介绍一位名人的英语作文 篇1
“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:"We hold these truths to be self-evident:that all men are created equal."
Mr.Kings dream of all men created equal is mine too.When I hear his speech,I come to know thatI have the same dream that people should work together and live together like brothers.N
obody will take advantage of others,with less work but more income.But no,Mr Kings dream remains as a dream even after so many decades since he left us.Look,people who have more houses want to keep them all for themselves,although there are so many people who do not even have a room to stay in.On the other hand,many people ,who have nothing,do not want to work harder to earn something on their own.They just complain that all men are not created equal.
So,if we look close at human beings,we will realize that Mr.Kings dream will be a dream for a long,long time.Still,I admire him because at least he has a great dream,which is leading many people to treat others better.
介绍一位名人的英语作文 篇2
Celebrities have excelled in their respective fields and made a place for themselves in the society. Actors, athletes, rock stars and even politicians whom we look up to are all celebrities. However, achievement in careers does not necessarily make celebrities idols to be worshipped blindly, as they think and make mistakes too as we common people do.
Having a role model is of no harm, but we should not imitate everything we hear about the celebrities without any judgment. Learn from the celebrities with our minds open; do not let their persona overshadow our judgment. We should remember that however extraordinary these people are, they are also ordinary huamn beings and liable to make mistakes or eveworship
n very bad decisions at some point of their life. For example, a number of athletes and rock stars have been associated with drugs. It is for us to decide what we should imbibe from them and what not.
Meanwhile, though the celebrities are at the zenith of their professions, it is not always necessary that they are as good in their personal life. We should let their actions speak for them. What they do in real life is more important than what they preach. An ordinary man on the street, though unknown to the public, may be a better person than they are.
介绍一位名人的英语作文 篇3
The person I admire most once was my lei Feng. I was moved by his readiness to help others, and the spirit of selfless dedication. And now, the person I admire most is Peng Liyuan. At first I know her as a famous folk singer. She has a lot of works, mostly are widely known. Among them I like On The Hopeful Field the most.
She is loved by people. She is the the general political department song and dance troupe
head of Chinese people s Liberation Army, national level actors, civilian cadres of the people s Liberation Army, and part-time professor of Peking university. Now she has another title, our president Xi Jinping s wife, first lady of our country. She is such an excellent person! She has earned a lot of glory for Chinese women, setting a great example for our female. How can I don t admire such a person?
介绍一位名人的英语作文 篇4
Mother Teresa, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, dedicated the majority of her life to helping the poorest of the poor in India, thus gaining her the name "Saint of the Gutters."
The devotion towards the poor won her respect throughout the world and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She founded an order of nuns called the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India dedicated to serving the poor. Almost 50 years later, the Missionaries of Charity have grown from 12 sisters in India to over 3,000 in 517 missions throughout 100 countries worldwide.
介绍一位名人的英语作文 篇5
William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (February 23, 1868 – August 27, 1963) was an American civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, sociologist, historian, author, and editor. Historian David Levering Lewis wrote, "In the course of his long, turbulent career, W. E. B. Du Bois attempted virtually every possible solution to the problem of twentieth-century racism— scholarship, propaganda, integration, national self-determination, human rights, cultural and economic separatism, politics, international communism, expatriation, third world solidarity."
