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In addition, this shop provides you with various types of classic sample essays, such as sentences, inspirational signatures, diary weekly diaries, famous quotes, sample quotations, after reading, allegorical sayings, riddles, blessings, other sample essays, etc. I would like to understand different sample essay formats And how to write, stay tuned!
(1)A fool at forty is a fool indeed.
孔子云:四十而不惑。又云:年四十而见恶焉,其终也已。(The person who at the age of forty still evokes the dislikes of others is a hopeless case.) 西谚谈的也是这个意思,只不过换了一种说法:到了四十岁还不懂得生活的人,就真的是一个愚人。正如另一句西谚所说,Life begins at forty. 由此看来,四十岁是不惑之年,是一个人领悟生活真谛的开始,在这一点上,无论是东方抑或是西方,都有着共鸣。
< John never lived up to the expectations of his family. Twenty years after college, he has accomplished nothing. Which reminds us of the proverb, A fool at forty is a fool indeed!
(2)Old habits die hard.
e. g.
A: Why, I have told Joe millions of times that he should leave his dirty shoes outside, but it seems he is just turning a deaf ear to my advice!
B : Come on, calm down. Old habits die hard, you know.
(3)Bad news travels fast.
正所谓“好事不出门 , 坏事传千里。”坏消息、小道消息总是不径而走,其速之疾,令人咋舌。这也许与人们的猎奇心理有关,越是有争议的话题越能得到人们的关注,bad news 自然就会大有市场,令人们奔走相告。
e. g.
A: Newman missed the championship by a mere 0.1second.The news just came out at noon, but now the whole city seems to be talking about it!
B: Yeh, bad news travels fast.
(4) Revenge is a dish that could be eaten cold.
很形象的一句谚语。所有的菜肴都必须趁热吃,唯独revenge 是个例外。“君子报仇,十年未晚。”
< He has done serious wrong to his friends. You just wait and see. They will not let him go scot- free. Revenge
is a dish that could be eaten cold.
(5) There is no smoke without fire.
无风不起浪,有水才行船。任何事情的发生都是有前兆的,“流言”的兴起有时也不完全是无中生有。虽然说是“坐得船头稳,不怕浪来颠”(相似的西谚是Do right and fear no man)但风起于青萍之末,一只蝴蝶扇动翅膀就可能引起大洋彼岸的一场大风暴。做人、谋事,谨慎为佳。
< No smoke without fire, sad the detective.
Smoke signals can be misread, countered Sloan.
(6) Every dog has its day.
(又作All dogs have their days)
< You must not look down upon him.Though poor and gloomy. He could turn out to be outstanding one day. As the saying goes, every dog has its day.
(7) If you lie down with dogs, you win get up with fIeas.
< Harry! How come youre back so late? Where have you been?
--Just to a friends.
--To a friend. Just for a glass of liquor, huh? Youre going to be drowned in 1iquor. Id say! If you lie down with dogs, youll get up to End yourself with millions of fleas!
(8) It is easy to find a stick to beat a dog.
--Did you know that Jeffs been fired?
--No. What for?
--Jeff sometimes had ideas different from our bosss.
--Yeah, but Jeff hasnt done anything wrong, has he?
--Well, boss is boss. It is always easy to find a stick to beat a dog.
(9) You cant teach old dogs new tricks.
< Dont forget Wang is already 80.At his age, you cant expect him to learn the tap dance. You cant teach old dogs