一、Number 数字
106: one million
109: one billion (or one thousand million)
1012: one trillion (or one million million)
1015: one quadrillion(or one thousand million million)
1018: one quintillion (or one million million million)
二、Fractions 分数
1/2: a (or one) half
1/3: a (or one) third
1/4: a quarter or one fourth
2/3: two thirds, two over three, or two by three
9/10: nine tenths, nine over ten, or nine by ten
4‰: four per mill (or mil)
三、Decimals 小数
0.4: zero (or naught) point four
.01: point (or decimal) naught (or oh) one
12.34: twelve point three four
30.45: thirty point four five,
0.3333333…..: point three repeating (or recurring)
四、Mathematic Forms 数学式
(4-1) Addition 加法
1+2=3: One and two are three.
2+3=5: Two plus three equals five.
4+0=4: Four and naught is equal to four.
45+70+152=267: 45, 70 and 152 added are (or make) 267
the sum (or total) is 267.
(4-2) Subtraction 减法
(4-3) Multiplication 乘法
(4-4) Division 除法
五、Power 幂次方
bn 当中, b 被称为底数 (base),n 被称为指数 (power or exponent)
bn: the nth power of b 或 b to the nth power.
a107: a times the seventh power of ten.
b 的平方: b square or b squared
b 的立方: b cube or b cubed
b 的4次方: b to the fourth
b 的-1次方: b to the minus one
log(x): the logarithm of x
logb(x): the logarithm of x to the base b
5 : 3: five to three
45 度角: forty-five degree angle
二元一次方程式: linear (or simple) equation with two unknowns
一元二次方程式: quadratic equation with one unknown
(9-1) Punctuation Marks 标点符号
中文 | 英文 | 中文 | 英文 | ||
§ | 分节号 | section; division | - | 破折号 | dash |
。 | 句号 | period | / | 斜线 | virgule; slash |
, | 逗号 | comma | \ | 反斜线 | backslash |
: | 冒号 | colon | ~ | 波浪号 | tilde (or swung dash) |
; | 分号 | semicolon | ... | 省略号 | ellipsis |
! | 惊叹号 | exclamation | ( ) | 圆括号 | parentheses |
@ | at | ' ' | 单引号 | single quotation marks | |
' | 所有格号 | apostrophe | “ ” | 双引号 | double quotation marks |
? | 问号 | question mark | 《》 | 法文引号或书名号 | French quotes |
. | 点 | dot | [ ] | 方括号 | (square) brackets |
* | 星号 | asterisk (or star) | { } | 大括号 | braces |
→ | 箭号 | arrow | ‖ | 双线号 | parallel |
(9-2) Mathematical Symbols (I) 数学符号 (一)
中文 | 英文 | 中文 | 英文 | ||
= | 等号 | is equal to | ≯ | 不大于 | is not more than |
≠ | 不等号 | is not equal to | % | 百分之 | per cent (or percent) |
≈ | 约等于 | is approximately equal to | ‰ | 千分之 | per mill (or mil) |
< | 小于 | is less than | ≡ | 全等号 | is equivalent to |
> | 大于 | is more than | ≌ | 约等于 | is approximately equal to |
≤ | 小于等于 | is less than or equal to; is no more than | ∝ | 与…成比例 | varies as |
≥ | 大于等于 | is more than or equal to; is no less than | ∞ | 无限大 | infinity |
≮ | 不小于 | is not less than | & | 以及 | and (or ampersand) |
(9-3) Mathematical Symbols (II) 数学符号 (二)
中文 | 英文 | 中文 | 英文 | ||
+ | 加号 正号 | plus | √ | 平方根 | (square) root |
- | 减号 负号 | minus | ∫ | 积分 | integral of |
× | 乘号 | is multiplied by | ∑ | 总和 | summation of |
| 除号 | is divided by | ° | 度 | degree |
± | 正负号 | plus or minus | ′ | 分 | minute |
∵ | 因为 | since; because | ″ | 秒 | second |
∴ | 所以 | hence | ℃ | 摄氏 | centigrade |
∠ | 角 | angle | F | 华氏 | (degree) Fahrenheit |
⌒ | 半圆 | semicircle | n! | nsemicircle阶乘 | the factorial of n |
⊙ | 圆 | circle | ^ | hat | |
○ | 圆周 | circumference | |a| | a 的绝对值 | the absolute value of a |
π | 圆周率 | pi | log a | 对数 | (common) logarithm |
△ | 三角形 | triangle | ln a | 自然对数 | natural logarithm |
⊥ | 垂直 | is perpendicular to | sin | 正弦 | sine |
∪ | 合集 | union of | cos | 余弦 | cosine |
∩ | 交集 | intersection of | tan | 正切 | tangent |
# | 数字 | number | cot | 余切 | cotangent |
$ | 美元 | dollar | sec | 正割 | secant |
f(a) | a 的函式 | the function of a | csc | 余割 | cosecant |
十、Common Words in Mathematics 数学常用字汇
(10-1) Science 科学
公理 | axiom | 推论 | corollary |
定理 | theorem | 反例 | counterexample |
定律 | law; principle | 演绎 | deduct (v); deduction(n) |
证明 | prove; verify | 归纳 | induct (v); induction(n) |
假设; 假说 | hypothesis; hypotheses(pl.) | 经验式的 | heuristic |
命题 | proposition | 算法 | algorithm |
(10-2) Numbers 数
数 | number | 十进制 | decimal system |
数字 | digit | 二进制 | binary system |
自然数 | natural number | 十六进制 | hexadecimal system |
整数 | integer | 有理数 | rational number |
小数 | decimal; decimal fraction; decimal figure | 无理数 | irrational number |
小数点 | decimal point | 实数 | real number |
循环小数 | recurring decimal; periodic decimal; repeating decimal | 虚数 | imaginary number |
无尽小数 | infinite decimal | 复数 | complex number |
正 | positive | 有效数字 | significant digit |
负 | negative | 无效数字 | insignificant digit |
零 | null, zero, naught, nil | 因子 | factor |
无穷大 | infinite(a.) infinity(n.) | 公因子 | common factor |
无穷小 | infinitesimal | 倍数 | multiple |
分数 | fraction | 公倍数 | common multiple |
分子 | numerator | 质数 | prime number |
分母 | denominator | 因式分解 | factorization(n); factorize(v) |
倒数 | reciprocal; inverse | 近似值 | approximate value |