3GPP 三⽅通话(ISDN)
3PTY 第三代合作项⽬
AC 确认中⼼
AM 接⼊矩阵
AoC Advice of Charge 收费参考说明
APP Application
ARFCN 绝对频率信道号
ASCI Advanced Speech Call Item s ⾼级语⾳呼叫
ATC Automatic Train Control ⾃动列车控制
ATP Automatic Train Protection⾃动列车防护
ATS Automatic Traffic Supervision⾃动⾏车监督
AUC Authentication Centerl
BC 承载能⼒
BCD ⼆进制编码的⼗进制
BOIC Barring of Outgoing International Calls 禁⽌国际呼出呼叫
BSC Base Station Controller 控制器
BSS Base Station System 系统
BTS Base Transceiver Station 收发机
CBSC ⼩区⼴播短消息业务
CBC ⼩区⼴播中⼼(数据,消息)
CC Country Code 国家代码
CCBS Completion of Calls to Busy Subscribers 到占线⽤户的呼叫完成
CCITT International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee 国际电报与电话咨询委员会
CDPA 被叫⽅地址
CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation 欧洲电⼯技术标准委员会
CFU Call Forwarding Unconditional ⽆条件呼叫前转
CGI ⼩区全球识别码
CI Cell Identifier
CIRENE 中国综合铁路⽆线增强⽹络
CLI Calling Line Identity 呼叫线路标识
CLIP Calling Line Identity Presentation 呼叫线路标识表⽰(主叫线路识别表⽰)CLIR Calling Line Identification Restriction 呼叫线路标识限定
CN Coach Number 客车号
CoLP Connected Line Identification Presentation 已连接线路标识表⽰(被叫线路识别的表⽰)
CoLR Connected Line Identification Restriction 已连接线路标识限定(被叫线路识别的限制)
COTS Commercial Off-the-Shelf 商⽤
CP 控制协议
CRTMS 中国铁路运输管理系统
CSVC Centralised Signalling Vital Computer(集中式信号安全计算机)
CT Call Type 呼叫类型
CTC Centralised Traffic Control (调度集中)
CTCS 中国列车控制系统
CTRLFN 调度员功能号
CTS 列车信号集中
CUG Closed User Group 闭合⽤户组
CW Call Waiting 呼叫等待
DM Direct Mode 直接模式
DMI Driver Machine Interface (司机/机器接⼝)
DSD Driver Safety Device 驾驶员安全设备
DTMF Dual-Tone Multiple Frequency 双⾳多频
E.164 CCITT Recommendation (Numbering plan for the ISDN area)CCITT建议(⽤
EB Emergency Brake (紧急制动)
ECT Explicit Call Transfer 明确的呼叫转移
EDSS1 European Digital Subscriber Signalling System
EF 基本⽂件(在SIM卡中)
EFC on Engine Function Code
EFN Engine Functional Number
EIRENE European Integrated Railway Radio Enhanced Network 欧洲铁路综合⽆线增强⽹络
EMC 电磁兼容
eMLPP Enhanced Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-emption 增强多级优先权和EN Engine Number 机车号ENAN EIRENE Network Access Number EIRENE接⼊号
EOT End Of Train(列车尾部)
ERTMS European Rail Traffic Management System 欧洲铁路运输管理系统
ETCS European Train Control System 欧洲列车控制系统
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute 欧洲电信标准协会ETSI-GTS ETSI-GSM技术标准
EVC European Vital Computer(欧洲安全计算机)
FA Functional Address功能寻址
FC Function Code 功能代码
FFFS 功能需求规范
FFFIS Form Fit Functional Interface Specification 正规适合的功能接⼝规范FFN Follow Me function Node功能接点
FFS For Further Study功能接点
FIS 功能接⼝规范
FIT Failures In Time [10-9/hour]
FMm 在HLR中执⾏Follow Me业务的应⽤
FMf 在FFN中执⾏Follow Me业务的应⽤
FN 或FNR Functional Number 功能号
FNT Functional Number Type
FNUT 固定⽹络⽤户终端
GCI Global Cell Identifier
GCR Group Call Register 组呼寄存器
GC-REF 组呼参考(确认消息中的参数)
GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node GPRS⽹关⽀持节点
GLN Group Location Number 组位置号
GMSC gateway MSC⽹关移动交换中⼼
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System(全球卫星导航系统)
