enduring = lasting
prevailing = generally accepted
incredible = impossible to believe
obsolete = out of date
suitable = appropriate
ambitious = impressive but difficult to 
take precedence over = have greater
 importance than
surplus = excess quantity
exhibits = displays
embody = incorporate
ultimately = eventually 
virtually = Nearly 
suspended = floating
replenished = restored
dramatic = striking
distinction = difference
rapport = bond
thrill = excitement
vitality = energy 
specified = stated
focused = concentrated
imminent = about to happen
refinement = improvement
scattered = widely separated
speculates=puts forward as a possibility
tremendous = enormous
hence = therefore
implement = put into effect 
particularly = especially
scarce = short in supply 
principally = mainly 
controversial = producing disagreement
induce = cause the formation of 
fuels = provides energy for
inevitable = certain 
accordingly = correspondingly
cluster = group
enormous = huge 
presumably = it is reasonable to assume 
pertinent = relevant
subdue = defeat 
coincides with = occurs at the same time as
justify = provide a rational basis for
promoted = encouraged 
hierarchical = having several levels of 
constituents = components
excavated = dug from the ground
characteristic = typical
alteration = modification 
henceforth = from this time on 
obliged = forced
launched = started 
ensure = guarantee
incited = stimulated 
substantial = considerable
outweighs = exceeds
collective = group
erecting = constructing 
consequent = resulting
reinforces = supports
devastate = destroy
simultaneously = at the same time
unintentional = unplanned
alternate = take turns at
regimes = governments
a surge of = a sudden increase in
synthesizing = combining
elevated = raised
In essence = Basically
feasible = practical
scale = size
advocated = promoted
fostered = encouraged
frigid = cold 
detected = discovered
extensive = large
accounts for = explains
remnants = remainders
remote = isolated
cited = mentioned
aggregations = groups
lateral = side
little short of miraculous = amazing because almost impossible
designation = identification
chaotic = disorganized 
retains = preserves
constant = continual
coalesced = collided
emitted = released
defining = identifying
domestic = household 
swift = fast
significant = considerable
modest = relatively small
consequently = Therefore
component = part
remarkable = extraordinary
confined to = limited to
relentless = unceasing
diffusion = spread
autonomous = independent
obliged = required
vast = huge
appreciated = approved
vicinity = surrounding area
accidental = by chance
modify = change
drastically = extensively
prohibit =prevent
ultimately = finally
kept pace with=matched the increase in
capacity = available storage space
inevitable = unavoidable
surpass = exceed
ponder = thought about
fundamental =basic
mandated = required
promoted = encouraged
signifying = indicating
ceased = stopped
dispersed = scattered
function = purpose
alleged = supposed
controversial = debatable
inconclusive = not decisive
elaborate = well developed
pioneered = introduced 
subsequent = later
comprised = consisted of
enhanced = improved
reinforce = strengthen
profound = intense
obsolete = out of date
obscure = little known
associates = connects
encompasses = includes
stationary = unmoving 
hence = therefore
irreversible = permanent
monumental = enormous
manipulate = skillfully used
pursue = prefer
subsistence = survival
exposed = unprotected 
with no warning = without any indication beforehand
congestion = overcrowding
altered = transformed
emitted = released
retarding = slowing
abundant = plentiful
sustain = support
pioneering = original
distinct = separate
enabling = allowing
restricted = limited
severity = harshness
congregate = gather
consequently = As a result
comprise = consist of
constituent = component
accessible的近义词predominate = are in the majority
gradual = slow
diffuse = spread
dispersed = scattered 
deficiencies = shortages
emerging = appearing
Besides = In addition to
preoccupation = concern
coupled with = combined with
autonomy = independence
conspicuous = easily noticed
endure = withstand
surplus = extra
task = requirement
unfavorable = disadvantageous
