August 2004Revision 11/11
s 0.75A source/1.2A sink min gate drive s Active Miller clamp feature
s Two steps turn-off with adjustable level and delay
exiteds Desaturation detection s Fault status output
s Negative gate drive ability
s Input compatible with pulse transformer or optocoupler
s Separate sink and source outputs for easy gate drive
s UVLO protection s
2kV ESD protection
TD350 is an advanced gate driver for IGBT and power MOSFET. Control and protection functions are included and allow the design of high reliability systems.
Innovative active Miller clamp function avoids the need of negative gate drive in most applications and allows the use of a simple bootstrap supply for the high side driver
TD350 includes a two-level turn-off feature with adjustable level and delay. This function protects against excessive overvoltage at turn-off in case of overcurrent or short-circuit condition. Same delay is applied at turn-on to prevent pulse width distortion.
TD350 also includes an IGBT desaturation protection and a FAULT status output.
TD350 is compatible with both pulse transformer and optocoupler signals.
s 1200V 3-Phase Inverter s Motor C ontrol s
UPS Systems
Pin Connections (top view)
Order Codes
Part Number Temperature Range
Package Packaging TD350ID -40, +125°C
Tube TD350IDT
Tape & Reel
Advanced IGBT/MOSFET Driver
TD350Block Diagram
1 Block Diagram
Figure 1: Schematic block diagram
Table1:Pin description
Name Pin Number Type Function
IN1Analog input Input
VREF2Analog output+5V reference voltage
FAULT3Digital output Fault status output
NC4Not connected
COFF5Timing capacitor Turn off delay
NC6Not connected
LVOFF7Analog input Turn off level
GND8Power supply Signal ground
CLAMP9Analog output Miller clamp
VL10Power supply Negative supply
OUTL11Analog output Gate drive output (sink)
OUTH12Analog output Gate drive output (source)
VH13Power supply Positive supply
DESAT14Analog input Desaturation protection
Absolute Maximum Ratings TD350
2 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Table2:Key parameters and their absolute maximum ratings
Symbol Parameter Value Unit VHL Maximum Supply Voltage (VH - VL)28V VH Maximum VH voltage vs. GND28V VL Minimum VL voltage vs. GND-12V Vout Voltage on OUTH, OUTL, CLAMP pins VL-0.3 to VH+0.3V Vdes Voltage on DESAT, FAULT, LVOFF pin-0.3 to VH+0.3V Vter Voltage on other pins (IN, COFF, VREF)-0.3 to 7V Pd Power dissipation500mW Tstg Storage temperature-55 to 150°C Tj Maximum Junction Temperature150°C Rhja Thermal Resistance Junction-Ambient125°C/W Rhjc Thermal Resistance Junction-Case22°C/W ESD Electrostatic discharge2kV Table3:Operating conditions
Symbol Parameter Value Unit VH Positive Supply Voltage vs. GND UVLO to 26V VL Negative Supply Voltage vs. GND0 to -10V VH-VL Maximum Total Supply Voltage26V Toper Operating Free Ai
r Temperature Range-40 to 125°C
Electrical Characteristics
3 Electrical Characteristics
Table 4:T amb  = -20 to 125°C, VH=16V, VL=-10V (unless otherwise specified)Symbol
Test Condition Min
Max Unit
Vton IN turn-on threshold voltage 0.8  1.0V Vtoff IN turn-off threshold voltage    4.0  4.2V tonmin Minimum pulse width 100
220ns Iinp
IN Input current
1µA Voltage reference - note 1
Voltage reference
V V Iref Maximum output current 10mA Desaturation protection
Vdes Desaturation threshold    6.5
V Ides Source current 250
µA Fault output
tfault Delay for fault detection 500ns VFL FAULT low voltage Ifsink=10mA
V Clamp Vtclamp CLAMP pin voltage threshold
V VCL Clamp low voltage at Icsink=500mA T=25°C
VL+2.5VL+3.0V V Off Delay Vtdel Voltage threshold    2.35
2.65V Rdel Discharge resistor
I=1mA 500Ω
Off Levels Iblvoff LVOFF peak input current (sink)LVOFF=12V 120200µA Violv Offset voltage
-0.150V Outputs
Output low voltage at Iosink=20mA VL+0.35V VOL2
Output low voltage at Iosink=200mA
Tmin<T<Tmax VL+1.0VL+1.5V V VOL3Output low voltage at Iosink=500mA
V V VOH1Output high voltage 1Iosource=20mA VH-2.5V VOH2Output high voltage 2Iosource=200mA VH-3.0V VOH3Output high voltage 3Iosource=500mA
V tr Rise time CL=1nF, 10% to 90%
130175ns ns tf
Fall time
