机密Private &Confidential Appilcation Form/Personnel Record
Please Complete Neatly (English preferred )
申请何职Position Applied for
其它感兴趣的职位Other Position (s)of Interest
期望工资额Salary Expected
可上任日期Date Available to Start
可否上夜班/倒班Are You Available to Work Night /Rotating Shifts
中文姓名 Chinese Name 英文姓名 English Name 出生日期 Date of Birth 年龄 Age
身份证号码 I. D.Card NO. 身高 Height(m) 体重 Weight(Kg)
婚姻状况Marital Status 教育程度Education 性别Sex 民族Nationality 籍贯Origin
政治面貌Political Status 户口所在地Place Of Resident 户口性质Resident Status
现家庭住址Permanent Home Address 邮编Post Code 职称Professional Title
(宅)Tel . NO.(Home) 是否有住房Own House(Y/N)
紧急情况时联系人Person to Contact in Case of Emergency
姓名Name 关系Relationship 电话Telephone NO .
什么兴趣爱好What Personal Interests or Hobbies Do You Engage in ? |
教育及培训情况(包括出国培训)EDUCATION&TRAINNING (including overseas experience)
学校名称 Name of School ,or University or Other Training Bodies | 从何时 Form (Date) | 至何时 To (Date) | 专业 Major Course or Study | 取得何学历证书 Degree or Certificate Obtained | ||
内部使用 OFFICEUSEONLY | ||||||
1、学历 Education Background | A、大学University B、大专Institution (2or 3years) C、职业学校Vocational School D、中学Middle School | 10 8 7 30 |
2、工作经验 Stable Working Experience | A 、接待业(限四星级酒店)Hospitality-3Star hotels only B、合资酒店Joint Venture Hotel C、当地酒店Local Hotel | 20 15 10 |
3、语言水平 Language Fluency | A、英语English B、日语Japenese C、其它Other | 10 10 5 |
总分(满分100分) Total (Possibie ) | ||
请评定Please rate :1、优秀 Excellent 2、良好 Good 3、普通Fair 4、略差Poor
因素Factors | 面试1st Interview | 面试2 2nd Interview | 面试3 3rd Interview |
自信Self -confidence | |||
志向Ambition | |||
活力Energy Level | |||
表达能力Ability to express | |||
服务意识Orientation | |||
果断性Decisiveness | |||
外观/身体语言 Presentation/Body Language | |||
工作知识/技能 Job Knowledge /Skill | |||
总体性格Overall Personality | |||
全面评价General comments | |||
Name : Signature : Date : | Name : Signature : Date : | Name : Signature : Date : | |
Approval For Employment 雇佣许可
Job Title 职务名称 Staff Category员工级别 Department Section 部门
Salary/(during probation )工资/试用工资 Salary/(after probation )工资/试用期后position职位
Commencement Date 到职日期 Confirmed 确认
Department/Division Head’s Signatures 部门经理签字
Administrative Office 办公室签字
Accounting Head 财务部签字 General Manager’s Signature 总经理签字
父亲姓名Father’s Name 年龄Age 单位名称、电话Company Name &Tel .NO.
母亲姓名Mother’s Name 年龄 Age 单位名称、电话Company Name &Tel .NO.
兄弟几个NO. of Brothers 妹几个NO. of sisters 孩子几个NO. of Children
配偶姓名Spouse’s Name 单位名称、电话Company Name &Tel .NO.
孩子姓名Children Name 出生日期Birth Date 性别Sex
学校或单位School or Company Name
Have you ever been give an award ?
Have you ever been discharged from employment .of yes ,please explain .
Name two of your most substantial accomplishments .
What are your strongest personal strengths and weaknesses ?
Have you had any serious illness, injury or operation within the last 5years ?If so ,describe .
I authorizeMIRAGE Hotel to secure any information regarding myself and I hereby release any person ,firm or institution of all liability for any damage whatever issuing from such information .I further declare that the statements made by me in this application are true ,complete and correct and that I am prepared to undergo medical examination .A false statement or dishonest answer to any question may be grounds for my immediate discharge discharge from employment with Heqing Hotel without any compensation or notice in lieu .