GPRS General Packet Radio Service 通⽤分组⽆线业务
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications 全球移动通信系统
HLR Home Location Register 归属位置寄存器
HOLD Call Hold呼叫保持
IAM Initial Address Message初始地址消息
IC International Code 国际代码
ID Identity标识
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission 国际电⼯技术委员会
IEI 信元标⽰符
IFN International Functional Number 国际功能号
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity 国际移动⽤户识别码
IN Intelligent Network
IP Index of Protection
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 综合业务数字⽹
ISUP ISDN User Par t⽤户部分
ITU International Telecommunications Union 国际电信联盟
ITU-T International Telecommunications Union - Telecommunications 国际电信联盟电信分部
IWF Interworking Function
IXL Interlocking(联锁)
LAC Location Area Code
LN Location Number 位置号码
LDA 基于位置的寻址
M Maintainability
MA 移动应⽤
MAP Mobile Application Part 移动应⽤协议
MCC Mobile Country Code 移动国家代码
ME Mobile Equipment 移动设备
MGT Mobile Global Title 移动全局符
MLPP Multi Level Precedence and Pre-emption
MMI Man-Machine Interface ⼈机接⼝
MNC Mobile Network Code 移动⽹路代码
MO/PP Mobile Originated/Point-to-Point (short message) 移动台发出/点对点(短消息)MOC Mobile Originated Call移动台发起的呼叫
MORANE 欧洲铁路⽆线移动⽹络
MoU Memorandum of Understanding 谅解备忘录
MPTY Multi ParTY service 多⽅业务或通话
MPTY-SS 多⽅通话补充业务
MS Mobile Station 移动台
MSC Mobile Services Centre 移动业务中⼼
MSFN Maintenance Services Functional Number
MSISDN Mobile Station ISDN Number 移动台ISDN号码
MSRN Mobile Station Roaming Number移动台漫游号码
MT Mobile Termination 移动终端
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure平均故障间隔时间
MTC 移动终⽌的呼叫
MT/PP Mobile Terminated/Point-to-Point (short message) 移动台接收/点对点(短消息)
MTLN Maintenance Team Location Number 维护组位置号码
MTTR Mean Time To Restore
MVB Multi-function Vehicle Bus 多功能车辆总线
n Number of GSM NE’s in a Subnetwork of GSM PLMN
NDC National Destination Code
NE Network Element(BTS,BSC,MSC,etc.,for the GSM PLMN case)
NF Norme Francaise(French Standard)
NFN National Functional Number 国家功能号
NSS Network Sub-System ⽹络⼦系统
OMC Operation and Maintenance Centre 运⾏维护中⼼
OSI Open System Interconnection
OSS Operation Sub-System
PA Public Address 公共寻址
PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange 专⽤⾃动分⽀交换机
PDP Packet Data Protocol 分组数据协议
PIN Personal Identification Number 个⼈识别号
PLMN Public(or Private) Land Mobile Network 公众陆地移动⽹络
POTS Public Old Telecommunication System
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PTC Positive Train Control (主动式列车控制)
PTO Public Telecom Operator 公共电信操作员
P-T-P 点对点
PTT Push-To-Talk 按讲键
QoS Quality of Service 服务质量
R Reliability
RAC Railways Access Code 铁路接⼊号
RAM Reliability,Availability and Maintainability
RAN Railway Network
RBC Radio Block Centre ⽆线闭塞中⼼
RBS Radio Based System(基于⽆线的…系统)
RDTS Radio Data Transmission System(⽆线数据传输系统) RLL Radio in the Local Loop RN Running Number 车次号或铁路⽹
ROC Radio Object Controller(⽆线⽬标控制器)
RSN Railway Subscriber Number铁路⽤户号
