Smart logistics: Study of the application of blockchain technology
Yassine Issaoui,Azeddine Khiat,
Ayoub Bahnasse,Hassan Ouajji
Nowadays, integrating new technologies into all management processes leads to strong evolution especially in Smart Logistics which forms one of the fundamental pillar of the fourth industrial revolution ‘industry 4.0’. As an integrated technology, Blockchain, which is an emerging concept, allows decentralized and immutable storage of verified data. The purpose of this study is to define the various a
pplications of Blockchain in Smart Logistics, as well as to present concrete examples of these applications. This work was done by classifying the applications according to four clusters: Information, Transport, Finance, and Management, in addition to presenting the applications of each cluster.
Keywords:Smart Logistics,Blockchain,Smart Supply Chain Management,IoT
1. Introduction
Smart logistics remains a fairly complex concept. It can be used in geographically dispersed areas, for the acqui-sition of raw materials of the
highest quality, as well as the lowest cost, or the marketing of products to reach a large number of consumers. The industry 4.0 paradigm is characterized by the use of new technologies such as IoT, 5G, sensors, RFID cards, smart products, actuators, and intelligent machines. Consequently, a large amount of data will be generated and new challenges will emerge. This highlights the issues of confidence, lack of interoperability, as well as many security and data reliability issues that form major challenges to face the implementation of such infrastructures problems, also, fraud, theft, loss of data, the diversity of marketing policies, the multitude of expenses of financial transactions and goods. Although, the transparency of the supply chain, it remains one of the most important and dicult to reac
transparent中文翻译h areas for logistics and supply chain management. Therefore, a simple, secure, fast sharing of information or products, and funds was the need of almost all companies operating in this field. Blockchain technology first gained popularity as a management platform for Bitcoin, which is a digital cryptocur-rency. In addition to the digital currency, blockchain is a new paradigm of computer science and data flows. For that, it has broad implications for the future development of supply chain management and logistics. Blockchain technol-ogy can ensure data security, reliability, traceability, and authenticity, which will increase trust between supply chain actors and end consumer, by providing reliable information about the shared products through a public Blockchain.
The main purpose of this paper is to examine the scope of Blockchain technology in the field of smart logistics. For this, we segmented our study into four sets. Firstly, Information; which consists of presenting the application of Blockchain for the data collection, and the follow-up of the traceability. Secondly, the transport field which focuses on last-mile logistics. Thirdly, the application of Blockchain to the financial field, which is the sector of its first ap-pearance. And finally, the management, and the presentation of the improvements brought by Blockchain technology to the process of smart logistics.
This paper is organized according to the following sections: Section 2 details the literature review. Section 3 focuses on Blockchain technology applications in the field of smart logistics. Section 4 focus
es on the discussion of the results obtained. And, section 5 is devoted to the conclusion.
2. Literature review
2.1. Smart Supply chain management
The supply chain includes several necessary steps, and refers to a set of processes involved in sourcing, processing, and distributing products and services. Accordingly, supply chain management makes it possible to have the right item, in the right amount, at the right time, in the right
place, with the right price, taking into consideration the right conditions for the right customer.
Due to dierent reasons such as complexity, uncertainty, and other factors, most supply chains are known for their numerous supply/demand mismatch problems, such as excess inventories, stockouts and delivery delays, which have long been popular research topics in the business management literature. In addition, the business climate has become more competitive, customer demands are also more specific. These complexities and problems lead companies to look for solutions in order to improve their work processes as well as the adopted implementation methods.
To eectively face the growing challenges, supply chains need to become much smarter. To this end, co
mpanies need to improve their processes by integrating new information and communication technologies. In this context, the new industrial revolution called ’industry 4.0’ in the daylight. This revolution takes full advantage of the improvements made in the IT, electronics, telecommunication, and mechanical fields. This industrial revolution has allowed the emergence of new paradigms such as smart supply chains, smart products, smart factories, and many other concepts.
