4. 读取grib和grib2数据
-else else else
-elseif_fs elif X elseif X (fixed string) conditional execution
-elseif_n elif X elseif (inv numbers in range), X=(start:end:step)
-elseif_rec elif X elseif (record numbers in range), X=(start:end:step)
-elseif_reg elif X elseif rpn registers defined, X = A, A:B, A:B:C, etc A = register number
-elseif elif X elseif X (POSIX regular expression) conditional on match
-endif endif endif
-if if X if X (POSIX regular expression), conditional execution on match
if_fs if X if X (fixed string), conditional execution on match
-if_n if X if (inv numbers in range), X=(start:end:step)
python怎么读文件夹下的文件夹-if_rec if X if (record numbers in range), X=(start:end:step)
-if_reg if X if rpn registers defined, X = A, A:B, A:B:C, etc A = register number
-not_if if X not_if X (regular expression), conditional execution on not match
-not_if_fs if X if X (fixed string) does not match, conditional execution up to next output/fi -0xSec inv X Hex dump of section X (0..8)
-aerosol_size inv optical properties of an aerosol
-aerosol_wavelength inv optical properties of an aerosol
-aerosol_wavelength inv optical properties of an aerosol
-bitmap inv bitmap mode
-center inv center
-checksum inv X CRC checksum of section X (0..8), whole message (X = -1/message) or (X=data)
-disc inv discipline (code table 0.0)
-domain inv find rectangular domain for g2ctl/GrADS plots
-end_ft inv verf time = reference_time + forecast_time + stat. proc time (YYYYMMDDHH) (same as -vt)
-end_FT inv verf time = reference_time + forecast_time + stat. proc time (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) (same as -VT) -ens inv ensemble information
-ext_name inv extended name, var+qualifiers
-ftime inv either ftime1 or ftime2 dep on version_ftime
-ftime1 inv forecast time
-ftime2 inv timestamp -- will replace -ftime in the future TESTING
ftn_api_fn0 inv n npnts nx ny msg_no submsg i11,5(1x,i11)
-full_name inv extended name, var+qualifiers
-gdt inv contents of Grid Definition Template (g2c)
-get_byte inv X Y Z get bytes in Section X, Octet Y, number of bytes Z (decimal format)
-get_hex inv X Y Z get bytes in Section X, Octet Y, number of bytes Z (bytes in hexadecimal format)
-get_ieee inv X Y Z get ieee float in Section X, Octet Y, number of floats Z
-get_int inv X Y Z get 4-byte ints in Section X, Octet Y, number of ints Z
-get_int2 inv X Y Z get 2-byte ints in Section X, Octet Y, number of ints Z
-grib_max_bits inv maximum bits used in grib encoding
-grid inv grid definition
-grid_id inv show values from grid_id
-hybrid inv shows vertical coordinate parameters from Sec4
-ij inv X Y value of field at grid(X,Y) X=1,..,nx Y=1,..,ny (WxText enabled)
-ijlat inv X Y lat,lon and grid value at grid(X,Y) X=1,..,nx Y=1,..,ny (WxText enabled)
-ilat inv X lat,lon and grid value at Xth grid point, X=1,..,npnts (WxText enabled)
-JMA inv inventory for JMA locally defined PDT
-lev inv level (code table 4.5)
-ll2i inv X Y x=lon y=lat, converts to (i), 1..ndata
-ll2ij inv X Y x=lon y=lat, converts lon-lat to (i,j) using gctpc
-lon inv X Y value at grid point nearest lon=X lat=Y (WxText enabled)
-match_inv inv inventory used by -match, -not, -if and -not_if
-Match_inv inv same as -match_inv except d=YYYYMMDDHH <-> D=YYYYMMDDHHmmss
-max inv print maximum value
-min inv print minimum value
-misc inv variable name qualifiers like chemical, ensemble, probability, etc
-MM inv reference time MM
-model_version_date inv prints model date code
-n inv prints out inventory number
-N_ens inv number of ensemble members
-nl inv inserts new line into inventory
-nlons inv number of longitudes for each latitude
-npts inv number of grid points
-nxny inv nx and ny of grid
packing inv shows the packing mode (use -v for more details)
-pdt inv Product Definition Table (Code Table 4.0)
-precision inv precision of packing
-print inv X inserts string (X) into inventory
-prob inv probability information
-process inv Process (code table 4.3)
-processid inv process id (locally defined)
-proj4_ij2ll inv X Y X=x Y=y, converts to (i,j) to lon-lat using proj.4 (experimental) we:sn
-proj4_ll2i inv X Y x=lon y=lat, converts to (i) using proj.4 (experimental) 1..ndata
-proj4_ll2ij inv X Y x=lon y=lat, converts lon-lat (i,j) using proj.4 (experimental)
-radius inv radius of Earth
range inv print out location of record in bytes, 0 = first byte
-RT inv type of reference Time
-s inv simple inventory
-S inv simple inventory with minutes and seconds (subject to change)
-s2 inv simple inventory .. for testing ftime2
-scale inv scale for packing
-scaling inv scaling for packing (old format)
-scan inv scan order of grid
-Sec_len inv length of various grib sections