第一篇:Autonomous Learning
Autonomous Learning
Autonomous learning,or learner autonomy,I think it's a very important capability,which is insufficient for Chinese students.Compared with other countries' students,Chinese students are accustomed to accept the standard answers without questions,but we all know,a little learning is a dangerous thing.So I approve of autonomous learning in Chinese education.According to the definition of autonomous learning,which is a school of education which sees learners as individuals who can and should be autonomous,in another word,be responsible for their own learning climate.We can see,individuality,I mean the learners are the main part in the autonomous learning,not teachers,not parents.Autonomous education helps students develop their self-consciousness, vision, practicality and freedom of discussion.These attributes serve to aid the student in his or her independent learning.we live in a learning society, That's far more from enough for us to learning knowledge only fro
m the books and teachers.When we were kids,we had been told must be respect teachers and could not do anything bad.We should honor the teacher and respect his teaching.We should be diligent at our lessons.And we should on questions.The teachers flog learning into us,and we have to accept eventually.Burying ourselves in books,that trains many excellent students,who is good at math,who is good at literature,who is good at geography,but what stops us to forward to the Nobel Prize, to independent innovation? Because most of us students,lost the basic capability of autonomous learning.People don't learn anything today,I think it's a great shame the way educational standards are declining today.Education is about something much more important.It's about teaching people how to live, how to get on with one another, how to form relationships.It's about understanding things, not just knowing them.Yes,of course,seven sevens are forty-nine.But what does that mean? Our teachers never told us, It's not just a formula, maybe teachers would say so.but we need to know, and we need to understand.Autonomous learning is very popular with those who home educate their children.The child usually gets to decide what projects they wish to tackle or what interests to pursue.In home educ
ation this can be instead of or in addition to regular subjects like doing math or English.But some teachers and parents still approve of school education.So autonomous learning is a good choice or not,that depends on your ideas.But in one respect at least, the definition of autonomous learning is uncontroversial: it is the exercise of the capacity to think for oneself.Just as there is little contention over the minimal definition of what autonomous learning is, there is little dispute over how it is recognised.It is generally accepted that the capacity for autonomous learning is recognised by its expression in a number of different forms, such as the ability to understand an argument and set it in context;to search for, read, and understand relevant primary and secondary material;to explain and articulate an issue in oral and written form to others;and to demonstrate an awareness of the consequences of what has been learned.So I think developing responsible and autonomous learners is the key to motivating students for real wise teachers.Maybe you don't understand the academic definition of autonomous learning,neither
do I.However, the minimal definition of autonomous learning can support two different vie
ws about the issue.One view is that autonomous learning simply and solely constitutes learning that students do for themselves.For those that hold such a view, an autonomous learner is someone who, given minimal information, would, for example, go away to the library, find sources for themselves and work by themselves.In the discipline of philosophy such work would amount to the student sitting down with a text and trying to come to an understanding of it on their own.Another view, however, and one that we believe significantly contradicts the first, has it that autonomous learning involves showing the student how to do something in such a way that they are then capable of undertaking a comparable activity by themselves.From this perspective, autonomous learning becomes the habitual exercise of skills, developed and perfected through continuous practice, which come to be second nature.In Chinese education,most teachers are frustrated by their unmotivated students.What they may not know is how important the connection is between student motivation and self-determination.Research has shown that motivation is related to whether or not students have opportunities to be autonomous and to make important academic choices.Having choices allows children to feel that they
have control or ownership over their own learning.This, in turn, helps them develop a sense of responsibility and self-motivation.When students feel a sense of ownership, they want to engage in academic tasks and persist in learning.That's the first step for students to learn autonomously.Passion of the study makes students feel happy and energetic.There is no doubt that autonomous learners,who make many teachers fear that giving students more choice will lead to their losing control over classroom management.Research tells us that in fact the opposite happens.When students understand their role as agent over their feeling, thinking, and learning behaviors, they are more likely to take responsibility for their learning.To be autonomous learners, however, students need to have some choice and control.And teachers need to learn how to help students develop the ability to make appropriate choices and take control over their own learning.So teachers need not to worry about the uncontrollableness of the students.Autonomous learning is a lean approach to learning.At least, autonomous learning can help us toimprove the independent creative ability,we need to know thing for a fact and know the ways and wherefores of it.Maybe we have many immature ideas.So
what? Just learn it,Just do yourself.Before the coming of knowledge explosion,many experts in education field put forward that the mainly mission is not the knowledge any more, but the study of the study method.So we need to understand,not rote learning.The motivation for learning is our thirst for knowledge,our passions.learning can take place only when there is motivation.That's autonomous learning!
