take for granted例句
access例句1. Sometimes we take for granted the love and support of our family and friends until we are faced with difficult times. 有时候我们会在面对困难时才意识到家人和朋友的爱和支持是理所当然的。
2. We often take for granted the convenience of modern technology, such as smartphones and high-speed internet, until we are without them for a short period of time. 我们经常在短时间没有现代科技的便利,比如智能手机和高速互联网时才意识到它们是理所当然的。
3. Many of us take for granted the safety and stability of our homes and neighborhoods until we witness or experience a crime or natural disaster. 很多人直到目睹或亲身经历犯罪或自然灾害时才意识到我们家园和社区的安全和稳定是理所当然的。
4. We often take for granted our good health and it is only when we fall ill that we realize how valuable it is. 我们经常忽视我们的健康,直到生病时才意识到它的珍贵。
5. Many people take for granted the opportunities and privileges they have, such as access t
o education and healthcare, until they encounter others who do not have the same resources. 很多人直到遇到没有同样资源的人时才意识到他们所拥有的机会和特权是理所当然的。