常用复数形式的名词:socks  stockings  gloves  glasses    trousers    chopsticks
可用进行时表将来的动词:go 去come 来fly 飞leave  离开begin 开始
start  开始die  死travel  旅行meet  接见ask  请求以—ly 结尾的形容词:lovely 可爱的lively 热闹的friendly 友好的
lonely  寂寞的brotherly  兄弟般的
形容词与副词同型的词:late  long  fast  hard  high  early  straight
不可数名词:1,液体类:water  tea  milk  orange  oil  ink  coke  juice
2,气体类:gas    air
3,固体类:a,肉类:meat  pork  beef  fish    chicken
duck    b, 其他:bread  sand  rice  porridge  soil
4,其他:practice  information  trouble  news  progress
rubbish  food  use  help  noise  money  glass  hope
advice  love
同音异形词ah—are  I---eye  by--- bye/buy  for---four  farther---father
Hi---high  our---hour  hair---hare  hole---whole  no---know
Hear---here  meat---meet  pair---pear  right---write  see---sea
Son---sun  to---too/two  their---there  weak---week  wear---
where  weather---weather  wood---would
跟不带to的不定式动词四看:look at  see  watch  notice
三让:let  make  have
两听:listen to  hear
一感觉:feel    半帮助:help
动词用原形的几种情况祈使句开头Don’t或Let’s 后助动词will shall would
Should  do  does  did    情态动词can  may  must need
Dare  could  might 后不定式to 后词组why not
Had better,  have to , prefer to , used to , ought to, be able to, be
going to 后
提建议的几种情况Why not …? Ok.      Shall we…? Good idea.
Let’s …? All right.      How/ What about…?  Great.
You’d better/ought to/ should … Yes.
疑问词小结How 怎么样,问方式,程度,情况,面貌等
How old 多大问年龄历史
How much 多少,问价钱等
How many 多少,问数量
How often  多常,多久一次,问频度
How long 多长多久问长度,时间段
How far 多远问距离
How soon 过多久问时间段
What  什么,问物得数日期等
What day  星期几问星期
What time/When 什么时间问时间点
Why 为什么,问原因Where  在哪里,问地点
Which 哪一问所属Whose  谁的问物主
几组特殊的现在分词Die---dying  lie---lying    tie---tying  dye---dyeing
Picnic---picnicking  be---being  see---seeing  agree—
不规则形容词,副词助记口诀两坏:ill,  bad/badly  两多:many,much 和两好:good,well    一分为二有两个,一个远:far来一个老:old 还有一个双含义,只记少:little来和记小:little
常用be+adj 的短语Be able to do sth  be afraid of sth 害怕be angry at 对…生
气be nger with  因…生气be busy doing sth 忙着做…
be busy with sth 忙于某事be different from…与…不一样
be famous from… 因…而著名be fit for… 适宜于…
be full of 充满…  be good at…  be proud of … 以…自豪
be ready to do sth 乐于做…      be weak in…在… 方面差
Some与time 助记口诀开段some time  连某时sometimes    相连-s是有时
分开-s  some times倍又次
有无冠词词义不同In hospital 住院in a /the hospital 在医院里by bus  乘公共
汽车by a /the bus  在公共汽车旁边
By sea 乘船by the sea 在海边at table 在吃饭at the table
在桌旁in front of  在…的前面(外)
In the front of 在…的前面(内)out of question 没问题out
of the question 不可能  a lot of /lots of 许多(肯定句型)
名词不规则变化助记法改字母man—men  woman—women Englishman—Englishmen
Frenchman---Frenchmen  policeman---policemen foot---feet
tooth---teeth  goose---geese  mouse---mice
加字母child---children    单复数同型deer---deer
seep---sheep    fish—fish  Chinese---Chinese
Japanese---Japanese    yuan---yuan
语言类单词Chinese  Japanese  French  German  English
1,‘There are many trees on ___ side of the road.    Each/every    (A)
2,What are you doing when I call you __ the telephone?    On/by/with  (A) on the radio/ internet/ computer on TV
3, Ted has ___ Sydney since last Wednesday.    Been in/ been to/ gone in/gone to  (A)
4, Not only you but also he___ it .  know/knows  (B)
5, No one sits at the door,____?  Do they/does none      (A)    人复物单
6, We ___ seen each other for ten years since we met last.  have/haven’t  (B)
7, There are some people ___outside the room.  talking / talk/ to talk      (A)
8, The farmers ___pigs and chickens at home.  keep/grow/plant          (A)
