I'm ALWAYS pounding people to backup. I will continue. BACKUP YOUR STUFF. If you care about it, back it up.
我⼀直在努⼒地备份⼈们。 我将会继续。 备份您的⽂件。 如果您关⼼它,请备份它。
Let's talk. Yes, I'm talking to you, non-technical friend. You're a writer, a blogger, not a techie. I get that. Can't be bothered, I get that. Very busy. You will be even busier when you lose access to your dropbox, or leave your laptop on a train.
说吧是的,我是在和您聊天,⾮技术朋友。 您是作家,博客作者,⽽不是技术⼈员。 我明⽩了。 不能打扰,我明⽩了。 很忙。 当您⽆法使⽤保管箱或将笔记本电脑放在⽕车上时,您甚⾄会变得更忙。
Please. Read. Tell your friends.
请。 读。 告诉你的朋友。
这些不是备份 (These are NOT backups)
Here are some things that are NOT backups. Feel free to tweet or Facebook them to shame educate your family.
这⾥有些东西不是备份。 随意发推⽂或使⽤Facebook 羞辱 您的家⼈。
Backing up your laptop to an SD Card in the same laptop is #notabackup
Backing up to a hard drive that is 6 inches away from your computer is #notabackup
Backing up your Gmail to another Gmail account is #notabackup
Backing up your book by copying it to another folder is #notabackup
The photos that are still in your camera memory are #notabackup
Do you have any other good examples?
三个备份规则 (The Backup Rule of Three)
Here's the rule of three. It's a long time computer-person rule of thumb that you can apply to your life now. It's also called the Backup 3-2-1 rule.
这是三个规则。 这是很长⼀段时间的计算机⼈员经验法则,您现在可以将其应⽤于⽣活。 也称为备份3-2-1规则。
3 copies of anything you care about - Two isn't enough if it's important.
2 different formats - Example: Dropbox+DVDs or Hard Drive+Memory Stick or CD+Crash Plan, or more
2种不同格式-例如:Dropbox + DVD或硬盘驱动器+ Memory Stick或CD + Crash Plan,或更多
1 off-site backup - If the house burns down, how will you get your memories back?
为什么这么偏执? (Why so paranoid?)
Simple. Because I care about my work, photos and data and I would be sad if I lost it.
简单。 因为我关⼼我的⼯作,照⽚和数据,如果我丢失了它们,我会感到很难过。
Think about all the times you've heard about a friend who has lost everything. A decade of photos. Years of email. It hurts- just like exercise - because it's good for you.
想想您⼀直听到的⼀个失去⼀切的朋友的经历。 ⼗年的照⽚。 多年的电⼦邮件。 就像运动⼀样,它很疼,因为它对您有好处。
Try restoring from a backup to practice. Backups always succeed. It's restores that fail.
尝试从备份还原以进⾏练习。 备份总是成功的。 还原失败。
我该怎么办? (What should I do?)
I think at a minimum folks should do this.
Have TWO physical backups (hard drive, memory card) with a copy of everything, at least weekly. You can automate this.
⾄少每周⼀次进⾏两次物理备份(硬盘,存储卡),并备份所有内容。 您可以⾃动执⾏此操作。
Backup everything that has data that matters. That means phones, too.
备份所有重要数据。 那也意味着电话。
Have a cloud backup storage (CrashPlan, DropBox, SkyDrive, something)
Don't trust the cloud. I backup .
不要相信云。 我也备份 。
Rotate the physical backups between your house and somewhere else. I use the safety deposit box. You can use your Mama's house. Just label one "Backup A" and one "Backup B" and when you visit, swap them.
在您的房屋和其他地⽅之间旋转物理备份。 我使⽤保险箱。 您可以使⽤妈妈的房⼦。 只需标记⼀个“备份A”和⼀个“备份B”,然后在访问时交换它们。
推荐读物 (Recommended Reading)
Here's some other blog posts on the topic of backup. Now, take action.
这是有关备份主题的其他⼀些博客⽂章。 现在,采取⾏动。
