
1.It appears that he has many friends. The italicized part is ______.
A. the subject B. the object C. the adverbial D. the complement

解析:[解析] 语法功能题。在这句话里It是形式主语,真正的主语应该是that he has many friends.因此正确答案是A:the subject。
2.Which of the following adverbs can NOT be used to complete "Please come ______ I have something to tell you. "?
A. over B. here C. close D. closely

解析:[解析] 副词辨析题。closely意思是“紧密地,细心地,严密地”,用在句中不符合句意,故选D。而come over表示“过来”;come here表示“来这儿”;come close表示“靠近一点”,故A、B以及C都可以填入句中以构成完整的句子。
3.______ that the pilot couldn't fly through it.
A. The storm so severe was B. So severe was the storm
C. So the storm was severe D. Such was the storm severe

解析:[解析] 倒装结构题。在so...句型中如果so被提到句首,紧随其后的应是so修饰的那个形容词或副词,so所在的那句话的主谓应倒装,所以选B。
4.The company ______ a rise in salary for its sales managers, but nothing has happened yet.
A. is promised B. has been promising
C. is promising D. promised

解析:[解析] 动词时态题。由后半句用现在完成时表明这个承诺一直存在,只是还没有兑现,由此可知,前半句应用现在完成进行时,故B正确。
5.He made it clear that he didn't want to talk to me. The italicized part is ______.
A. the subject B. the object C. the adverbial D. the complement

解析:[解析] 语法功能题。在这句话中it是形式宾语,真正的宾语应该是that he didn't want to talk to me,因此正确答案应该是B。
6.Which of the following sentences is Complex Sentence?
A. Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.
B. Hurry up, it's getting late.
C. Come again when you are free.
D. The students crowded into the classroom, singing and dancing.

解析:[解析] 语法题。有一个或更多的成分由从句担任的句子是复合句。A是并列句;B是
用逗号隔开的分句;C是复合句,其中when you are free是时间状语从句;D是含非谓语动词的句子,但不是复合句。故应选C。
7.The son wanted to take less money ______ put his parents to the trouble of fetching more.
A. to B. rather C. than D. rather than

register的名词解析:[解析] 句子结构题。根据句子已有部分判断take与。put应是并列关系;to,rather,than在意义和搭配上都不符合,只有rather than可以用来连接两个并列成分,表示在两者中进行选择,表示“宁愿……而不愿……”,故选D。
8.It is of no use ______ with him.
A. to argue B. argue C. arguing D. to have argued

解析:[解析] 固定搭配题。It's of no use to do sth. 是固定句型,相当于It's no use doing sth. ,表示“做某事毫无意义,无济于事”。
9.Then ______ we had been looking forward to.
A. came the hour B. the hour came C. comes the hour D. the hour is coming

解析:[解析] 倒装结构题。英语中有这样一类句子要完全倒装:副词或介词短语作状语位
10.This kind of work is hard and dangerous. But ______ you would become rich.
A. would you succeed B. could you succeed
C. might you succeed D. should you succeed

解析:[解析] 虚拟语气题。本题考查“if...,...”的虚拟语气,在省略if的情况下要把should提前至句首,故选D。
11.He ______ ten lectures on American history, but he only gave two because of his illness.
A. might have given B. could have given C. should have given D. must have given

解析:[解析] 情态动词题。might have done表示“过去可能发生的事情”,实际上没有发生,含有责难之意;could have done表示“过去能做某事而实际上没做”,含有遗憾之意;should have done表不“过去本应该做某事”,但事实上未做;must have done表示对过去情况肯定的推测,意为“肯定做过某事”。根据句意应选C。
12.What does "It is a good book save for the last chapter. " mean?
A. It is a good book because of the last chapter.
B. The last chapter is the only good part in the book.
C. All the important information in the book is in the last chapter.
D. This is a good book except for the last chapter.

解析:[解析] 句子理解题。save for作为介词,意思是“除了,除……之外”,因此这句话的意思应该是“除了最后一章,这本书是一本好书”。所以正确答案是D。
13.The sentence that expresses REQUEST is ______.
A. Pass me the salt, please. B. Be careful with the glasses.
C. Don't speak rudely! D. I want to know your address.

解析:[解析] 句式理解题。A:Pass me the salt, please. 意为“请将盐递给我”,表示请求;B:Be careful with the glasses. 意为“小心玻璃”,表示叮嘱;C:Don't speak rudely!意为“说话要文明有礼!”,表示“命令”;D:I want to know your address. 意为“我想要你的地址”,只是表示陈述。故选A。
14.It was reported that only one passenger was fortunate to escape ______ in the plane crash.
A. killing B. to be killed C. being killed D. having killed

解析:[解析] 非谓语动词题。escape只能接名词或动名词作宾语,并且根据句意动名词应使用被动语态,所以选C。
15.If you had worked hard, you ______ so anxious now.
A. would not have been B. would not be
C. will not be D. will not have been

解析:[解析] 虚拟语气题。本题考查虚拟语气的错综时间条件句,从句是对过去事实的虚拟,用had done,主句是对现在事实的虚拟,用would do,所以选B。
