中医学 | Traditional Chinese medicine |
方剂学 | Formula study |
中医基础理论 | Basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine |
中医诊断学 | Diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine |
天人相应 | Correspondence between nature and human |
天人合一 | Harmony between man and nature |
表邪入里 | exterior pathogen entering the interior; |
肝气犯胃 | liver qi invading stomach |
祛风除湿 | dispelling wind and eliminating dampness; |
消肿止痛 | dispersing swelling and relieving pain |
阴阳学说 | yin-yang theory |
阴阳交感 | interaction of yin and yang |
阴阳对立 | opposition of yin and yang |
阴阳互根 | mutual rooting of yin-yang |
阴阳消长 | waxing and waning of yin and yang |
五行学说 | five phase theory |
(五行相)生 | (mutual) engendering (of five phases |
(五行相)克 | Restraining of five phases |
(五行相)乘 | Overwhelming of five phases |
(五行相)侮 | rebellion of five phases |
亢害承制 | harmful hyperactivity checked for harmony |
木曰曲直 | Wood bending and straightening |
火曰炎上 | Fire flaring up |
土爰稼穑 | Earth sowing and reaping |
金曰从革 | Metal clearing and changing |
水曰润下 | Water moistening and descending |
气虚 | Qi deficiency |
气机失调 | Qi movement disorder |
气机郁滞 | qi movement stagnation |
气滞 | Qi stagnation |
气陷 | Qi fall/sinking |
气逆 | Qi counterflow |
气闭 | Qi block |
气脱 | Qi collapse |
十二正经 | Twelve (main/principal) meridians |
十二经别 | Twelve divergent meridians/meridian divergences |
十二经筋 | Twelve meridian sinews |
十二皮部 | Twelve cutaneous regions |
奇经八脉 | Eight extra meridians |
十五络脉 | Fifteen collateral vessels |
孙络 | tertiary collaterals |
浮络 | Superficial collaterals |
阳明 | Yang brightness |
太阳 | Greater yang |
少阳 | Lesser yang |
太阴 | Greater yin |
少阴 | Lesser yin |
厥阴 | Reverting yin |
督脉 | Governor vessel |
任脉 | Conception vessel |
冲脉 | Thoroughfare vessel |
带脉 | Belt vessel |
阴跷脉 | Yin heel vessel |
阳跷脉 | Yang heel vessel |
阴维脉 | Yin link vessel |
阳维 | Yang link vessel |
病因 | Cause of disease |
病机 | Mechanism of disease |
疾病 | Disease |
外感 | external contraction |
六淫 | six excesses |
疠气 | epidemic pathogen |
七情 | seven emotions |
内伤 | internal damage |
饮食不节 | dietary irregularities |
劳逸失度 | excessive activity |
外因 | External cause |
内因 | Internal cause |
不内外因 | cause neither internal nor external |
外邪 | external pathogen |
时邪 | seasonal pathogen |
合邪 | combined pathogen |
肝阳化风 | Liver yang transforming into wind |
热极生风 | Extreme heat engendering wind |
阴虚内热 | yin deficiency with internal heat |
阴虚火旺 | Yin deficiency with effulgent fire |
五志(气)化火 | five elements transforming into fire |
虚中夹实 | deficiency with excess complication |
表虚里实 | exterior deficiency and interior excess |
上虚下实 | upper deficiency and lower excess |
阴阳偏盛 | abnormal exuberance |
阴阳偏衰 | abnormal debilitation |
阴阳互损 | mutual detriment |
阴阳转化 | conversion |
阴阳格拒 | repulsion |
亡阴 | yin collapse |
亡阳 | yang collapse |
阴阳失调 | yin-yang disharmony |
阴阳两虚 | dual deficiency of yin and yang |
阴虚内热 | yin deficiency with internal heat |
阴虚阳亢 | yin deficiency with yang hyperactivity |
阴盛格阳 | exuberant yin repelling yang |
阳损及阴 | detriment to yang affecting yin |
阴虚湿热 | yin deficiency and dampness-heat |
阴虚血瘀 | yin deficiency and blood stasis |
阳虚寒凝 | yang deficiency with congealing cold |
阳虚水泛 | yang deficiency with water flood |
清阳不升 | clear yang failing to ascend |
阳竭阴脱 | yin exhaustion and yang collapse |
半表半里 | half-exterior half-interior |
表寒 | Exterior cold |
表热 | Exterior heat |
表虚 | exterior deficiency |
表实 | exterior excess |
风寒束表 | wind-cold fettering the exterior |
风热犯表 | wind-heat invading the exterior |
