一、 写出下列名词的复数形式:
A.bag___________car ___________ map__________bed_______
hat___________ exercise _________ orange _________ house ______
B. monkey _________key ___________toy_______________
library __________ city __________ country ____________
dictionary ________baby _________ family ___________
party____________ strawberry____________
C. class ____________glass __________match __________ 
watch _________  box ___________brush __________ 
bus ___________  dish____________
D. photo __________ piano __________potato __________
  radio __________  hero ___________tomato ___________
  zoo____________ zero__________
E. knife ___________leaf ___________ life ___________
wife ___________ shelf __________
F. man _________  foot ___________ tooth __________   
child __________ mouse____________
G. Chinese ________Japanese ______________
sheep __________fish______________
H. policeman _________ Englishman_________ Frenchman__________
1. There are a lot of___________________(wolf狼)in the forest(森林).
2. There are three ________________(chair) in the classroom.
3. These _________________(tomato) are red. 
4. The _______________ are playing football now. (child)
5. My brother looks after two ________________(baby)
6. There are some ________________(sheep) eating the grass.
7. My father likes to eat _________________(potato).
8. Chinese ________________(people)like to eat noodles.
9. I have a lot of ________________(toy) in my bedroom.
10. I help my mother wash ____________(dish) in the kitchen(厨房).
11. I have two __________________(pencil-box).   
12. My parents and I like _______________(strawberry).
13. The insect has eight _________________(foot). 
14. Linda has three ___________________(tooth).
15. There are some __________________(child) in the garden.
16. Mike likes the __________________(mouse). They look nice.
17. I have two_________________. (knife) 
18. My uncle and father are _________________(man).
19. Some _________________ are drawing on the wall. (boy)
20. There are many _________________ on the road. (bus)
21. They are great _________________(hero).
22. We have three__________________(library) in our school.
23. They have some ______________(salad) in the fridge.
24.We all like ____________________(ice-cream).
25. I like____________( fruit), but I don’t like ___________(vegetable).
1. There____________on the wall.They are very beautiful.
A. are photoes  B. are photos C. is a photo  D. is photos
2. There__________ two __________ in the box.   
A. is; watch    B. are ;watches  C. are; watch  D. is; watches
3. In Britain ____ are all painted red. 
A. letter boxes  B. letters boxes  C. letter box  D. letters box
4. That’s__________ art book.  A. an  B. a  C. the D are
5. The boys have __________. 
A. two bread        B. two breads
C. two pieces of bread  D. two piece of breads
6. The old man wants__________. 
A. six boxes of apples  B. six boxes of apple 
C. six box of apples  D. six boxs of apples
7. The _____ meeting room is near the reading room. 
A. teacher  B. teacher’s  C .teachers’  D. teachers
8. I can see three ______________ in the zoo.
A monkeys    B monkeys    C monkey
9. We should clean __________twice a day(一天两次). 
A .our tooth  B. our tooths  C. teeth  D. our teeth
10. The dog has four _______________.
A. foot  B. feet  C. foots
11. My two brothers are both (两个都)____________.
A. policeman  B. policemans  C. policemen
12. I can see ten _____ in the picture.
A. sheep  B. dog  C. pig 
13.The ___________ has three____________.
A. boys, watches  B. boy, watch  C. boy, watches
14. Can you see _______on the plate?
A. bread  B. breads  C. breades
15. Mr Black often drinks some _______.
A. milk B. milks C.milkes
16. There are some _____ on the floor.
A. child  B. water  C. books
17. Lucy will show us some new ____ of hers.
A. photo  B. photos  C. photoes
18. I drank two __________________.
A. bottles of orange B. bottle of orange C. bottles of oranges
19. The cat eats two ______ last night.
A. mouses  B. mice  C. mouse
20. There are four ___________ in the class.
A. Japanese  B. Japaneses  C. Japan
