1.The government has provided free food and shelter for the refugees.政府已经为难民们提供了免费的食品和住所。
2.The Company is an automobile and motorcycle accessories to provide trade services.本公司为汽摩配件提供贸易性服务。
3.Elements provide a value for each parameter reference used in the abstract pattern.元素提供了抽象范式中每个参数引用的值。
4.This will provide access to sunlight and free circulation of air as the roses grow.这将提供接触阳光和空气的自由流通为玫瑰生长。
5.Our abundant resources and stable policy provide with the advantages they invest here.我们丰富的资源和稳定的证策为外商投资提供了有利条件。
6.Provide an environment free of harassment, abuse or corporal punishment in any form.供应商不得以任何形式对员工进行体罚,虐待。
7.This will provide easier access and more convenience for the public to invest in EFNs.公众投资于外汇基金债券,将会更方便轻松。
8.Plastic mountaineering boots provide absolute waterproofness and are extremely durable.塑料高山靴提供了绝对防水以及非常耐久的性能。
9.Less than 40 percent of countries provide girls and boys with equal access to education.只有不到百分之四十国家的女孩和男孩有着平等接受教育的权利。
10.They provide control point for access to the internal network from the external network.它们为从外部网络访问内部网络提供了控制点。
access例句11.It's also much cheaper to provide support to families than it is to provide institutions.而且,为家庭提供支持要比为机构提供支持 便宜得多。
