put sth in place例句共10句含翻译
1. Original Sentence: I'll put the book back in its place on the shelf.
  Translation: 我会把书放回到它在书架上的位置。
2. Original Sentence: Please put the dishes in their place after you wash them.
access例句  Translation: 请在洗完碗后把它们放回原处。
3. Original Sentence: The teacher asked the students to put their backpacks in place before leaving the classroom.
  Translation: 老师要求学生在离开教室前把背包放好。
4. Original Sentence: It's important to put tools in their designated place in the workshop for easy access.
  Translation: 在车间里把工具放在指定的地方是为了方便取用,这很重要。
5. Original Sentence: After using the gym equipment, make sure to put it back in place for the next person.
  Translation: 使用完健身器材后,请确保把它放回原位,以便下一个人使用。
6. Original Sentence: The librarian reminded everyone to put the borrowed books in place on the return shelf.
  Translation: 图书馆员提醒大家在还书架上把借来的书放回原处。
7. Original Sentence: The puzzle pieces were scattered on the table, and she began to put them in place.
  Translation: 拼图的碎片散落在桌子上,她开始把它们放到合适的位置。
8. Original Sentence: A well-organized workspace helps you put everything in place and increases productivity.
  Translation: 一个井然有序的工作空间有助于你把一切都摆放到位,并提高工作效率。
9. Original Sentence: The mechanic carefully put the tools in place after finishing the repair work.
  Translation: 修理工在完成维修工作后小心地把工具摆放到位。
10. Original Sentence: Each item in the museum has a specific place, and it's important to put them back after examination.
  Translation: 博物馆的每件展品都有固定的位置,检查后把它们放回原处是很重要的。
