代码 | 分类名称 | 中文表述 |
1 | Urban and built-up land | 城市规划区和建城区 |
2 | Dryland cropland and pasture | 旱地农田和牧场 |
3 | Irrigated cropland and pasture | 灌溉农田和牧场 |
4 | Mixed dryland /irrigated cropland and pasture | 干旱/灌溉混合型农田和牧场 |
5 | Cropland /grassland mosaic | 农田/草地镶嵌 |
6 | Cropland /woodland mosaic | 农田/林地镶嵌 |
7 | Grassland | 草地 |
8 | Shrubland | 灌丛 |
9 | Mixed grassland /shrubland | 草地/灌丛混合 |
10 | Savanna | 热带稀树干草原 |
11 | Deciduous broadleaf forest | 落叶阔叶林 |
12 | Deciduous needleleef forest | 落叶针叶林 |
13 | Evergreen broadleaf | 常绿阔叶林 |
14 | Evergreen needleleef | 常绿针叶林 |
15 | Mixed forest | 混交林 |
16 | Water bodies | 水体 |
17 | Herbaceous wetland | 草本湿地 |
18 | Wooden wetland | 林泽 |
19 | Barren or sparsely vegetated | 贫瘠或稀疏植被 |
20 | Herbaceous tundra | 草本苔原 |
21 | Wooded tundra | 木本苔原 |
22 | Mixed tundra | 混合型苔原 |
23 | Bare ground tundra | 裸地苔原 |
24 | Snow or ice | 冰或雪 |