(2 step turn-off disabled)
CL=1nF, 90% to 10%
VL=0  VL=-10V
ns ns tpd
Input to output propagation delay at turn-on (2 step delay disabled)
10% output change
270800ns ∆tw Input to output pulse distortion 10% output change 1060110ns Under Voltage Lockout (UVLO)UVLOH UVLO top threshold 101112V UVLOL UVLO bottom threshold 91011
V Vhyst UVLO hysteresis UVH-UVL 0.5
V Supply current
Iin Quiescent current output=0V, no load
4 Functional Description
4.1 Input
The input is compatible with optocouplers or pulse transformers. The input is triggered by the signal edge and allows the use of low-sized, low-cost pulse transformer. Input is active low (output is high when input is low) to ease the use of optocoupler. When driven by a pulse transformer, the input pulse (positive and negative) width must be larger than the minimum pule width t onmin.
4.2 Voltage reference
A voltage reference is used to create accurate timing for the two-level turn-off with external resistor and capacitor.
4.3 Desaturation protection
Desaturation protection ensures the protection of the IGBT in the event of overcurrent. When the DESAT voltage goes higher that 7V, the output is driven low (with 2-level turn-off if applicable). The FAULT output is activated. The FAULT state is exited at the next falling edge of IN input.
A programmable blanking time is used to allow enough time for IGBT saturation. Blanking time is provided by an internal current source and external capacitor.
DESAT input can also be used with an external comparator for overcurrent or over temperature detection.
4.4 Active Miller clamp
A Miller clamp allows the control of the Miller current during a high dV/dt situation and can avoid the use of a negative supply voltage.
During turn-off, the gate voltage is monitored and the clamp output is activated when gate voltage goes below 2V (relative to GND). The clamp voltage is VL+3V max for a Miller current up to 500mA. The clamp is disabled when the IN input is triggered again.4.5 Two level turn-off
The two-level turn-off is used to increase the reliability of the application.
During turn-off, gate voltage can be reduced to a programmable level in order to reduce the IGBT current (in the event of over-current). This action avoids both dangerous overvoltage across the IGBT, and RBSOA problems, especially at short circuit turn-off.
Turn-off (T a) delay is programmable through an external resistor and capacitor for accurate timing. Turn-off delay (T a) is also used to delay the input signal to prevent distortion of input pulse width.
4.6 Minimum ON time
In order to ensure the proper operation of the 2-level turn-off function, the input ON time (T win) must be greater than the T winmin value:
T winmin=T a+2*R del*C off
R del is the internal discharge resistor and C off is the external timing capacitor.
Input signals smaller than Ta are ignored. Input signals larger than T winmin are transmitted to the output stage after the T a delay with minimum width distortion (∆T w=T wout-T win).
For an input signal width T win between T a and T winmin, the output width T wout is reduced below T win (pulse distortion) and the IGBT could be partially turned on. These input signals should be avoided during normal operation.
4.7 Output
The output stage is able to sink 2.3A and source 1.5A typical at 25°C (1.2A/0.75A minimum over the full temperature range). Separated sink and source outputs allow independent gate charge and discharge control without an extra external diode.
4.8 Fault status output
Fault output is used to signal a fault event (desaturation, UVLO) to a controller. The fault pin is designed to drive an optocoupler.
4.9 Undervoltage protection
Undervoltage detection protects the application in the event of a low VH supply voltage (during start-up or a fault situation). During undervoltage, the OUTH pin is open and the OUTL pin is driven low (active pull-down for VH>2V, passive pull-down for VH<2V). Fault output signals the undervoltage state and is reset only when undervoltage state disappears.
Figure 2: Detailed Internal Schematic
