Higher Algebra
Chapter 1 Polynomials
实系数多项式 | real coefficient polynomial |
有理系数多项式 | rational coefficient polynomial |
复系数多项式 | complex coefficient polynomial |
函数 | function |
多项式函数 | polynomial function | identity matrix是什么意思
带余除法 | division with remainder |
综合除法 | synthetic division |
公因式 | common factor |
最大公因式 | greatest common factor |
单因式 | unit-factor |
重因式 | repeated factor |
单根 | single root |
重根 | multiple root |
Chapter 2 Determinants
排列 | permutation |
对换 | transposition |
行列式 | determinant |
余子式 | cofactors term |
克拉默法则 | Cramer rule |
拉普拉斯定理 | Laplace theorem |
Chapter 3 Systems of Linear Equations
向量组 | vector system |
向量 | vector |
系数矩阵 | coefficient matrix |
线性方程组 | system of linear equations |
线性组合 | linear combination |
线性相关 | linear dependence |
线性无关 | linear independence |
极大线性无关 | greatest linear independence |
线性表示 | linear expression |
基(基底) | basis |
向量空间 | vector space |
秩 | rank |
齐次线性方程组 | system of homogeneous linear equations |
等价 | equivalent |
解 | solution |
矩阵相等 | equatity of matrices |
等价线性方程组 | equivalent linear system |
线性方程组的系数矩阵 | coefficient matrix of a linear system |
线性方程组的阶梯形 | echelon form of a linear system |
线性方程组的增广矩阵 | augmented matrix of a linear system |
高斯消元法 | gauss elimination method |
初等行运算 | elementary row operation |
行阶梯形矩阵 | row echelon matrix |
非平凡解 | nontrivial solution |
简化行阶梯形矩阵 | reduced row echelon matirx |
Chapter 4 Matrices
单位矩阵 | identity matrix |
方阵 | square matrix |
对角矩阵 | diagonal matrix |
初等矩阵 | elementary matrix |
伴随矩阵 | adjoint matrix |
满秩矩阵 | full-rank matrix |
零矩阵 | zero matrix |
行 | row |
行矩阵 | row matrix |
列 | column |
列矩阵 | column matrix |
上三角矩阵 | upper triangular matrix |
下三角矩阵 | lower triangular matrix |
矩阵的逆 | inverse of matrix |
矩阵的加法 | addition of matrix |
负矩阵 | negative matrix |
矩阵的乘法 | multiplication of matrix |
矩阵的标量乘法 | scalar multiplication of matrix |
矩阵的转置 | transpose of matrix |
矩阵的列秩 | column rank of matrix |
矩阵的行秩 | row rank of matrix |
左分配率 | left distributive law |
右分配率 | right distributive law |
结合律 | associative law |
Chapter 5 Quadratic Forms
二次型 | quadratic form |
对称矩阵 | symmetric matrix |
线性替换 | linear substitution |
标准型 | normal form |
正定二次型 | positive definite quadratic form |
正定矩阵 | positive definite matrix |
非奇异线性变换 | nonsingular linear transformation |
Chapter 6 Linear Spaces
线性空间 | linear space |
子空间 | subspace |
子空间的基 | basis of subspace |
子空间的生成元 | generators of subspace |
子空间的维数 | dimension of subspace |
同构空间 | isomorphism space |
一一映射 | one-to-one mapping |
线性映射的逆 | inverse of linear mapping |
同构 | isomorphism |
零映射(函数) | zero mapping (function) |
域 | field |
最大线性无关组 | maximal set of linear independence |
满射 | surjection |
Chapter 7 Linear Transformations
线性变换 | linear transformation |
特征值 | eigenvalue |
特征向量 | eigenvector |
特征多项式 | characteristic polynomial |
哈密顿-凯莱定理 | Hamilton-Cayley theorem |
方阵的特征值 | eigenvalue of square matrix |
方阵的特征向量 | eigenvector of square matrix |
矩阵的迹 | trace of matrix |
核 | kernel |
矩阵的特征多项式 | characteristic polynomial of matrix |
特征值的重数 | multiplicity of eigenvalue |
迹 | trace |
相似矩阵 | similar matrix |
可对角化矩阵 | diagonalizable matrix |
Chapter 8 λ-Matrices
若尔当典范形 | Jordan canonical form |
行列式因子 | determinant factor |
不变因子 | invariant factor |
初等因子 | elementary factor |
初等变换 | elementary transformation |
Chapter 9 Euclidean Space
度量矩阵 | metric matrix |
正交基 | orthogonal basis |
标准正交基 | normal orthogonal basis |
正交矩阵 | orthogonal matrix |
正交向量 | orthogonal vector |
实对称矩阵 | real symmetric matrix |
内积 | dot product |
向量的长度 | length of vector |
施密特正交化矩阵 | Schmidt orthogonalization process |
Chapter 10 Bilinear Fucntions
双线性函数 | bilinear function |
对偶基 | dual basis |
对偶空间 | dual space |
反对称双线性函数 | antisymmetric bilinear function |
对称双线性函数 | symmetric bilinear function |