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自20世纪50年代乔姆斯基发表《句法结构》一书以来,他所引领的转换生成语言学在语言学界掀起了轩然大波,而作为该语言学派之灵魂和核心的普遍语法理论更是受到了普遍的关注,不管支持者或反对者,都不乏其人。陈述者以V.J.Cook & Mark Newson对普遍语法重要
SISU Forum, First Week, New Semester, 2009
On October 29th, 2009, Linguistic forum of SISU Forum was held in the Meeting room on t
he sixth floor of SISU Library. Hosted by Prof. Zhao Yanchun, this weekly forum concentrates on UG or not UG—That’s a Question, lectured by Wei Chunyan. The present guests range from Doctor Zhang Hong from GDUFS, Dr Jiang Meng, Mr. Jiang Meng & Yi Zengquan and Miss. Xiao Xian to postgraduates of varied grades.
Universal grammar (UG), as the cornerstone of the transformational grammar leaded by N. Chomsky, has been greatly noticed and disputed ever since its appearance. Presenter Wei introduced and expounded UG theory from the following aspects: its linguistic tradition, a general introduction to UG, the disapproval voices, and her own view on UG and questions for further discussion. The main content goes as follows:
UG theory, as one of the most important parts in the linguistic tradition in which linguistic universals are pursued, was a scientific hypothesis put forward by N. Chomsky aimed to explore the essence of human language—what are its component parts, how is it acquired and used, etc. Despite the supports and admirations from a body of scholars, UG is greatly challenged in at least three aspects: challenges to the subsystems of UG, UG as the essen
tial factor for human to acquire human language, and UG’s basic content—the faculty of language (FL for short). Based on thorough analysis, Miss Wei came to the conclusion that among all those challenges, except those still being disputed, most of them are proposed merely out of local considerations, and thus could not threaten UG theory in an essential sense. Dbasic语言是一种espite all this, UG gives a sensible but rather rough explanation to language acquisition. In addition, Miss Wei reckoned that the division by Chomsky between Faculty of language in a broad sense and narrow sense (FLB & FLN) negated the human-specific property of FL, thus inclined to make an impact on the UG theory to some degree.
In the discussion section, Zhi Binsheng recognized the existence of UG but doubted its significance in linguistic research, which was challenged by Wei Chunyan and Ye Youzhen. Wang Mingcan stated his idea that Chomsky’s UG had already pulled itself above the confinement between rationalism and empiricism and that FL was a computational system in a true sense. Dr. Jang Meng introduced three main hypotheses about Modularity Theory and distinguished the meaning of UG in two different levels. Mr Zhang Jing thought it was of vital importance for us to figure it out that the universal properties of human language ca
me from human’s endowed capability or the data appearing in the process of parameters-setting, to which Pro. Zhao held that they were innate in human’s species-specific ability. More than that, he insisted that the major distinction between human and animals lay in the fact that human language was blessed with what lacked in animas’ sound — compositionality — which ultimately resulted in the properties that was specific to human beings: the hierarchical and recursive characteristics of human language.
By Choey Wei
October, 29th, 2009
主题:普遍语法 ——一个备受争议的话题
乔姆斯基的“普遍语法”(Universal Grammar)理论的中心思想是人脑有一种先天的特定结构或属性,即语言习得机制,它是人类学会使用语言的内因。普遍语法是乔姆斯基语法理论的核心,是对传统观念的一种挑战。研究普遍语法理论对进一步理解人类大脑如何形成语言能力具有重大意义。
主讲人首先以V. J. Cook & Mark Newson对乔姆斯基普遍语法的一段重要评论开始了对备受争议的普遍语法的陈述:
The idea of Universal Grammar (UG) put forward by Noam Chomsky has been a crucial driving force in linguistics. Whether linguistics agree with it or nor, they have defined themselves by their reactions to it, not only in terms of general concepts of language and la
nguage acquisition, but also in how they carry out linguistic description. From 1960s to 1980s, UG became a flash-point for disciplines outside linguistics such as psychology, computer parsing of language ands first language acquisition, even if theses areas have tended to lose contact in recent years.