary
new and delete
Other Unary Operators : address of &, dereference *, new
Other Unary Operators :
plus +.
delete ,按位不~ ,逻辑不! ,⼀元减-和⼀元加+ 。
其他⼀元运算符: &地址,dereference * , new
三元运算符 (Ternary Operator)
The ternary if-else ? : is an operator which has three operands.
三元if-else ? :? :是具有三个操作数的运算符。
int a = 10;
a > 5 ? cout << "true" : cout << "false"
逗号运算符 (Comma Operator)
This is used to separate variable names and to separate expressions. In case of expressions, the value of last expression is produced and used.
这⽤于分隔变量名和表达式。 对于表达式,将⽣成并使⽤最后⼀个表达式的值。Example :
范例 :
int a,b,c; // variables declaration using comma operator
a=b++, c++; // a = c++ will be done.
c语⾔ ++ --运算符
