名校版高考高中英语语法详解 order及相关短语归纳
His order is like a suggestion.他的命令像建议。The order has been delayed.订单被延期了。A new order seems to be emerging. 新的秩序似乎正在显现。Everything was in apple-pie order.所有的东西都整整齐齐。
The policeman ordered him to stand against the wall.警察命令他靠墙站好。Are you ready to order, sir?先生,可以点菜了吗?Do you remember the number of books they ordered?你记得他们订购书的数目吗?
常见短语in order表示“整齐,秩序井然”。比如:I must put my affairs in order.我必须整理整理我的事务。Put them in order.把它们摆放整齐。
介词短语in order to 的意思是“为了……”,后要跟原形动词。比如:I go swimming every day in order to keep fit.我每天游泳以保持健康。She arrived early in order to get a good seat.她早早到场,好个好位置。
短语out of order“不正常的,出故障”,比如:The phone is out of order.电话坏了。The machine is out of order.机器出故障了。
需注意点:1.如果表达的是否定意义的目的,就只能用in order not to不能用not to,如:We got up early in order not to miss the train.我们早起以免误了火车。
短语in order that的意思是“目的在于,为了”,后面要跟从句。比如:We all get up early in order that we can start at seven.我们都早点起床,以便我们可以七点钟出发。They worked hard in order that they might succeed.他们努力工作,以便能够获得成功。
2.不要把接不定式的in order to同接从句的in order that混淆。此外,so that也接从句表目的,不过它比in order that更常用于非正式的文体或讲话场合。
had better、have to及need是常用的短语及词汇,也是考试中的考点,下面进行分析。
1.had better
had better 的意思是“最好还是;应该”,相当于情态动词,后面要跟原形动词,这也是考点。had better只有这一种形式,had better用在肯定句中,一般的形式是:主语+had better+动词原形+…。比如:
We had better take off our coats.咱们最好把外套脱掉。You had better drive slowly and carefully.你最好开慢点,小心点。You had better break with your bad habits.
你最好改掉你的坏习惯。You had better get a doctor to pull out your bad tooth.你最好去看医生把你的坏牙给拔了。
如果had better用在否定句中,其形式为:主语+had better + not+动词原形+……,也就是not放在原形动词前,better之后。比如:
I really think you had better not come and stop with me.我真的认为你最好不要来和我呆一起。We'd better not tell him.我们最好还是不告诉他。
需要掌握的是:在表示要求或命令的语气时,从should(应该)、had better(最好)到must(必须)是逐渐加强的。
2.have to
have to的意思是“必须,不得不,只好” 。have to与must一样,表示“必须”的意思。have/has+to后面要用动词原形。当主语是第三人称单数时,要用has to,如果是过去时,则用had to。我们可以把情态动词及助动词(will或shall)等放在have to前面。比如:
Some people have to share an office.有些人只好合用一间办公室。I’ve to attend a meeting tomorrow.明天我得去参加会议。They may have to go home late.他们可能不得不晚回家。
I'll have to leave after this hand.这一盘打完后我必须走了。I have to finish this essay today. We have to hand them in tomorrow.我今天得完成这篇论文,因为我们明天必须交。
当have to用在否定句中时,其形式为:主语+don’t/doesn’t have to+动词原形+……。比如:
I don’t have to leave work early today.我今天不能早下班。Children won’t have to do their homework on weekends.孩子们不必在周末做作业。
have to的疑问句和回答方式为:Do/Does+主语+have to+动词原形+……,即,Yes.主语+do/does;No.主语+don't/doesn't,比如:
