名词的数 选择题
Tow (    ) are eating the grass over there.
A. sheeps
B. sheep
C. shoop
D. sheepes
You must clean (  ) every day.
A. your tooth
B. your tooths
C. your teeth
D. tooths
Physics (  ) with matter and motion.
A. deal
B. deals
C. are
D. is
【解析】句意:物理学研究的是物质和运动。deal with 是固定搭配,physics/maths/Chinese 等表示学科的名词做主语时,谓语动词用单数。故选B.
He raised a lot of (    ) on the farm.
A. sheep and goat
B. sheeps and goats
C. sheep and goats
D. sheeps and goat
On the table there are five (    ).
A. tomatos
B. pieces of tomatoes
C. tomatoes
D. tomato
【解析】句意:桌子上有五个西红柿。以 o结尾的词变成复数形式,有生命的加es,无生命的加s。如potato土豆、 tomato西红柿、 hero英雄、 negro黑人,这些是有生命的 (包括动、植物),要加es。而如photo照片、piano钢琴、radio 收音机、zoo动物园、kilo公斤,是无生命的,所以加s。
In Britain the (  ) are all pained red.
A. letter boxes
B. letters box
C. letters boxes
D. letter box
【解析】句意:在英国,信箱都被涂成红。句中用了 are, 所以要用复数,不选D。被涂成的是“箱”不是“信”,所以应是“箱”变复数,“信”不用变。所以不选 B/C。
Some (    ) came to our school for a visit that day.
A. Germans
B. Germen
C. Germany
D. Germanies
【解析】句意:那天一些德国人来我们学校参观。句中用了some,说明应是复数,German 的复数形式是Germans。
Children should make (    ) for old people in a bus.
A. room
B. a room
C. rooms
D. the room
【解析】句意:孩子们应该在公共汽车上为老人让出一块空间来。room空间是不可数的,不能用冠词a,也不能用定冠词the,同样也没有复数形式。所以不选 B/C/D.
I wonder why (    ) are so interested in action movies.
A. people
B. peoples
C. the people
D.the peoples
【解析】句意:我想知道为什么人们对动作片感兴趣。People泛指“人民”“人们”是单数形式,复数概念,所以不用加“s”,也不用加定冠词“the”, the people是表示一个民族,所以选A.
His teacher always gave him (    ).
