1. Language is_____ in that there is no intrinsic or logical connection between a linguistic symbol and what the symbol stands for.
A. creative                B. arbitrary      C. displacemental        D. interchangeable
2. Which of the following statement is true? (  )
A. If the initial sound is an affricate , the next sound must be a vowel.    B. Chinese is an intonation language.
C. A phoneme is defined as a minimal meaningful unit in the sound system of a language.  D. All languages have sequential constrains.
3. A surface structure corresponds most closely to the ______ arrangement of words as they are pronounced.
A. logical     B. linear     C. colocational           D. vertical
4. A__  __relation refers to the sequential characteristic of speech. (  )
A. syntagmatic     B. paradigmatic    C. pragmatic    D. vertical
5. The study of the meaning of words and sentences is called ____.
A. syntax     B. semantics        C. linguistic         D. phnology
6. The audio-lingual method is the application of _____ in language teaching. (  )
A. functional theory  B. Chomskyan cognitivism  C. structuralism and behaviorism          D. corpus approach
7. The____ relation shows us the inner layering of sentences. (  )
A. sequential      B. syntactic      C. hierarchical          D. discourse
8. If sentences are syntactically well-formed but semantically ill-formed, they are known as
semantically_____ sentences. (  )A. normal    B. abnormal      C. anomalous    D. well-formed
9. We speak of _____ when a linguistic expression has two or more dominions with some common features that are usually derived from a single basic meaning.(  )
A. synonyms     B. polysemy      C. hyponyms            D. homonyms
10. Discourse analysis is mainly concerned with the study of relationship between language and
_____ in which language is used. (  A. society     B. psychology        C. age        D. context
二、填空题。(每小题 1 分,共 10 )
11. Language has two levels. They are grammatically         level and sound meaningless level. 
12. According to Chomsky,           is “the speaker –hearer’s knowledge of his language”,
13. The study of speech patterns of all human languages is called         .
14. minimalThe syntagmatic relation refers to the         ordering of the words and the phrases within a sentence.
15. According to the position of the velum, consonants are divided into         consonants and nasal consonants.
16. In         science, reinforcement which increases the likelihood of a response is known as positive reinforcement.
17. The strong version of the Whorfian hypothesis states that language totally determines         .
18. Some transformational rules are obligatory and many are         . The obligatory T-rules have to be applied if we want to obtain well-formed sentences.
19. Formality is a term used in stylistics and sociolinguistics, referring to a level of language considered appropriate to certain         situation.
20. Formal instruction occurs when attempts are made to raise learners’         about the nature of target language rules in order to aid learning.
三、判断改错题。(每小题 2 分,共 10 )如错误,请标明错误之处,并修改。
21. Change is not natural for living languages.
22. Descriptive linguistics attempts to establish theory which accounts for the rules of language in general.
23. A diachronic study of a language is concerned with a state of a language at a particular point of time.
24. If two or more sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of one sound for another brings about a change of meaning, they are in free variation.
25. The two words ‘bit’ and ‘bought’ form a minimal pair.
四、翻译题。(每小题 2 分,共 30 ) 请给出下列术语的英/汉语翻译

26. American descriptive linguistics
27. applied linguistics
28. non-verbal communication
29. code-switching
30. semantic field
31. Cultural transmission
32. Communicative competence
33. conversational implicature 
34. derivational morpheme
35. language interference
36. endophora
37. 普通语言学
38. 质量准则
39. 言外行为
40. 先天主义假说
五、用英语简要回答下列问题。(每小题 4 分,共 20 )
41. What is componential analysis?  42. What is a homonymy?  43. How can we decide a minimal pair or a minimal set?
44. What are the levels of act an utterance may perform at the same time?
45. What is the obvious presupposition of a speaker who says each of the following? “You need a new car.”
