maintenance management plan of the Fire auto-alarm and fire protection coordinated control system
The United States and South China fire alarm system will be a more important part in the entire fire protection system, its function will alarm and the extinguish the fire in the fire initial period. Therefore good maintenance of the fire alarm system (FAS) is the important links of The United States and South China fire protection system.
1. 火灾报警系统的构成分为以下几部分:
1.The fire alarm system constitution divides into following several parts:
the fire detector (smoke detector, heat detector, manual fire alarm box);
1.2.Input signal module (fluent signal, pressure switch signal, signal reed valve);
输出信号模块(泵、电梯、风机、风阀、电源强切等);Output signal module(pump, elevator, fan, wind valve, power source cut and so on);
controller翻译中文Fire control panel( Including the controller, the main line linkage controller, the fire linkage controller, the power source system, the tel-system and so on)
Fire alarm facilityfire alarm bell
2. 火灾报警系统的功能分为以下几个部分:
The fire alarm system function divides into following several parts:
The fire alarm(detector, manual fire alarm box, signal module)
Fault alarm (detector, transmitter, controller, other alarm facilities, circuitry)
Alarm(fire bell)
The fire linkage (the signal of the elevator, fire pump, pump of sprays, air blower, wind valve, power source cuts and so on)
3. 根据明天广场的火灾报警系统构成及其功能,为确保其正常运行,须保证火灾报警系统的各组成部分设备状态良好及其相应管线接线良好,方能使系统功能发挥正常。
According to tomorrow square fire alarm system constitution and the function, for will guarantee its normal operation, will have to guarantee the fire alarm system each constituent equipment condition good and the corresponding pipeline wiring will be good, that the whole system function will run normally.
4. 火灾报警的维护保养主要分为以下几个部分:
The FAS maintenance mainly divides into following several parts
系统主机维护保养;The controller’s maintenance
系统电源,主备电自切功能;The power of the system, Transformation function between the main power and Reserve power source
the function of the Self-checking, inspects
Signal receive, logical output function;
The alarm voice elimination, the system replacement, the display of the fire protection breakdown ;
4.2.4. communication function between the concentration system and the region machine.
The maintenance of the detector:
The detector: smoke detector, heat detector, manual fire alarm box and transmitter
The detector maintenance: According to tomorrow square’s structure and the construction characteristic, each month will self-check several floors separately, each quarter will tour one time, whole year altogether will tour self-checks four times.
每点应采用火警方式自检,并记录自检情况,自检不良点进行清洗程序或更换;Each detect spot should be self-checked by the fire-alarm way, and records the self-checking situation, NG-spot by self-checks to carry on the clean programe or the replacement;
输入信号维护保养:the maintenance of the input signal
信号;the input signal: The fluent display signal, the pressure switch signal, the reed valve signal, the fire resisting damper signal, discharge fume the valve signal
输入信号维护方式:模拟输入信号、检查输入模块功能是否良好。(不包括外设备系统维护)the maintenance way of the input signal: Simulator input, to inspecte the load module function . (Not including outside equipment system maintenance)
联动输出信号维护保养:Linkage output signal maintenance
联动输出信号类型分为:消防水泵、喷淋水泵、风机、电梯、非消防电源强切、卷帘门等信号;Linkage output signal: the signal of The fire pump, sprays pump, the air blower, the elevator, the non-fire-power source cuts, the curtain gate and so on.
联动输出信号维护方式:the maintenance way of the linkage output signal :
手动/自动启动或停止消防水泵、喷淋水泵及上述消防设备,并检查现场消防设备是否运行正常,反馈信号是否正确,若不正常,检查输出模块是否正常;(注:外部设备不包括维护保养范围内)Manual/ automation start or stop fire pump, sprays pump and the above fire prot
ection equipment, and inspects the scene fire protection equipment, the feedback signal is correct or not. if it is not normal, that should be to inspecte the output module; (Note: External facilities not including this maintenance )
