Model Test Two
Part I Writing(30minutes)
Directions:For this part,you are allowed30minutes to write a short essay entitled The Importance of Change by commenting on the saying“If you’re prepared to adapt and learn,you can transform.”You should write at least120words but no more than180words.
Part II Listening Comprehension(25minutes)
Section A
Directions:In this section,you will hear three news reports.At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions.Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1with a single line through the centre.
Questions1and2are based on the news report you have just heard.
1.A)It will be disconnected for repainting.
B)It has bonged for more than168years.
C)It will stop ringing for four years.
D)It will stop ringing for four years.
2.A)To keep the famous timepiece clean.
B)To keep the clock working for future generations.
C)To replace the bell of the famous timepiece.
D)To reconstruct the building and the clock.
Questions3and4are based on the news report you have just heard.
3.A)They must show their personalities through clothing.
B)They must wear almost all white.
C)They must high white socks.
D)They must impress the crowd with their clothing.
4.A)He ranked the fourth in the tournament.
B)He won the title in the tournament.
C)He wore short white socks in the tournament.
D)He wore a white headband with black stripes.
Questions5to7are based on the news report you have just heard.
5.A)A newly formed beach.C)The return of an old beach.
B)The revived travel business.D)The return of seaweed.
6.A)It began returning in April.
B)It was coarse at first.
C)It formed after a series of hurricanes.
D)It began returning last year.
7.A)It is the western-most part of Europe.C)It has six Blue Flag beaches already.
B)It is a part of Ireland.D)It is rainy all year round.
Section B
Directions:In this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C),and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1with a single line through the centre.
Questions8to11are based on the conversation you have just heard.
8.A)Look for a missing file.
B)Mark“Confidential”on a file.
C)Make a copy of a file.
D)Circulate a file to the staff.
9.A)A new chair range.
B)A new watch range.
C)A new desk range.
D)A new cup range.
10.A)Because they found someone suspicious.
B)Because the man lost the key of the safe.
C)Because the woman lost a new design.
D)Because the man lost the payment of this morning.
Questions12to15are based on the conversation you have just heard.
13.A)She is sick of British custom.
B)She likes drinking coffee.
C)She has been to Britain for four years.
D)She doesn’t speak“please”so often.
15.A)They use many words to say things.
B)They apologize all the time.
C)They keep a slight smile on their face.
D)They put themselves in others’shoes.
Section C
Directions:In this section,you will hear three passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1 with a single line through the centre.
Questions16to18are based on the passage you have just heard.
16.A)It is based on knowledge level.
B)It is based on cognitive level.
C)It is random.
D)It is controversial.
17.A)Some teachers work together to teach one class.
B)Different teachers see to music and physical education.
C)The old pattern has been reformed to meet students’demand.
D)One teacher is primarily responsible for one class.
18.A)The preference for science.C)The teaching subjects.
B)The teaching methods.D)The teaching goals.
Questions19to21are based on the passage you have just heard.
19.A)Building cycle paths on the road.
B)Publicizing the advantages of cycling.
C)Providing facilities for cyclists.
D)Raising fares of public transport.
20.A)It is quicker and cheaper.C)It doesn’t need any effort.
B)It requires less commitment.D)It enables one to lose weight faster.
21.A)Cyclists have bigger muscles.C)Cyclists are slimmer.
B)Cyclists suffer no pain.D)Cyclists hardly catch a cold.
Questions22to25are based on the passage you have just heard.
22.A)It is soothing.C)It is luxurious.
B)It is striking.D)It is fortunate.
23.A)It makes them cool and mysterious.
B)It is similar to the colour of the sky.
C)It gives a sense of being dependable.
D)It indicates wealth and security.
24.A)It makes an environmentally friendly impression.
B)It attracts customers’attention greatly.
C)It implies growth and movement.
D)It imitates the colour of traffic lights.
25.A)It was difficult to produce the dye in the past.
