五十音图记忆法(Fifty tone memory
Fifty tone memory method [1] time: 2011-03-17 14:25 source: unknown author: admin Click: 709 times fifty tone map memory method, this is a more funny memory method. But anyway, it's also a way! That's good. Learn it!
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For thou
A cross on the top? It doesn't look like a shit fork Here is a knot in the end of a rope. Do you take a a?! In fact,
The upper mouth parallel, glossoptosis to imitate it, this is a semicircle in front of the neck [is "an" word of cursive! But don't read "Ann"
The last
The right side is the small finger, the left side of course is you, very despise the hair "I"". I: s
We despise the tone expressed by "you", here is the half of you
Percent complete
This is the bottom of the ass has reached the bench, has not posted the moment before the bench, bending the moment, of course, to squeeze the gas out of the stomach, so gently say "U" with me". ゥゥ
This letter with little change, but is preceded by a hand, the original point of view, and no side leg ass percent.
Every forms
I would say that Japanese people so few, sitting in a small bench, naturally "security", "an". Or
Solid, straight, neat, just a year.
Oh, my name is Li, Li character of cursive that Japan, why be so respected Li people? Everyone will be "O", just remember my ancestors. In front of what we say. Harmed to just now? Why are people so I respect Japan Li people, the answer here, because they have. Another to commemorate the table.
First of all, this is a force word, and force down a small point, for example, from the wood, will not "card" a sound? "Ka" is a form of gas.
Power is everything, in front of, a simple source said here about the voice, force!
Two slanting down the line, the following is almost parallel to the knife cut diagonally abov
e, nature is a knife, two cross is hand, imagine a knife carved wooden voice, "Ki" - hit
This is the hidden notch out, because each moment is not uniform, but the knife is good standard, so it is with
On the
What sounds if you draw the mouth into such a triangle? Only "Ku" in group
The front is used on the pronunciation of the mouth to memory, there was obviously depicted is half a sad face, eyes narrowed, two eyes covered with drooping.
This is too obvious, on the left is the scabbard, right knife, knife scabbard, do you want? Chop! "KIE" election
Why not tears in the eyes, because the eyes opened, it is to see the sunset.
Advance period
The two big men lie side by side, and there is such a big place in the middle. It's so wide! The "Kuo" course
Two men have to cover what sleep ah, here in the foot with a quilt, or was
Facing the letter, I will be the first
Feel the murderous knowledge, see above the big fork, beside the corpse, what is this? "Sa" go "
Disregard for human life, pay attention to two Cao Jian Caozi head on the front of the national contact, during the murderous practice to the point has been partly hidden and partly visible.
The nose is too long, rounded, fast absorption, "Xi", Tokyo
The woman has long turn, two eyes here, from big to small, from top to bottom so hard a pick, of course it is the nose inside it.
This is a hair comb, "Si", the Internet have
I was hanging wire on the shelf, here two shares of stock has been processed, but also
How many words are missing in the world word? In the middle are empty, the world will not loose it? "Sie": miraj
Estate, some regular strokes.semicircle
This is McDonald's sideways to see the big M, go to McDonald's coffee with disease block Cola cool it, cool your "Suo" to assess
Think of McDonald's, right? What do Americans say when they are comfortable? "YES."!" In Japan, people also assess
