BUMP!Suddenly the house hits the ground.Dorothy wakes up.
land'Good morning,Toto,’she says.Toto wakes up too and puts his cold little nose in her face.
The house isn't moving now. Dorothy looks around and listens.It's light now and the room is full of sunshine!She can hear birds.
‘Where are we,Toto?’she says.‘We aren't in Kansas.There aren't any birds there.’
The little dog jumps off the bed and goes to the door.He starts barking. Dorothy follows him.She opens the door and looks out.
‘Oh!’she says.‘Oh,what a wonderful place!’
She can see a beautiful country in front of her.There's green grass everywhere.There are tall trees with all kinds of fruit on them.There are brightly coloured birds in the branches of the trees.There are lots of flowers and pretty butterflies.There's a stream of clear water.
It's very different from the grey prairies of Kansas.
Then Dorothy sees some people. They are coming towards the house There are three men and one woman. They are very strange.They are small but they are old.The men have got long beards and the woman has got white hair and lots of wrinkles.They are all wearing tall hats.There are bells on them.The bells make a tinkling noise when the people move their heads.
The men's hats are blue and their clothes are blue too.The woman’s hat is white. Her dress is also white and it’s covered with silver stars.She walks up to Dorothy and says:‘Welcome to the land of the Munchkins!Thank you for killing the Wicked Witch of the East for us. Now our people are free.’
‘You’re very kind but you’re wrong,’Dorothy replies.‘I don't know the Wicked Witch of the East.’
‘Look!’the old woman says.‘She’s there!Under your house!You can see her feet!’
Dorothy looks and sees a pair of feet in silver shoes.She can’t see the rest of the body because it's under the house.
'Oh dear!What can we do?'Dorothy cries.男人们的帽子是蓝的,他们的衣服也是蓝的。这个女人的帽子是白的。她的衣服也是白的,上面有银的星星。她走到多萝茜面前说:“欢迎来到芒奇金人的国度!谢谢你为我们杀死了东方的恶女巫。现在我们的人民自由了。”
‘Nothing,’the woman says.‘The witch is dead and the Munchkins are happy.’
'Who are the Munchkins?'Dorothy asks.
‘They live in this land,’the woman replies.
'Are you a Munchkin?'
'No,I'm not.But I'm their friend.I’m the Witch of the North.’
‘Are you a real witch?'Dorothy asks. 'Aunt Em says that witches are bad.’'There are bad witches and good witches,’the woman says.‘I’m a good witch.’
'Are there many witches here?' Dorothy wants to know.
'There are four witches in Oz,’the Witch replies.'Well,only three now because the Wicked Witch of the East is dead.’
‘And are you all good witches?’
‘No,we aren't.The Witch of the South is a good witch.She lives in the land of the Quadlings.But the Witch of the West is very,very wicked.’
Then she picks up the silver shoes and gives them to Dorothy.‘These shoes are for you,’she says.‘You must wear them.They're very special.’
The shoes are very pretty.Dorothy takes them and puts them on.They are her size and fit her perfectly.
‘Thank you,’she says.‘It's very nice here but I want to go to Kansas. Can you tell me the way?’
The Munchkins and the Witch look at Dorothy,and they shake their heads.
‘There's a big desert around the land of Oz.Nobody can cross it,’the Witch says.