9,I study French ___ English.  except/ besides                    (B)
10,Can it be Mr.zhang? No, it___ be him. He has gone to Shanghai.  can’t/mustn’t/may not  (A) 11, Let me know ___you can come.  whether/ where/when      (A)
12,  ___can I see you again? In two days.    How soon/How long  (A)
13, Li ming always works hard at English. So ___.  does he / he does/is he / he is  (B)
14, So far, I still __ not ___able to find the lost wallet.  am. be/will. be/can. be /have. been  (D) 15, When he was young, he __always ___new ideas.  (B)
is, try out /was, trying out /was, tiring out/ has, tried out
16, No matter __ he does ___ me. I won’t be angry ___ him.  (C)
how, to, at/ what, for ,with  /what, to , with/ how ,to ,on
17, The baby was so ___ that she kept ___all the time.  (C)
Frighten, crying /frightened, cry / frightened, crying / frightened, to cry
18, The great _____ ____ 1093 ____ in his life.    (C)
invent, inventor, inventions / invention, invented, inventors
inventor, invents, inventions / inventor, invented, inventions/
19, The radio is too noisy. Would you mind______?  (A)
turning it down/ to turning it down/ turning it on/ turning down it
20, Did you hear something ___at he door? Yes ,I heard him ___ three times.  (C) knocking, knocking/ knock, knocking/ knocking, knock/ knock, knock
21, _____ do you know ____ the man_____picture ____the right?  (B)
Who ,about, on, in/ What ,about, in, on/
Who ,about, on, to/ What ,about, to, on/
22, What do you ____by this word?____ what’s the _____of this word? (B)
mean,meant,means  / mean,means,meaning/
meaning,means,mean  /means,mean,meaning
23, ______he has been away____two years ago, you can’t see him. (D)
Because, for/ As, in / For , since/  Since, since
24, English is widely used______business____different countries. (C)
by, in/ as , among/ for, between/ in, by
25, ______ of the twins are in good health, ____of them is ill.  (C)
None, both/ All, none/ Both , neither/ Some, either
become---be 成为begin---be on 开始borrow---keep 借入
close---be closed  关闭catch a cold ---- have a cold  感冒die ---be dead 死
fall ill----be ill 生病go/ come---- be here/be in      get/ buy-----have  买
get to know---know 认识get up----be up 起床
go to sleep /get to sleep/fall asleep---be asleep 入睡
join---be a member of / be in  加入go out---be out  出去finish/end --- be over结束marry---be married 结婚move---be out of  移动leave—be away (from) 离开reach/get/ arrive—be here/be in          return/come back---be back  回来
hear from/got a letter from/receive a letter from---- have a letter from  收到….的来信
13 ,形容词,副词比较级,最高级构成的不规则变化
good /well 行-----better----best        many/much 多----more----most
bad/ ill/badly(病,坏,差)---worse----worst      little 少----less---least
far 远----farther 距离远/further程度深远-----farthest/furthest
old 老---older 指年龄/elder 指辈分---oldest/eldest
14 常用句型小结
1,It’s time for sb to do sth. 该是某人做某事的时间了。
2, What’s wrong/ the matter with you?  你怎么了?
3 ,It’s kind /nice of sb to do sth.  做某事你真是太好心了。
4,Thank you for your help/ help me. 谢谢你的帮助/帮助我。
5, May/can I speak to sb please? 请叫某人接电话好吗?
6, It’s good/bad for sb to do sth? 做某事对某人是好的/有害的。
7, May I help you?/ what can I do for you ?
8, Nice/ glad to meet/see you. 认识/ 见到你我很开心。
9, How are you? /  how do you do?你好吗?
10, It takes sb some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多少时间。11, Would you mind (sb) doing sth? 请你做某事好吗?
12, I am sorry to hear that/ trouble you. 听到这件事/麻烦你我很难过
