【Content word`s stress and Function word in English】
Sentence stress is the relative degree of force given to different words in a sentence
In an utterance not all words are stressed
Content words should always need to be stressed 实词一直需重读
Function words do not should be stressed 虚词无需重读,但除非表达特殊关心下要重读
Noun 名词
Verb 动词(除了例外的实词)
Adjective 形容词
Adverb 副词
Demonstrative 指示词:this that these those
Interrogative 疑问词:who when why what
Numerals 数次:one two three four five
Article冠词:a an the
Preposition 介词:to in on at of
Personal pronouns 人称代词:I me he him they she our
Possessive adjective 形容物主代词:my his your their her our
Relative pronouns 关系代词:who that which
Common conjunction 连词:and but that as if
Noun- substitute 名词物主代词:the red dress and the blue one
Exception verbs 例外的动词:be have do will would shall should can could may might must
当动词被用为auxiliaries 助动词的时候,无需重读
例如:He is my best friend
例如:Are you a `student?
—————或者,当它们被用于tag question反问疑问句中时,需要重读—————
例如:She isn`t a doctor , is `she?
——————When the word(street)used in street name need`t stressed——————当street用
作于街名不需要重读,例如:`Bridge (Street) 或者`North (street) ——————When the word(road)used in road name need to stressed——————当road 用在某个路口名字需要重读,例如:York (`Road)或者Beijing (`road)
当Might 和May 表露一种可能性的时候需重读
例如:We (`may) be in somebody`s way here,we (`may) find a better place further on
There 如果是以there be 的形式是不重读的
例如:The house has many rooms and there is a lovely garden 当连词有种强调的意思的时候需要重读,例如:Well, (`although) I am very hungry 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。当一个词在句子中重复出现两次的情况下,不需要重读的
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★Somebody someone something anybody anyone anything 作为宾语Object的时候需要重读。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。但是当他们作为主语Subject的时候不需要重读
作宾语:A few hours earlier,(`Someone) had told the police that thief would steal the diamonds 作主语:(Anything) won`t be like that what is you want 当作为主语的时候就不需要重读了
Everything且Everybody 不需要去重读的
也需要重读,例如:`Have you
Do you like it? Yes,
I do. Are you a doctor? Yes, I am.
Can you help me? Yes, I can.
I don't like you. He isn't a worker.
they may come this evening\
can it be five already?\
he must be in the room/.
In the box,he found a letter
he is the person i talked with\
if you wish, i`ll visit you\
when he comes,i`ll tell him
5.反身代词表示强调he could`t come himself
