book____________ tree    ______horse    ______ day____________ boy____________  car  ____   
2、以s,x, ch, sh 结尾的加es. 
dress____________ bus______________ fox    _____ box___________ 
watch___________ branch    ____ sandwich__________ peach__________
dish    _____ 
3、以辅音字母+ y结尾的,改y为i再加es. 
city    _____ _ country    _____ diary____________ strawberry_________ 
baby    _____ family    _____
zoo      ______ photo    _____ piano    _____ radio    _____
piano      ______ video      ______
negro黑人      ______hero英雄      ______  potato铃薯       ______
tomato西红柿      ______mango芒果      ______
5、以f或者fe 结尾的词,改f为v,再加es. 
thief    _____ _ life    _____ knife     _____ leaf    _____
wolf     _____half     _____ shelf     _____
man    ____  _ woman    _____ policeman    _____
policewoman    _____Englishman    _____Frenchman             
脚、英尺foot→feet,牙齿 tooth→teeth, goose→geese等
tooth  ____      foot         goose         
③复数以en结尾的有:儿童child→children, 公牛 ox→oxen等
中国人Chinese日本人Japanese鹿deer---deer 羊sheep---sheep鱼fish---fish means都是单复数同形的单词
this _____________that _____________ am/is _____________
老鼠mouse  mice  __ 
⑥有些词本身就是复数。如:人民people 警察police短裤shorts
长裤pants  trousers 眼镜glasses 牛仔裤jeans 剪刀scissors
⑦有些名词虽然以s结尾,但是单数形式。如:数学 maths、(政治学)politics(政治学)物理physics新闻news
 (  )1. The __ in our yard are very beautiful.
      A. cloth   B. water    C. flowers
(  )2. Tom is one of the Chinese _____ in our school.
      A. boy    B. boys    C. boies
(  )3. A cat has four ____ , doesn't it?
      A. foots    B. feet    C. feets
(  )4. There are three ____ and five _____ in the room.
    A. American, Japanese B Americans, Japanese C. American, Japanese
 (  )5. Can you see nine ____ in the picture?
    A. fish    B. book    C. horse
(  )6. The _____ has two______.
    A. boy; watch  B. boy; watches    C. boys; watch
(  )7. The _____ are flying back to their country.
    A. Germany    B. Germanys    C. Germans
(  )8. The girl brushes her _____ every day before she goes to bed.
     A. tooths    B. teeth      C. teeths
(  ) saw many _____ in the street.
    A. peoples                  ’s
(  ) green sweater is his _________.
    A. brother        B. brothers        C. brother’s
(  )11.  They come from different ______
A. country    B. countries    C. a country    D. countrys
(  )12.  How many ______ do you see in the picture
        A. tomatos    B. tomatoes  C. tomato      D. the tomato
(  )13.  They are______.
        A . woman teachers      B. women teachers 
C. women teacher      D. woman teacher
(  )14.  Would you like _______ ,please
        A. two glass of  water      B. two glasses of  water 
        C. two glass of  waters    D. two glasses of  waters
(  )15.  Most of ______ live in _______.
        A. Germans, German    B. German, Germen 
        C. Germen, Germany    D. Germans, Germany
(  )16.  There are some ______ in these _______.
        A. knifes  pencil-boxes    B. knives  pencils-box
        C. knives  pencil-box      D. knives  pencil-boxes
(  )17. ______ like ______ by air.
        A. Greens, travelling      B. The Green, traveling 
        C. The Greens, travel      D. The Greens, travelingradio的复数形式
(  )18. I wonder why ______ are interested in action films(武打片).
        A. the people  B. people  C. peoples  D. the peoples
(  )19.  There is no ______ in the plate.
        A. apples  B. oranges  C. rice  D. eggs
  (  ) uncle has three _______.
