薄荷绿是绿的一种,像薄荷叶那样,浅浅的绿,但是并不是翠绿。很多女孩子都喜欢薄荷绿这个颜,那么薄荷绿的英文是什么呢?下面是小编为你整理的薄荷绿的英文,希望大家喜欢! 薄荷绿的英文 mint green 关于薄荷绿的英文短语 薄荷绿树脂手镯 Emporio Armani 水晶薄荷绿 Crystal Mint 淡淡薄荷绿 Pale Mint Green 薄荷、薄荷绿 MINT 炫墨薄荷绿 MINT IN DARK 薄荷绿头戴耳机 Urbanears plattan POOL 薄荷绿复古单肩包 Reed Krakoff 薄荷绿柳条无袖衬衫 sleeveless peppermint striped shirt 日系大美目粉媚薄荷绿 Hyper Pinky Mint Green mint green造句 我上一个工作环境到处可见颜,准确地说,是一种充满凉意的薄荷绿。 My last workspace was filled with color; a cool mint green, to be exact. 最近跟MTV开会时,Tsunder身穿银耐克AirForce运动鞋、白衬衫,外面配薄荷绿V领毛衫,因为这样显得年轻。 For a recent meeting with MTV, Mr. Tsunder wore silver Nike Air Force athletic shoes and a white collared shirt under a mint green V-necked sweater 'because it's youthful.' 从墨绿、磨砂绿、翡翠绿、薄荷绿、浪花绿到透明绿,总算把绿大自然搬进了卫浴间。 From blackish green grind arenaceous green halcyon green mint is green surfy green to transparent green move
green nature into wei yu at long last. 淡淡的薄荷绿,湿用时看起来是闪闪发亮的浅绿箔,干用时呈现两种漂亮的绿光芒。 Pale mint green that looks like glittery light green foil when applied wet, and provides two hues of cheerful green sparkle when applied dry. 在气温逐渐增高的时候,撤掉隆冬热烈、厚重的寝具,让薄荷绿和粉红、粉紫等柔媚彩为您带来清凉的夏季感受; The gradual increase in temperature, leaving the winter warm, thick, and heavy bedding for peppermint green and pink, purple and other colors for the exteriors a cool summer you feel; 尽管它的周围是明亮的薄荷绿的墙面,还有在它上面愉快地翩翩起舞的窗帘,在我看来它是孤独的。 Although it was framed by bright, mint-green walls and a curtain fluttered merrily over it, it was a lonely sight for me. 假如地板为灰白,薄荷绿或蓝米,这种效果就更明显,并可选用深红、葡萄酒红、天蓝、宝石绿等颜加以点缀。 If the floor is ashen, green or field mint is blue cream - colored, this kind of effect is more apparent, can choose cardinal , wine red , shamrock, gem is green wait for color to try to adorn. 我的一件薄荷绿外套和灰短裙安静地躺在衣架上。 My mint-green sweater and charcoal skirt wait neatly on a hanger. 我们被太阳照得两眼发花,耳边就像有震天响的钹声,这时候在阴凉的房间里
喝上一大杯冰镇绿薄荷水,是何等惬意!窗外是大海,道路上的灰尘被烤得炙热。 How cool was the welcome of a tall glass of iced green mint in the shady room, to heads ringing with colors and the cymbals of the sunl Outside were the sea and the road burning with dust. 安:那是有用的,不过种一些植物,像绿薄荷、青蒿和艾菊,不但美化你的院子,更可以抵挡你的入侵者。 A:That works, but planting things like spearmint, southernwood, and tansy could both beautify your yard and deter your invaders. 数个月来,我们每天心心交融,亲亲我我,笨拙的吻似苹果酒和绿薄荷的味道。 For months, we shared daily heart-to-hearts and awkward kisses that tasted of cider and spearmint. 绿薄荷通常用来做薄荷调味汁或者果冻。 Spearmint is generally used to make mint sauce or jelly. 鲜榨橘汁,波士绿薄荷力娇酒,马力保,奶油。 Smirnoff, orange juice, bols green peppermint, Malibu, cream. 之前有报道称,绿薄荷的提取物能够降低男性性欲,而这也成为此次研究绿薄荷茶多毛症的动机来源。 The team decided to study the effects of spearmint on hirsutism because of previous reports that extracts of the spearmint plant (Mentha spicata Labiatae) could reduce libido in men. 绿薄荷让粘膜释放足够多液体或粘液,以允许免受口腔或胃部里消化酶侵蚀的保护。
Spearmint causes the mucous membranes to release enough fluid or mucous to allow for protection from the digestive enzymes in one's mouth or stomach.