暑湿袭表 | summer-heat dampness assailing the exterior |
卫表不固 | defense-exterior insecurity |
表里俱寒 | dual exterior and interior cold |
表寒里热 | exterior cold and interior heat |
寒包火 | Cold enveloping fire |
寒热错杂 | cold-heat complex |
上热下寒 | upper heat and lower cold |
真寒假热 | true cold with false heat |
热极生风 | extreme heat engendering wind |
虚实夹杂 | deficiency-excess complex |
真实假虚 | true excess with false deficiency |
外燥 | external dryness |
温燥 | warm dryness |
实火 | excess fire |
食积 | food accumulation |
虚火上炎 | deficiency fire flaming upward |
痰气互结 | binding of phlegm and qi |
痰热内闭 | internal block of phlegm-heat |
血瘀水停 | blood stasis with water retention |
寒湿内阻 | internal obstruction of cold-dampness |
寒凝血瘀 | congealing cold with blood stasis |
湿热下注 | dampness-heat pouring downward |
火毒内陷 | inward invasion of fire toxin |
气机失调 | disordered qi movement |
气机不利 | inhibited qi movement |
气机郁滞 | stagnant qi movement |
气郁化火 | depressed qi transforming into fire |
寒凝气滞 | congealing cold with qi stagnation |
中气下陷 | sunken middle qi |
气虚发热 | qi deficiency fever |
气虚湿阻 | qi deficiency with dampness obstruction |
气虚外感 | qi deficiency with external contraction |
气阴两虚 | dual deficiency of qi and yin |
气虚血瘀 | qi deficiency with blood stasis |
气滞血瘀 | qi stagnation and blood stasis |
津液亏虚 | fluid-humor deficiency |
气滞水停 | qi stagnation with water retention |
饮停胸胁 | fluid retention in the chest and hypochondrium |
心气虚 | heart qi deficiency |
心火上炎 | heart fire flaming upward |
热扰心神 | heat harassing the heart spirit |
心移热小肠 | transmission of heart heat to the small intestine |
痰火扰心 | phlegm-fire harassing the heart |
水气凌心 | water qi intimidating the heart |
风寒袭肺 | wind-cold assailing the lung |
风寒束肺 | wind-cold fettering the lung |
肺热炽盛 | intense lung heat pattern/syndrome |
痰热闭肺 | phlegm- heat obstructing the lung |
痰浊阻肺 | phlegm turbidity obstructing the lung |
暑伤肺络 | summerheat damaging the lung vessel |
脾失健运 | spleen failing in transportation |
脾阳亏虚/不足 | spleen yang deficiency |
脾不统血 | spleen failing to control the blood |
脾虚湿困 | spleen deficiency with dampness encumbrance/accumulation |
脾胃不和 | spleen-stomach disharmony |
肠热腑实 | intestinal heat and bowel excess |
大肠湿热 | large intestinal dampness-heat |
肝郁气滞 | liver depression and qi stagnation |
肝火上炎 | liver fire flaming upward |
肝阳上亢 | ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang |
肝经湿热 | dampness-heat in the liver meridian |
肾不纳气 | kidney failing to receive qi |
太阳病 | greater yang disease |
interspace翻译太阳经证 | greater yang meridian pattern |
太阳伤寒证 | greater yang cold damage pattern |
太阳蓄水证 | greater yang water retention pattern |
阳明病 | yang brightness disease |
阳明经证 | yang brightness meridian pattern |
阳明腑证 | yang brightness bowel pattern |
阳明腑实证 | Yang brightness bowel excess pattern |
阳明病 | yang brightness disease |
阳明经证 | yang brightness meridian pattern |
阳明腑证 | yang brightness bowel pattern |
阳明腑实证 | Yang brightness bowel excess pattern |
少阴寒化 | lesser yin cold transformation |
少阴热化 | lesser yin heat transformation |
太阳蓄血 | greater yang blood amassment |
热入血室 | heat entering blood chamber |
卫气同病 | both defense-qi aspects disease |
气营两燔 | dual blaze of qi nutrient aspects |
热入营血 | heat entering nutrient-blood aspects |
热闭心包 | Heat blocking the pericardium |
邪伏膜原 | pathogen hidden in the pleurodiaphragmatic interspace |
湿热瘀阻气机 | dampness-heat obstructing qi movement |
湿重于热 | dampness predominating over heat |
湿热浸淫 | spreading dampness heat |
痰 | Phlegm |
湿 | Dampness |
饮 | fluid retention |
