前几天突发奇想把自己在app store买的东西分享给大家, 反应很好 , 并且很多人问我怎么自破, 所以今天发个帖子讲下自破.
一开始用的CrackNShareClutch, 但是在4.21后这个貌似不怎么顶用了, 因为很多人同步之后都有秒退现象.
今天在google搜索了下, SiNfuLCrack现在支持4.2documents安卓版破解版, IPA时代再次来临. 国外的论坛:www.sinfuliphone

For all your App Store App/Game Cracking Needs!

Now works with iOS 4.2

SiNfuLCrack allows you to crack Apps/Games that you have purchased from the App Store so that you can upload and share them with the community. The more everyone shares the more convenient it is for everyone to find what they need. So DON'T be a leech and install SiNfuLCrack today
- Now works with iOS 4.2
- Bug Fixes
NOTE: This version is for users who are running iOS 4 only. If you are still running 3.x FW then use SiNfuLCrack Old instead.
1. Open Cydia and make sure www.sinfuliphonerepo is added to your sources
2. Tap on Sections > SiNfuL iPhone and install SiNfuLCrack

NOTE: Cracked IPA's are located at /private/var/root/Documents/Cracked
You can FTP into your device and and manually extract them from that folder onto your computer.

SiNfuLCrack上面都是E, 不想看的可以跳过.
如果大家还是有不明白的话, 可以跟帖或者是站内信都可以.
提示: 自破需要已越狱用户, 同时也希望大家多分享点好的ipa.
1.打开Cydia, 选择管理.

2.添加www.sinfuliphonerepo (选择管理->软件源->编辑->添加->填入地址->确定)
