新译林8A英语UNIT7单元知识点归纳及练习题(含答案)新译林8A英语UNIT 7单元知识点归纳及练习题
8A Unit 7 Seasons
1. look cool看起来酷(凉快)
2.the best time to play football outside在外⾯踢⾜球的最好时间3.be full of snow充满了雪
4.forget to grow忘记⽣长
5.fly far away飞得远远地
6.a perfect time to fly a kite放飞风筝的好时节
7.play among flowers在花丛中嬉戏
8.hide from躲避
9.by a pool在池塘边
10. turn brown变成棕⾊
11. fall into piles upon the ground落成堆在地上
12. harvest crops收割庄稼
13. thyme with与...押韵
14. on a hot summer afternoon在⼀个炎热的夏天的下午
15. all over the earth整个地⾯
16. be busy doing sth.忙于做某事
17. once again再次,⼜
18. fall down掉下来,摔倒在地
19. built Eddie a tent=built a tent for Eddie⼒埃迪搭建⼀个帐篷
20. watch sb. do sth.看某⼈做某事
21. from morning till night从早到晚
22. hate rainy days讨厌下⾬天
23. kick the ball踢球
24. catch a bad cold患重感冒
25. have a high fever发⾼烧
26. cough a lot咳嗽得厉害
27. take me to the hospital带我去医院
28. an awful day糟糕的⼀天
29. in the late afternoon傍晚,下午的晚些时候
30. drop below zero, to -10℃降到零度以下,到零下10度
31.in the thirties(温度)三⼗⼏度
32. the rest of the week -周剩下的时间
33. the lowest temperature最低温度
34.a bit有⼀点
35. blow hard刮得猛
36. speak louder⼤声点说
37. cover their faces with scarves⽤围⼱遮住他们的脸
38. causes a lot of problems引起许多问题
39. the best season of the year ⼀年中最好的季节
40. heavy fog⼤雾
41. throw snowballs at each other相互扔雪球
42. have big snowball fights打雪仗
43. make snowmen堆雪⼈
44. look funny看起来滑稽
1.Bring me my clothes, Hobo.霍波,把我的⾐服拿来。
2. I bet you'll look cool and feel cool with nothing on!
3.Which is your favourite season?你最喜欢的季节是哪⼀个?
4.Winter days are full of snow.冬天⾥充满了雪。
be full of=be filled with意为“充满了,装满了”。
如:The hall is full of students.⼤厅⾥挤满了学⽣。
5.Then hide from the April showers.有时要躲避四⽉阵⾬的突袭。
6.Farmers are busy harvesting crops.农民们在忙于收割庄稼。
7. Mum was making breakfast when l woke up
I was reading a book when it rained heavily this morning.今早我在看书时,天下⼤⾬了。8.I caught a bad cold.我患了重感冒。
9.I had a high fever and coughed a lot.我发了⾼烧,咳嗽得厉害。
10. The wind will be stronger and the temperature will drop below zero,to -10℃,
11. It will be a beautiful, hot day again today,
12. Sunshine and blue skies will stay with us for
13.The lowest temperature is -9℃.最低温度是零下九度。
14.This is Aunt Jane speaking.我是简阿姨。
如:Who is that speaking? 你是谁?
15. How are you doing? 你⾝体好吗?
16. I'll ring you again.我将再次打电话给你。
17. Everything is covered in deep white snow.
18. It is exciting to have big snowball fights.打雪仗是令⼈激动的事情。
19. We throw snowballs at each other, screaming and laughing.
20.What is the weather like then?那时天⽓怎么样?
( )1. What’s the weather like today?
( )2. What are they going to do?
( )3. What bird does the woman like best?
( )4. What was wrong with the girl’s brother?
( )5. Why did the girl lose her way yesterday?
A. Because of the thick fog.
B.Because it was too dark.
C. Because she was in
the forest.
( )6. Why does the woman tell the man not to drink the water in that glass?
A. Because it’s cold.
B. Because it’s dirty water.
C. Because it’s hot.
( )7. What will the weather be like later?
A. It’s snowy.
B. It’s rainy.
C. It’s windy.
( )8. Where will they go?
A. The park.
B. The beach.
C. The museum.
( )9. Why won’t Amy go to school this week?
A. Because it is foggy.
B. Because her school was old.
C. Because she was
( )10. What does the girl do?
A. She wants to go to the police station.
B. She calls the police for help.
C. She
wants to play with snow.
( )11. What’s the weather like tomorrow?
A. Rainy.
B. Sunny.
C. Snowy.
( )12. Are they going to the Great Wall tomorrow?
A. Yes, they are.
B. No, they aren’t.
C. I don’t know.
( ) 13. Where is the girl going this Sunday?
A. The Children’s Palace
thymeB. The Children’s Centre
C. The hospital
( ) 14. What’s wrong with Tom?
A. He has a bad cold
B. He has a headache
C. He hurt his leg. ( ) 15. When did the accident happen?
A. Yesterday
B. Three days ago
C. Two days ago.
( )16. When did the story happen?
A. In the morning.
B. In the afternoon.
C. In the evening. ( )17. Where was Mr Martin sitting?
A.Far from the door.
B. Behind the door.
C. Near the door. ( )18. How much time earlier did Mr Martin come to the snack bar than the two young persons?
A. An hour.
B. Half an hour.
C. A quarter of half an hour.
( )19. Why did Mr Martin let the young man and the young woman sit together?
A. He wanted to get to know them.
B. He thought they were friends.
C. He didn’t like to sit between young people.
( )20. What was the relationship(关系)between the young man and the young woman?
A. Friends.
B. Husband and wife.
C. Strangers(陌⽣⼈).
( ) 1. The old man has__ __ useful horse and horse can do a lot of things for him.
A. an; a
B. the; a
C. an; the
D. a; the
( ) 2.It may be dangerous ________ a car _________a snowy day.
A. to drive, in
B. to drive, on
C. drive, in
D. drive, on
( ) 3. — Did you hear the shouts_________ the boy?