精气 | Essential qi |
元气 | source qi |
宗气 | ancestral qi |
营气 | nutrient qi |
卫气 | defense qi |
肝 | liver |
心 | heart |
脾 | spleen |
肺 | lung |
肾 | kidney |
望诊 | Inspection |
闻 | listening&smelling |
问 | inquiry |
切 | palpation |
解表 | release the exterior |
解肌 | release the flesh |
透表 | outthrust through the exterior |
祛风 | dispel wind |
疏风 | disperse wind |
散寒 | dissipate cold |
宣肺 | Diffuse the lung |
润燥 | moisten dryness |
清热 | clear heat |
泻火 | purge fire |
泄热 | discharge heat |
降火 | downbear fire |
发汗解表 | promote sweating to release the exterior |
辛温解表 | release the exterior with pungent-warm |
辛凉解表 | release the exterior with pungent-cool |
解肌祛风 | Release the flesh and dispel wind |
清热生津 | clear heat and engender fluid |
清热利湿 | clear heat and drain dampness |
清气凉营 | clear the qi aspect and cool the nutrient aspect |
透营转气 | expel from the nutrient aspect through the qi aspect |
清热生津 | clear heat and engender fluid |
清热利湿 | clear heat and drain dampness |
清气凉营 | clear the qi aspect and cool the nutrient aspect |
透营转气 | expel from the nutrient aspect through the qi aspect |
寒下 | Cold purgation |
温下 | Warm purgation |
峻下 | Drastic purgation |
轻下 | Mild purgation |
缓下 | Laxation |
润下 | Lubricant laxation |
润肠通便 | moisten the intestines and relax the bowels |
泻下软坚 | soften hardness with purgation |
泻下攻积 | remove accumulation with purgation |
泻下逐水 | expel water by purgation |
泻下逐饮 | expel retained fluid by purgation |
温下寒积 | remove cold accumulation with warm purgation |
增液润肠 | increase humor to relax bowels |
调和气血 | harmonize qi and blood |
调和营卫 | harmonize the nutrient and defense |
理气 | regulate qi |
行气 | move qi |
调和脾胃 | harmonize the spleen and stomach |
调和肝脾 | harmonize the liver and spleen |
和解表里 | harmonize and release the exterior and interior |
和解少阳 | harmonize and release the lesser yang |
心肾不交证 | heart-kidney noninteraction pattern |
交通心肾 | coordinate the heart and kidney |
邪伏膜原 | pathogen hidden in the pleurodiaphragmatic interspace |
开达膜原 | open onto the pleurodiaphragmatic interspace |
清热除湿 | clear heat and eliminate dampness |
散寒祛湿 | dissipate cold and dispel dampness |
清热化湿 | clear heat and resolve dampness |
芳香化湿 | resolve dampness with aroma |
苦温燥湿 | dry dampness with bitter-warm |
淡渗利湿 | drain dampness with bland |
利水消肿 | induce diuresis to alleviate edema |
清热化痰 | Clear heat and resolve phlegm |
降逆止咳平喘 | Downbear counterflow / to suppress cough and to calm panting |
清肺 | clear |
润肺 | moisten |
敛肺 | constrain |
泻肺 | purge |
温里散寒 | warm the interior to dissipate cold |
温中和胃 | warm the middle and harmonize the stomach |
温阳行水 | warm yang to move water |
温经止痛 | warm the meridian to relieve pain |
行气止痛 | move qi to relieve pain |
疏肝理气 | soothe the liver and regulate qi |
降逆止呕 | Direct qi downward to relieve vomitting |
凉血 | cool the blood |
止血 | stop bleeding |
活血 | activate blood |
散瘀 | dissipate stasis |
化瘀 | resolve stasis |
破瘀 | expel stasis |
通经 | unblock the meridian |
活络 | activate collaterals |
通络 | free the collateral vessels |
补益气血 | tonify qi and replenish blood |
健脾开胃 | fortify the spleen and invigorate the stomach |
补肾益气 | tonify the kidney and replenish qi |
滋阴补阳 | enrich yin and tonify yang |
针灸 | Acupuncture & Moxibustion |
毫针 | filiform needle |
提插捻转法 | lifting-thrusting&twirling method |
中药 | Chinese Medicinal |
草药 | Herbs/herbal drug |
本草 | materia medica |
药材 | medicinal material |
药味 | flavor of medicinals |
药性 | Nature/properties of medicinals |
四气五味 | Four Qi and five flavors |