Smart supply chains are characterized mainly by the interconnection of internal objects, with stakeholders, as well as optimal decision making
by intelligent systems, and process integration. Thus, this transformation will principally enable channel managers, load optimization, speed and eciency of processes and operations, customer satisfaction, and increased profitability.
2.2. Smart logistics
Logistics enables the management of the company’s physical flows by including a set of activities, such as demand forecasting, sales planning, supply requirements, inventory management, and product distribution. For logistics, tech-nological development and the appearance of the fourth industrial revolution contributed to the generation of several challenges. These can accelerate the inte
gration of technology into all logistics processes. This has led to the emer-gence of a new concept called ’smart logistics’ or ’logistics 4.0’. According to McFarlane, smart logistics is about planning and controlling with smart tools and methods. he confirmed that the degree of intelligence depends on the applications and the methods used since the traceability of the products and the identification of the elements of its environment, until the detection of the problem, the choice and the automatic execution of the solution. On the other hand, Uckelmann, was based on the concept of smart product and smart service to define the smart logistics like the use of the technology to obtain information on the flow of material, then on the treatment to monitoring, control, and other purposes. With intelligent asset tracking
tools and equipment, all supply chains are becoming more e cient and eective by noting di erent changes: Significant end-to-end visibility, Improvement of product routing, Control and replenishment of inventories and mobile assets, and Detailed management of marketing experience.
In order to provide companies with clear visibility into product information, when acquiring, stocking, producing, and shipping, the realization of the mentioned changes requires the use of asset tracking tools supported primarily by sensors that provide information in near real- time.
2.3. Blockchain
Being an emerging technology, the Blockchain aims at storing and transmitting data in a secure, more transparent, and decentralized way. It is considered a distributed database, or public/private shared ledger of all digital events, that has been run and shared among agents participating in the blockchain. Technically, Blockchain is a distributed system, containing all the transactions done since its start, in the form of blocks. These are constituted by the in-formation sent by the users. These data transactions are secured by cryptographic algorithms. Blockchains can be generalized and used to implement a set of agreed rules that no one, neither users nor system operators, can break. They rely on a single platform of system architecture for multi-part applications requiring little
mutual trust. Blockchain technology is characterized by the decentralization of data by providing a higher level of data security. Confidence is one of the main consequences of this decentralization given the non-necessity to evaluate the reliability of the intermediary or the other network participants, so the data are easily exploitable and verifiable. Further-more, adding a new transaction involves more interactions with other nodes in the chain. As illustrated in Fig 1, the insertion operation of a new block is characterized by the non-localization of the nodes, the suitability of the operation, and the security of the records. The steps for inserting a new block are: 1. Send a new transaction, 2. Send the block, corresponding to a new transaction, to all the nodes of the chain, 3. Most nodes approve the new trans
action, 4. Add the new block to the chain, 5. Save a new copy of the book containing all the blocks on a network of nodes.
Fig. 1. Steps to Create a New Blockchain Transaction.
3. Blockchain applications in smart Logistics
Smart logistics is typically defined by the use of new technologies such as IoT, AI, and Cloud computing. More-over, it allows a transfer of
autonomy, intelligence, and autonomous decision-making machines. The technological revolution and the multitude of data collection components have highlighted the issue of the level of data security, and the reliability o f communications. Blockchain’s ability, reliability, traceability, and authenticity of information, as well as intelligent contractual relationships for a trustless environment, foreshadow a major overhaul of supply chains and chain management. supply. Additionally, the Blockchain oers cons
iderable potential for improving the logistics process, principally after the trend towards smart logistics, and the use of communication and information technologies at all levels of the value chain. One of the most important aspects of the blockchain application is its interface with the physical world, which requires the appropriate tools and technology, such as IoT.
This explains the progressive rate of producers’ industrial investments in smart logistics technologies to improve and personalize their oers. According to a recent study of trends in logistics and supply chain management, Blockchain is known only to some logistics experts, and even fewer to those pursuing implementation plans. Also, the use of Blockchain technology in the field of smart logistics remains rare, following its new appearance, its low popularity, and its complexity for the majority of people and organizations. The first real application in the logistics field was announced in April 2015: Everledger startup uses
