1.—Do you still remember the accident?
—Yes, actually. I have experienced nothing ________.
A.but frightened    B.except frightening    C.more frightening    D.more frightened
2.Coordinating airline traffic on the ground is as________ as managing the traffic in the air.
A.delightful    B.complicated    C.enthusiastic    D.mischievous
3.Taylor was always generous to his wife and children, but he________spent money on himself.
A.merely    B.rarely    C.frequently    D.delightedly
4.After the bridge has been widened, the traffic is now flowing ________.
A.slowly    B.smoothly    C.cautiously    D.accurately
5.Please remain ________ until the plane has come to a complete stop.
A.to seat    B.seating    C.seated    D.seat
6.Nowadays, basic health care services are _______ to almost all the Chinese people.
A.alternative    B.abundant    C.accessible    D.adorable
7.The East and the West can work together for their________benefit and progress.
A.mutual    B.pessimistic    C.neutral    D.optional
8.I didn’t feel ________ at all when ________ myself at the beginning of this school year.
A.confident, introducing    B.confidently, introducing
C.confident, introduced    D.confidently, introduced
9.Every week, I write an email and tell my parents ________ that happened in our school.
A.exciting something    B.something exciting
C.excited something    D.something excited
10.A new exhibition on _______ art is on from 10 am to 6 pm, Tuesday to Sunday.
A.distinct    B.abstract    C.embarrassed    D.worthy
11.Even though being a camper has its challenges, I feel it is _______ to camp.
A.enthusiastic    B.literary    C.delighted    D.worthwhile
12.The little boy was so ________ to hear that the wonderful movie Rio he had been looking forward to would be put on soon in his city.
A.puzzled    B.delighted    C.disappointed    D.inspired
13.The author is really ________ of being praised for his perseverance and talent.
A.worth    B.worthy    C.worthwhile    D.worse
14.He doesn't do his homework_________, though he has_________.
A.carefully enough, enough time    B.enough carelessly, time enough
C.carelessly enough, enough time    D.enough carefully, enough time
15.Quan Hongchan's performance at the Tokyo Olympic Games was________.
A.impress    B.impressed    C.impression    D.impressive
16.Thanks to the doctors’ careful treatment, she finally turned the corner and made a(n) ________ recovery.
A.miraculous    B.splendid    C.delicate    D.essential
17.The actor who gave a ________ performance as the mad king made a strong impression on the audience.
A.cautious    B.basic    C.precious    D.vivid
18.On Wednesday night I had a very________dream which really upset me.
A.distinct    B.vivid    C.remarkable    D.tiresome
19.We are really ________ of your help, so please accept our invitation.
A.thoughtful    B.considerate    C.confident    D.appreciative
20.I just want a simple black dress, nothing_______.
A.neat    B.fancy    C.brief    D.precious
21.Jim is not a talented writer, but he can create more________ stories than any other student in his class.
A.imagined    B.imaginable    C.imaginative    D.imaginary
22.Joe was_________to become a doctor and his persistence paid off after years of hard work.
A.independent    B.hesitant    C.limited    D.determined
23.With the teachers helping him patiently, the boy has made progress _______.
A.instantly    B.intimately    C.steadily    D.literally
24.David is crazy about Chinese history. He________ visits the museums first wherever he travels in China.
A.never    B.seldom    C.sometimes    D.always
25.The speech was so ________ that they were all ________.
accessible的固定短语A.inspiring; exciting    B.inspiring; excited
C.inspired; excited    D.inspired; exciting
26.DX Sports Watch is only _________online, so go to our website and place your order.
A.ordinary    B.available    C.typical    D.appealing
27.The student________ in the games on the MP4 during class didn’t notice his teacher behind him.
A.absorbing    B.to absorb    C.absorbed    D.be absorbed
28.When I studied abroad, I phoned my parents ________,usually once a week.
A.actually    B.totally
C.regularly    D.finally
29.Were you ________ when you saw that wild animal?
A.fright    B.frightening    C.frightened    D.frighten
30.According to our teacher, we should take detailed notes in class because they are more ________ than our memory.
A.active    B.reliable    C.honest    D.stubborn
31.Cave exploration, which has come to be known in recent years, is a ________ new sport.
A.relatively    B.gradually    C.publicly    D.strictly