B)It is the choice of many chocolate companies.
C)It was the colour used by royal families only.
D)It makes products seem unique.
PartⅢReading Comprehension(40minutes)
Section A
Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet2with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
Questions26to35are based on the following passage.
My co-teacher and I met in the parking lot before school and stared into my car trunk at the costumes and props we had gathered over the weekend.We were giddy with excitement and nervous because neither of us had__26__anything like this before.
The co-teacher,Alice,had found a book called Teaching Content Outrageously by Stanley Pogrow,which explained how secondary classrooms can incorporate drama into any content to__27__students in learning—incorporating the element of surprise,for example,or developing role-play or simulation experiences to teach content and standards.The book inspired us to change how we taught our seventh-grade language-arts students in a high-poverty school that__28__with test scores,especially reading and math.
The sense of urgency in the building was__29__,and the pressure on teachers to increase student achievement was often__30__.The district required us to teach a curriculum__31__aligned with a15-year-old reading textbook containing outdated articles about Ricky Martin,ice fishing,and cartography in a(n)that it was both condescending and__33__.But district personnel insisted that teachers use the textbook,citing evidence that it brought up test scores.
The__34__curriculum,we decided,would never be enough to encourage our students to love reading and writing.Therefore,Alice and I decided to take the__35__and apply Pogrow’s advice.
A)attempt I)persuade
B)designated J)place
C)engage K)rigidly
D)extent L)risk
E)innovatively M)struggled
F)nonexistent N)tried
G)obvious O)uninteresting
Section B
Directions:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with
a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2.
Corporate Ambitions:Amazon,the World’s Most Remarkable Firm,Is Just Getting Started
[A]Amazon is an extraordinary company.The former bookseller accounts for more than half of every new dollar spent online in America.It is the world’s leading provider of cloud computing.This year Amazon will probably spend twice as much on television as HBO,a cable channel.Its own-brand physical products include batteries,almonds,suits and speakers linked to a virtual voice-activated assistant that can control,among other things,your lamps and sprinkler.
[B]Yet Amazon’s shareholders are working on the premise that it is just getting started.Since the beginning of2015its share price has jumped by173%,seven times quicker than in the two previous years(and12times faster than the S&P500index).With a market capitalization(市值)of some$400bn,it is the fifth-most-valuable firm in the world.Never before has a company been worth so much for so long while making so little money:92% of its value is due to profits expected after2020.
[C]That is because investors anticipate both an extraordinary rise in revenue,from sales of$136bn last year to half a trillion over the next decade,and a jump in profits.The hopes invested in it imply that it will probably become more profitable than any other firm in America.Ground for skepticism doe
s not come much more fertile than this:Amazon will have to grow faster than almost any big company in modern history to justify its valuation. Can it possibly do so?words
[D]It is easy to tick off some of the pitfalls(隐患).Rivals will not stand still.Microsoft has cloud-computing ambitions;Walmart already has revenues nudging$500bn and is beefing up online.If anything happened to Jeff Bezos,Amazon’s founder and boss,the gap would be exceptionally hard to fill.But the striking thing about the company is how much o a chance it has of achieving such unprecedented goals.
[E]This is largely due to the firm’s unusual approach to two dimensions of corporate life.The first of these is time.In an era when executives routinely whinge about(发牢骚)pressure to produce short-term results,Amazon is resolutely focused on the distant horizon.Mr.Bezos emphasises continual investment to propel(推动)its two principal businesses,e-commerce and Amazon Web Services(AWS),its cloud-computing arm.
[F]In e-commerce,the more shoppers Amazon lures,the more retailers and manufacturers want to sell their goods on Amazon.That gives Amazon more cash for new services—such as two-hour shipping and music—which entice more shoppers.Similarly,the more customers use AWS,the more A
mazon can invest in new services, which attract more customers.A third virtuous circle is starting to whirl(迅速旋转)around Alexa,the firm’s voice-activated assistant:as developers build services for Alexa,it becomes more useful to consumers,giving developers reason to create yet more services.
