题号    I    II    III    IV    V    总分
一、完形填空(本大题共    10 小题,共    10.0 分)
I often asked my mother for help when I had something difficult to do    But she always said
"Do it(1) dear"I was not happy about this at allI thought she was the(2) mother in the world! For example one dayI decided to invite some friends of(3) to my home My bedroom was in a messBooks were(4) and I didn't make the bedI asked my mother to help me clean it (5) she still said "Do it yourself "
Because of my"lazy mother" I(6) to wash my clothes and clean my room I had to help my parents do(7) I even had to go to the dentist by (8) It was really hard for me t
o do everything well but I have learned a lot As time(9) I understand my mother She(10)
me clever and diligent (勤劳的).  She is a great mother
A. himself
B. myself
C. yourself
D. ourselves
A. nicest
B. best
C. tallest
D. laziest
A. I
B. mine
C. me
D. my
A. here
B. there
C. everywhere
D. nowhere
A. but
B. or
C. though
D. so
A. volunteered
B. wanted
C. offered
D. had
A. sports
B. chores
C. decisions
D. mistakes
A. myself
B. herself
C. ourselves
landD. himself
A. goes back
B. goes over
C. goes by
D. goes up
A. helped
B. made
C. taught
D. thought
15 小题,共
30.0 分)
John went to see God after he died God looked at himfeeling very unhappy"You've lived in this world for 60years Why didn't you get any result at all "
John argued(争辩),"My God I couldn't become a successful person just because you didn't give me any chance(时机). If you let that magic apple hit on my head the man who found the law of gravity (万有引力) should be me "
God said "OK let's try again "
God waved (摆动)    his hands and the time turned back to a few hundred years ago
God shook(摇) the apple tree for the first time when a red apple fell and happened to drop on John's headJohn picked up the applewiped it and ate it up quickly God dropped another bigger apple on John's head and John ate it up once againGod shook the apple tree for the third time when a much bigger apple fell on John's head John got angry picked up the apple threw it out heavily Then he shouted angrily "Th
e apple annoyed (打扰) my sweet dream!What a bad luck!"
The apple flew out and happened to fall on Newton's head Newton awoke and picked up the apple After a long time of thinking he discovered the law of gravity at last
The time returned once again now
God said to John"Johndo you understand it now "John asked"My God please give me

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another chance    I will    "God shook his head and said"No The chance that the apple drops
on the head of everyone is the same but each person's ability(能力)    to catch the chance is
different "
How many times was John hit by apples ______
A. Once
B. Twice
C. Three times
D. Four times
What did John do after he was hit by the apple for the second time
He got angry and shouted
He ate the apple at once
C. He threw the apple out
D. He thought something over
13.From the passage John couldn't become successful because ______
A.he didn't have a good luck
B.God didn't give him any chance
C.he didn't catch the chance
D.the apple annoyed his sweet dream
14.Which is the best title of the passage ______
A. God's Words    B. Annoying Apples
C. John's Life    D. Lost Chances
Qi Haoran a Junior 1student at high school was quite busy over the past winter vacation and not just with homework Qi together with 10other classmates made a volunteer group to call
