ACSE Association Control Service Element
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation number one
BER Basic Encoding Rules
CMIP Common Management Information Protocol
COM Common Management
DN Distinguished Name
EFD Event Forwarding Discriminator
FRI First Research Institute of MPT
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FU Functional Unit
GDMO Guide line for Definitions of Managed Object
LDN Local Distinguished Name
MCB Mobile Communication Bureau
MFA Management Function Area
OID Object Identifier
RDN Relative Distinguished Name
AC Authentication Center 鉴权中心
Alternate Current 交流
ACCH Associated Control Channel 随路控制信道
ACOM Antenna Combiner 天线合路器
ADPCM Adaptive PCM 自适应脉冲编码调制AGCH Access Grant Channel 准予接续信道
APC Automatic Power Control 自动功率控制
APS APPlication Program System 应用程序系统
ASE Application Service Element 应用业务单元
BBSIG BaseBand and Signal processing 基带和信号处理
BCCH Broadcast Control Channel 广播控制信道
BCD Binary Coded Decimal 二/十进制代码
BCH Bose—Chaudhuri—Hoc—quenghem 一种以三人之姓命名的码型BER Bit Error Rate 比特设码率
BHCA Busy Hour Call Attempts 忙时呼叫尝试
BSC Base Station Controller 控制器
BSCI BSC Interface BSC的接口
BSIC Base Station Identity Code 识别码
BSS Base Station System 系统
BSSMAP BSS Management Application Part BSS管理应用部分BSSOMAP BSS operation and Maintenance BSS操作和维护应用部分Application Part
BTS Base Transceiver Station 收发信机
BTSM BTS Site Management BTS的站址管理
CBCH Cell Broadcast Control Channel 小区广播控制信道
CBSM Cell Broadcast Short Message 小区广播短消息
CC Calling Control 呼叫控制
Cell Radio cell 蜂窝小区
CCIR International Radio Consultative 国际无线电咨询委员会Committee
CCITT International Telegraph and 国际电报电话咨询委员会Telephone Consultative Committee
CCSS7Common channel Signaling No.7共路信令系统System No.7 (CCS7或CSS7)CEPT Conference of European Postand 欧洲邮政和电信行政会议Telecommunication Administration
CM Communication Management 通信管理
CM Call Management 呼叫管理
CMCC China Mobile Communications Corp.中国移动通信总公司CMIP Common Management Information 公共管理信息协议Protocol
CMISE Common Management Information 公共管理信息业务单元Service Element
CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理单元
CRC Cyclical Redundancy Correction 循环冗余校验
DAL Data Access Layer 数据接入层
DC Direct Current 直流
DCCH Dedicated Control Channel 专用控制信道
DCM DataConversion Module 数据转换模块
DCN Data Communication Network 数据通信网
DDN Digital Data Network 数字数据网
DLCI Digital Link Connection Identity 数据链路连接证实
DSP Digital Signal Processor 数字信号处理器
DTAP Direct Transfer Application Part 直接传送应用部分DTMF Dual Tone Multi~frequency 双音多频
DTX Discontinuous transmission 非连续发信
EIR Equipment Identification Register设备识别登记器
EMC Elctromagnetic Compatibility 电磁兼容性
EMI Elctromagnetic Interference 电磁干扰
ETSI European Telecommunication 欧洲电信标准协会Standard Institute
FACCH Fast Associated Control Channel 快速随路控制信道FCCH Frequency Correction Channel 频率校正信道
FCS Frame check sequence 帧校验序列
FT A Final Type Approval 最终型号批准
FT AM File Transfer ,Access and 文件传输、接入及使用Manipulation
IT A Interim Type Approval 中间型号批准
GMCC Guang Dong Mobile Communications CorP. 广东移动公司
GMSC Gateway Mobile Switch Center 网关交换机(GSM网与
PSTN间的交换机)GMSK Goussion Filtered MSK 高斯滤波最小移频键控
GPSU General Power Supply Unit 通用功率电源单元
HC/HY Hybrid Combiner 混合桥型合路器
HLR Home Locate Register 归属位置登记器
HO Hand Over 越区切换
HSTP High_Level Signal Transfer Point 一级信令转接点
HW Hardware 硬件
IC Incoming Calls 入局呼叫
IMEI Internatial Mobile Station Equipment Identity 国际移动设备识别码IMSI International Mobile Station 国际移动台识别号码Identity
I/0InPut/OutPut 输入/输出
ISDN Integrated Service Digital 综合业务数字网
ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织
ITU International Telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟
IWE Inter-working EquiPment 互连设备
IWF Inter一working Function 互连功能
ITU International Telecommunication Union国际电信联盟
LAC Local Area Code 位置区码
LAI Local Area Identity 位置区域识别码
register的名词LAPB Link Access Protocol for B一B通道链路接续规约channelB
LAPD Link Access Protocol for D—D通道链路接续规约channeID
LI Link Interface/Line Interface 链路接口/线路接口
LMT Local Maintenance Terminal 本地维护终端
LMSI Local Mobile Station Identity 本地移动台识别码
LNA Low Noise Amplifier 低噪声放大器
L-NMS Local-Network Management System 本地网络管理系统LSPC Local Signal Point Code 本地信令点编码
LSTP Local signal Transfer Point 二级信令转接点MAP Mobile Application Part 移动应用部分
MCC Mobile Country Code 移动业务国家号码MLSE Maximum Likelihood Sequence 最大似然序列估算
MM Mobility Management 移动性管理
MMI Man Machine Interface 人机界面
MNC Mobile Network Code 移动网号码
MOC Mobile Originating Call 移动主叫
MS Mobile Station 移动台
MSC Mobile一service Switching Center 移动业务交换中心MSIN Mobile Statation Identification Number移动占识别码
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure 平均无故障时间
MTC Mobile Terminating Call 移动被叫
MTP Message Transfer Part 消息传输部分
MP Micro Processor 微处理器
