1. 我到十五六岁,小说读得更多了。也读过自西洋翻译来的理论,但是那学问只有点把点,读过也就忘了。不过这样一来,我对小说,更抱着浓厚的兴趣。商务印书馆出版的《小说月报》,那时是国内首屈一指的文艺杂志,我就每月得买一本。因此,我对小说,有了更进一步的认识,认识到作小说的,可以作为一种职业。所以,我爱读的小说,也自剑侠一变为爱情。事实上,这个日子的小说,也以爱情为最多。可是为什么作小说,我依旧模糊着。至于作小说为职业,我根本未曾想到。At the age of 15 or 16, I read more novels and meanwhile acquired a smattering of knowledge by reading the Chinese version of some Western books on literature. Thus I became even more interested in fiction. I would buy every issue of Fiction Monthly, the best literary magazine then published in China by The Commercial Press. I came to realize that story-writing could be one’s profession. So I shifted my favorite reading from kung fu stories to love stories. In fact, love was then a favorite theme with most novelists. But I still had only a vague idea as to why one should engage in story-writing. And I never thought of myself becoming a novelist.
2. 东方明珠广播电视塔位于黄浦江畔、浦东陆家嘴嘴尖上,塔高468米,三面环水,与外滩的万国建筑博览隔江相望,是亚洲第一,世界第三的高塔。
1. 汉语中“无主句”太多。译成英语时,需要加上主语或者改变句子
2. 应英语对汉语原句的内容按逻辑重新排列组合,而不是任意改
3. 只要译文忠于原意,就不失为正确的处理。
The Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower stands on the Huangpu River and at the point of Lujiazui. (地理位置) Surrounded by waters on three sides and facing a row of buildings of variegated Western Architectures in the bund across the river, the 468-meter-tall tower ranks first in Asia and third in the world.
3. 中国学生很灵,一挥而就,洋教师阅后,评出了最佳作文一篇,学生们听后大为不解,这种通篇说谎的文章怎么能够被评为“最佳”?
4. 汉语中“无主句”太多。译成英语时,需要加上主语或者改变句子
5. 应英语对汉语原句的内容按逻辑重新排列组合,而不是任意改
6. 只要译文忠于原意,就不失为正确的处理。
His Chinese students, quick at writing, finished the homework at one go and turned it in no time. He went through the papers and picked the one that he thought the best. When he read it out to the students, they were greatly perplexed. Of all the comments, why did he like this one best?
4. 一定要言行一致,理论与实践密切结合,反对华而不实和任何虚套,少说空话,多做工作,扎扎实实,埋头苦干。
Deeds and words must match and theory and practice must be closely integrated. We must reject flashiness without substance and every sort of boasting. There must be less empty work and more herd work. We must be steadfast and dedicated.
5. 有一座塔,由于修建年代较近,保存得较为完整,塔身有碑文,移步读去,猛然一惊,它的主人,竟然就是那个王圆箓。
One of the towers / stupas was build not long ago, so it is comparatively intact. There is an epitaph inscribed on it. When I went closer and read the text, I found, to my great consternation/ , that the man buried under this stupa was none other than Wang Yuanlu.
6. 一个王后是如何地尊贵呀,会如何地被人们像捧着天上的星星一样捧来捧去呀,假如我能够想象,那一定是一件有趣的事情。
【2】再用带形式主语的“It is------for-----to do------”句式容纳后一部分的两个词组。
Imagine how noble and dignified a queen would be and how people would keep lauding her to the skies like mad! It is indeed great fun for me to visualize all of this.
7. 我曾多次看见他画小鸡,毛茸茸,很可爱;也曾见过他画的鱼鹰,水是绿的,钻进水里的,很生动。
On several occasions I watched him paint fluffy little chicks and vivid fish hawk with their heads in clear green water.
8. 又摸一摸当票没有丢,这才重新走,手痛得什么心思也没有了,快到家吧!快到家吧。但是背上流了汗,腿觉得很软,眼睛有些刺痛,走到大门口,才想起从搬家还没出过一次街,走路腿也无力,太阳光也怕起来。
【3】使用before,by then,so,等词语强化了叙事的时间层次感。Before I walked on again, I put my hand on the pawn ticket in my pocket to make sure that it was still there. By then, the pain in my hands had become the only thing I was conscious of. So I was anxious to be home again. My back sweated, my legs felt like jelly, my eyes stung. At the gate of my home, it suddenly occurred to me that this is the first time I had ever been out to town since I moved here and that accounted for my le
gs feeling so weak and my eyes being so shy of lights.
9. 走上一段阴暗仄仄的楼梯,进到一间有一方桌子和几张竹凳,墙上装着一架电话的屋子,再进去就是我朋友的房间,和外间只隔着一幅布帘。她不在家。
engage in分析:汉语原文划线部分虽然省去了主语,但“我”仍然作为时间的参与者在进行叙述,读者也似乎在跟着“我”走进屋去。但是译文并不是以“I”作主语,这个I已经不在参与事件,而成了一个观察描述者。
A flight of dark, narrow stairs led to a room where a table and several bamboo stools stood and a telephone hung on the table. Beyond this room, separated by a mere cloth curtain, was the room where my friend lived. She had gone out……
10. “有人骂我们占着茅坑不拉屎。这个茅坑,有什么好占的?我早就想退了。可是,总得有接班人啊。
“Now I am aware of the fact that people are always slinging off at me behind my back. They say I’m in the way and can’t deliver the goods anymore. Well, there’s nothing so great about this job anyway.
I’ve been wanting to retire for ages. The thing is that we need successors.”
If swallows go away, they will come back again. If willows wither, they will return green again. If peach blossoms fade, they will flower again. But, tell me, you the wise, why should our days go by never to return? 12. 从费城出发前,我们就通了电话。一下车,他已经在站台等了。掐指一算,分手快有半个世纪了,现在都已是风烛残年了。
At Philadelphia, shortly before starting out, I called him up. So when I got off the train at the destination, I found him already waiting for me at the station. It was about half century since we last met, and we were soon both in our declining years.
13. 这王冕天性聪明,年纪不满二十岁,就把那天文、地理、经史上的大学问,无一不贯通。
Wang Mian had genius. While still in his teens, he mastered the whole field of astronomy, geography, the classics and history.
14. 那边走来三个人,头戴方巾,都有四五十岁光景,手摇白纸扇,缓步而来。
表示方式或状态的部分,一般应从属于表示行为或动作的部分。Behind him came three men in scholar’s square caps, all some forty to fifty years old.Fanning themselves with white paper fans, they advanced slowly.
15. 我自己就是一个浪费了很多时间的人。我不打麻将,我不经常听戏看电影,几年中难得一次,我不长时间看电视,通常只看半个小时,我也不串门闲聊天。有人问我:“那么你大部分时间都做了些什么呢?”我痛自反省,我发现,除了职务上的必须及人情所不能避免的活动之外,