升降浮沉 | upbearing Downbearing floating sinking |
归经 | meridian entry |
道地药材 | authentic medicinal |
炮制 | Herbal Processing |
中药炮制 | processing of medicinals |
相須 | mutual reinforcement |
相使 | mutual assistance |
相畏 | mutual restraint |
相殺 | mutual suppression |
相惡 | mutual inhibition |
相反 | antagonism |
解表药 | exterior-releasing medicinal |
发散风寒药 | wind-cold-dispersing medicinal |
辛温解表药 | pungent-warm exterior-releasing medicinal |
清热药 | Heat-clearing medicinal |
清热泻火药 | heat-clearing and fire-purging medicinal |
清热燥湿药 | Heat-clearing and dampness-drying medicinal |
泻下药 | purgative medicinal |
攻下药 | offensive purgative medicinal |
温下药 | warm purgative medicinal |
润下药 | laxative (medicinal) |
峻下逐水药 | drastic (purgative) water-expelling medicinal |
祛风药 | wind-dampness dispelling medicinal |
祛风湿散寒药 | wind-dampness dispelling and cold dispersing medicinal |
祛风湿清热药 | wind-dampness dispelling and heat clearing medicinal |
化湿药 | dampness-resolving medicinal |
利水渗湿药 | dampness-draining diuretic medicinal |
利水消肿药 | water-draining and swelling-dispersing |
利尿通淋药 | strangury-relieving diuretic medicinal |
利湿退黄药 | dampness-draining anti-icteric medicinal |
温里药 | interior-warming medicinal |
理气药 | qi-regulating medicinal |
消食药 | digestant medicinal |
祛虫药 | worm-expelling medicinal |
止血药 | Hemostatic (medicinal) |
凉血止血藥 | blood-cooling hemostatic medicinal |
化瘀止血药 | stasis-resolving hemostatic medicinal |
收敛止血药 | astringent hemostatic medicinal |
温经止血药 | meridian-warming hemostatic medicinal |
活血化瘀药 | blood-activating and stasis-resolving medicinal |
活血祛瘀药 | blood-activating and stasis-dispelling medicinal |
活血药 | blood-activating medicinal |
化瘀药 | stasis-resolving medicinal |
活血止痛药 | blood-activating analgesic medicinal |
活血行气药 | blood-activating and qi-moving medicinal |
活血调经药 | blood-activating menstruation regulating medicinal |
破血消徵药 | blood-breaking mass eliminating medicinal |
重镇安神药 | settling tranquillizing medicinal |
养心安神药 | heart-nourishing tranquillizing medicinal |
止咳平喘药 | cough-suppressing and panting-calming medicinal |
平肝熄风药 | liver-pacifying and wind-extinguishing medicinal |
开窍药 | orifice-opening medicinal |
补益药 | tonifying and replenishing medicinal |
补气药 | qi-tonifying medicinal |
补阳药 | yang-tonifying medicinal |
补肾药 | kidney yang-tonifying medicinal |
补血药 | blood-tonifying medicinal |
补肝药 | Liver-emolliating medicinal |
补阴药 | yin-tonifying medicinal |
收涩药 astringent medicinal | |
固表止汗药 | exterior-securing anhidrotic medicinal |
敛汗固表药 | sweat-constraining exterior-securing medicinal |
清热收涩药 | heat-clearing astringent medicinal |
敛肺涩肠药 | lung-intestine astringent medicinal |
催吐药 | emetic medicinal |
消散药 | resolving medicinal |
经方 | classic formula |
理法方药 | principles methods formulas and medicinals |
君臣佐使 | sovereign minister assistant and courier |
汤 | Decoction |
丸 | Pill |
散 | Powder |
膏 | Paste |
浸膏 | Extract |
软膏 | Ointment |
膏药 | Plaster |
药酒 | Medicated wine |
丹 | Pellet |
解表剂 | Exterior-releasing formula |
涌吐剂 | Emtic formula |
攻里剂 | Interior-attacking formula |
和解剂 | Harmonizing and releasing formula |
理气剂 | Qi-regulating formula |
理血剂 | Blood-regulating formula |
祛风剂 | Wind-dispelling formula |
攻下剂 | Purgative formula |
温补剂 | Warm-tonifying formula |
清暑剂 | Summer-heat clearing formula |
利湿剂 | dampness-draining formula |
治燥剂 | Dryness-treating formula |
清热剂 | Heat-clearing formula |
泻火剂 | Fire-reducing formula |
祛痰剂 | Phlegm-dispelling formula |
消食剂 | Digestant formula |
安神剂 | Tranquilizing formula |
固涩剂 | Securing and astringent formula |