People will be alert and receptive if they are faced with information that gets them to think about things they are interested in. And someone with a history of doing more rather than less will go into old age more cognitively sound than someone who has not had an active mind.
Many experts are so convinced of the benefits of challenging the brain that they are putting the theory to work in their own lives. “The idea is not necessarily to learn to memorize enormous amounts of information,“ says James Fozard, associate director of the National Institute on Aging.“Most of us don’t need that kind of skill. Such specific training is less interesting than being able to maintain mental alertness.“ Fozard and others say they challenge their brains with different mental skills, both because they enjoy them and because they are sure that their range of activities will help the way their brains work.
Gene Cohen, acting director of the same institute, suggests that people in their old age should engage in mental and physical
activities individually as well as in groups. Cohen says that we are frequently advised to keep physically active as weage, but older people need to keep mentally active as well. Those who do are more likely to
maintain their intellectual abilities and to be generally happier and better adjusted. “The point is, you need to do both,“Cohen says, “Intellectual activity actually influences braincell health and size.“
A.How biochemical changes occur in the human brain.
B.Why people should keep active not only physically but also mentally.
C.How intellectual activities influence braincell health. D.Why people should receive special mental training as they age.    1.People who are cognitively healthy are that _______.
alert怎么读A.who can remember large amounts of information
B.who are highly intelligent
C.whose minds are alert and receptive
D.who are good at recognizing different sounds
2.According to Fozard’s argument,people can make their brains work more efficiently by _______.
A.constantly doing memory work
B.taking part in various mental activities
C.going through specific training
D.making frequent adjustments
3.The findings of James and other scientists in their work _______. A.remain a theory to be further proved
B.have been challenged by many other experts
C.have been generally accepted
D.are practised by the researchers themselves
4.Older people are generally advised to________.
A.keep fit by going in for physical activities
B.keep mentally active by challenging their brains C.maintain mental alertness through specific training D.maintain a balance between individual and group activities 5.What is the passage mainly
1. 第2段推论,一个过去乐于思索的人,当他进入老年时,将比一个缺少乐观动脑习惯的人有较健全的认知力量。答案是选项C。
2. 依据第3段,Fozard的论点有的以直接引语形式消失,也有的以间接引语形式消失,例如第3段的 ... they challenge their brains ..., both because ... and because ... 一句便是间接引语。选项B是答案。
3. 据第3段的第1句话“很多专家信任常常刺激大脑是有好处的,于是他们要把这一理论在他们自己的生活中付诸实施。”这说明这种理论还不曾被前人验证过,这种理论正是他们讨论的成果。答案是选项D。
4. 第4段第5行的we are frequently advised ... 一句,自然会明白答案是A项。
5. 本文中心思想是为什么在保持身体活力的同时,还必需保持大脑的活力,由于身心安康是一个统一体。答案是选项B。