[G]So long as shareholders retain their faith in this model,Amazon’s heady valuation resembles a
self-fulfilling prophecy.The company will be able to keep spending,and its spending will keep making it more powerful.Their faith is sustained by Amazon’s record.It has had its failures—its attempt to make a smartphone was a debacle.But the business is starting to crank out(快速大量地制造)cash.Last year cashflow(before investment)was$16bn,more than quadruple the level five years ago.
[H]If Amazon’s approach to time-frames is competitors,as too is the sheer breadth of its activities.The company’s list of current and possible competitors,as described in its annual filings,includes logistics firms, search engines,social networks,food manufacturers and producers of“physical,digital and interactive media of all types”.A wing span this large is more reminiscent of a conglomerate(大型联合企业)than a retailer,which makes Amazon’s share price seem even more bloated:stockmarkets typically apply a“conglomerate discount”to reflect their inefficencies.
[I]Many of these services support Amazon’s own expansion and that of other companies.The obvious example is AWS,which powers Amazon’s operations as well as those of other firms.But Amazon also rents warehouse space to other sellers.It is building a$1.5bn air-freight hub(中心)in Kentucky.It is testing technology in stores to let consumers skip the cash register altogether,and experimenting with drone deliveries to the home. Such tools could presumably serve other customers,too.Some think that Amazon could become a new kind of utility:one that provides the infrastructure of commerce,from computing power to payments to logistics.
[J]And here lies real problem with the expectations surrounding Amazon.If it gets anywhere close to fulfilling them,it will attention of regulators.For now,Amazon is unlikely to trigger antitrust(反垄断的)action.It is not yet the biggest retailer in America,its most mature market.America’s antitrust enforcers look mainly at a firm’s effect on consumers and pricing.Seen through this lens,antitrust enforcers look mainly at a firm’s effect on consumers and pricing.Seen through this lens,Amazon appears pristine(处于原始状态的).Consumers applaud it; it is the most well-regarded company in America,according to a Harris poll.(AWS is a boon to startups,too.) [K]But as it grows,so will concerns about its power.Even on standard antitrust grounds,that may pose a problem:if it makes as much money as investors hope,a rough calculation suggests its earnings could be worth the equivale
nt of25%of the combined profits of listed Western retail and media firms.But regulators are also changing the way they think about technology.In Europe,Google stands accused of using its clout as a search engine to extend its power to adjacent businesses.The comparative immunity from legal liability of digital platforms—for the posting of inflammatory content on Facebook,say,or the vetting of drivers on Uber—is being chipped away.
[L]Amazon’s business model will also encourage regulators to think differently.Investors value Amazon’s growth over profits;that makes predatory pricing more tempting.In future,firms could increasingly depend on tools provided by their biggest rival.If Amazon does become a utility for commerce,the calls will grow for it to be regulated as one.Shareholders are right to believe in Amazon’s potential.But success will bring it into conflict with an even stronger beast:government.
36.Amazon has formed sound circles that push its e-commerce,AWS and Alexa voice service forward.
37.There is less chance of American government filing an antitrust lawsuit against Amazon because of its scale
as a retailer and customers’positive comments.
38.The two potential perils faced by Amazon come from its competitors and its leader Jeff Bezos respectively.
39.Amazon used to sell books online,but now the company has expanded its business scope into providing
cloud computing and manufacturing its own physical products.
40.It’s believed that Amazon will offer infrastructure of commerce with its AWS,rental warehouse space,
logistics center in Kentucky,checkout-free shopping technology and drone delivery.
41.The development of Amazon and the changing attitude of regulators towards technology will possibly bring
Amazon antitrust trouble in the future.
42.Amazon’s executives haven’t experienced the same pressure as their counterparts in other companies due to
Amazon’s forward-looking strategy about continuing investing in e-commerce and AWS.
